brave.com › glossary › user-agent
User Agent Meaning & Definition | Brave
August 2, 2024 - However, when combined with other ... that’s unique to you, and degrade your online privacy. The Brave browser generates user agent strings that set nonessential data elements to more general values....
reddit.com › r/brave_browser › about user agent
r/brave_browser on Reddit: About User Agent

I'm not entirely sure, but I think the current user agent is a deliberate decision to maximize website compatibility, so Brave doesn't get blocked.

Different browser, but here's a good explanation on why Vivaldi changed its user agent a few years back. It's a good read and I imagine the same reasons apply to Brave as well: https://vivaldi.com/blog/user-agent-changes/


When will Brave get it's own User Agent?

🌐 community.brave.com
February 23, 2021
I think it’s high time, brave needs its own User-Agent and new users will look at Brave more like a chrome clone as it doesn’t even have its own User-Agent. It would also help make Brave’s market share visible to really see the growth state of the browser. More on community.brave.com

How do i Permanently change user-agent? (Not developer tools)

🌐 community.brave.com
November 17, 2020
So i know how to change user agent using developer tools but that is only for the current tab that is open. How do i change user agent permanently? firefox useragent can be changed using about:config, but how do i do it for brave? i don’t know anything about coding/programming so need steps. More on community.brave.com

Windows 11 user agent

🌐 community.brave.com
July 15, 2023
I have upgraded to a new computer to Windows 11. I see the user agent for Brave returns windows 10 still… Is this going to be updated to cover 11 or am I missing something? Thanks in advance! John More on community.brave.com

Brave user agent incorrect

🌐 community.brave.com
October 26, 2024
I was wondering why I was downloading the wrong apps for my machine and looked up my user agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 I haven’t owned an Intel machine in a while. More on community.brave.com
Brave Community
community.brave.com › feedback › browser feedback
Configure user agent - Browser Feedback - Brave Community
October 12, 2019 - When I check my user agent, it’s very verbose showing both my device, language and browser. This makes it very easy to track! Could you please add an option to set a custom user agent, perhaps with some stock options such as chrome? This would increase privacy.
Brave Community
community.brave.com › browser support › web compatibility
When will Brave get it's own User Agent? - Web Compatibility - ...
February 23, 2021 - I do know a few people have asked this already but it’s been at least 1 year and we are not getting a clear answer for this question. Does brave have its own UA now or still doesn’t have its own UA? I think it’s high time, brave needs its own User-Agent and new users will look at Brave ...
Brave Community
community.brave.com › browser support › desktop support
How do i Permanently change user-agent? (Not developer tools) - ...
November 17, 2020 - So i know how to change user agent using developer tools but that is only for the current tab that is open. How do i change user agent permanently? firefox useragent can be changed using about:config, but how do i do it for brave? i don’t know anything about coding/programming so need steps.
Brave Community
community.brave.com › brave feature requests › desktop requests
Windows 11 user agent - Desktop Requests - Brave Community
July 15, 2023 - I have upgraded to a new computer to Windows 11. I see the user agent for Brave returns windows 10 still… Is this going to be updated to cover 11 or am I missing something? Thanks in advance! John
github.com › brave › brave-browser › issues › 29048
User Agent String doesn't have unique information about browser ...
March 13, 2023 - Description The user agent string doesn't have any information about browser is actually a Brave. Steps to Reproduce Open develop tools Type navigator.userAgent Enter Actual result: It shows Mo...
51degrees.com › blog › detect-brave-browser
Detect Brave Browser and version | 51Degrees
May 22, 2024 - Most browsers show their names in the User-Agent. But Brave is different and will instead appear as Google Chrome. In this blog, we’ll cover how to detect Brave.
Brave Community
community.brave.com › t › brave-user-agent-incorrect › 583162
Brave user agent incorrect - Brave Community
October 26, 2024 - I was wondering why I was downloading the wrong apps for my machine and looked up my user agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 I haven’t owned an Intel machine in a while.
Find elsewhere
Brave Community
community.brave.com › feedback › browser feedback
Configure user agent - #2 by dnarby - Browser Feedback - Brave ...
September 22, 2019 - It would be very helpful to be able to change the User Agent in Brave in settings to present at whatever browser you wished to avoid annoyances like this (and also to remember the settings for the specific pages). There is a similar topic open, don’t know if we can consolidate Change user agent...
chromewebstore.google.com › detail › user-agent-switcher › dbclpoekepcmadpkeaelmhiheolhjflj
User-Agent Switcher - Chrome Web Store
There are 26 popular user-agent strings to choose from. To work with this addon, please open the toolbar popup and click on the desired user-agent button. Within the toolbar popup, the top row is for mobile user agents, 2nd row is for desktop user agents and the last row is for selecting operating ...
github.com › brave › brave-browser › issues › 28939
Implement user agent customization (change user agent feature) ...
July 3, 2023 - OS/AndroidFixes related to Android browser functionalityFixes related to Android browser functionality · hrrd · opened · on Mar 7, 2023 · to change the user agent to a different user agent string as the default one. Brave 1.48.171 · like bromite implementation for example ·
plugins.matomo.org › BraveDetector
Brave Detector - Matomo Plugins Marketplace
June 15, 2023 - Simple plugin that adds the Brave User Agent to tracking requests when detected. ... This is a simple plugin that forces the tracking of Brave browsers by overwriting the User Agent sent with each tracking request when the Brave browser is detected.
Brave Community
community.brave.com › browser support › web compatibility
Brave Browser User-Agent - Web Compatibility - Brave Community
December 10, 2019 - You guys had a User-Agent of your own in the first few months of Brave browser existence, but it was removed in April 2016. Therefore it is not possible to detect newer versions of Brave. Knowing how many users of my website are using Brave could be beneficial for my promotional tactics.
Brave Community
community.brave.com › brave feature requests
Please make Brave randomize the user agent! - Brave Feature Requests ...
August 13, 2022 - Former Title before conversion to Feature Request topic: Why doesn’t Brave randomize the user agent? My UA is extremely unique (less than 0.01%). I am testing Brave’s fingerprint etc, considering moving all my browsing activities over to Brave (mainly because i like the ethos of the company ...
Brave Community
community.brave.com › browser support › mobile support
Change user agent in Brave Android Browser - Mobile Support - Brave ...

@poxion I think by enabling Script blocker for Google via Brave icon at URL bar will give you the “expected result”.

Answer from eljuno on community.brave.com
Stack Overflow
stackoverflow.com › questions › 36523448 › how-do-i-tell-if-a-user-is-using-brave-as-their-browser
How do I tell if a user is using Brave as their browser?

As of April 2020, you can use this detection method to get a boolean answer to whether the user is using Brave or not:

(navigator.brave && await navigator.brave.isBrave() || false)
Answer from Daniel on stackoverflow.com
whatmyuseragent.com › browser › br › brave
Brave - WhatMyUserAgent.com
Latest Brave versions: · Brave 131 · Brave 130 · Brave 129 · Brave 128 · Brave 127 · Brave 126 · Brave 125 · Brave 124 · Brave 123
github.com › brave › brave-browser › issues › 1052
Provide a Brave-specific User Agent for some sites · Issue #1052 ...
September 9, 2018 - Updated description There should be a way to share a Brave-specific User Agent We currently do this with our "site hacks": https://github.com/brave/brave-core/blob/66ceaf3491778f7d9a62f215c8fb47b318c9b181/browser/net/brave_site_hacks_net...
reddit.com › r/brave_browser › when is brave going to have it's own useragent?
r/brave_browser on Reddit: When is Brave going to have it's own ...
December 18, 2020 - Oh ok, because I felt it would be better if Brave doesent count to Chrome's marketshare and inflating the users of chrome even though we technically aren't using chrome. ... Agreed, additionally user agent isn’t everything. There are numerous other ways to figure out if a browser is chrome ...