en.wikipedia.org › wiki › War_crimes_in_the_Syrian_civil_war
War crimes in the Syrian civil war - Wikipedia
4 days ago - The SOHR attributed 83,500 civilian deaths to the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and its allies, including Russia; 7,000 to Syrian rebels and allied forces; 3,700 to Islamic State (IS) organization; 920 to the U.S.-led coalition; and 500 to Turkey.
ecchr.eu › en › case › torture-under-the-assad-regime
ECCHR: Torture under the Assad regime
The Syrian government led by president Bashar al-Assad is responsible for systematic and widespread torture targeting opponents and activists not only as a reaction to the protests in 2011. There are currently only a few avenues left to prosecute international crimes committed in Syria.

Russia says Bashar al-Assad has 'stepped down and left Syria'

🌐 r/worldnews
2 weeks ago

"Assad said through an intermediary that he had grown bored with running a country and decided to voluntarily step down and spend time with family and take up fly fishing."

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How evil was Bashar al-Assad?

🌐 r/SocialDemocracy
2 weeks ago

His regime gassed and tortured civilians, and then Assad's forces fought a grinding civil war for like 13 years. I'd put him maybe one rung down below Saddam Hussein, because Hussein was very much an expansionist and Assad "merely" wanted to keep a stranglehold on Syria itself.

Edit- As another commentor pointed out, the Assad regime very much had imperialist ambitions.

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Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has left Damascus to an unknown destination, say two senior army officers

🌐 r/worldnews
2 weeks ago

According to LiveUAMap and Al-Hadath sources, Syrian Army command notified its forces that the regime has fallen.

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Former Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his family have left Syria

🌐 r/syriancivilwar
2 weeks ago

Please don't tease me.

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Le Monde
lemonde.fr › a la une › international › syria
Syria: officials of Bashar al-Assad's ousted regime on trial in ...
3 days ago - As in France, legal proceedings have been initiated or completed in a number of European countries against former officials of Bashar al-Assad's Syrian regime. A 36-year-old Syrian doctor, known as M. by the German media, accused of crimes against humanity, accompanied by his lawyer during ...
bbc.com › news › articles › cjdnydl594do
Syria: Inside the abandoned homes of Assad's enforcers
1 day ago - He was reportedly given the nickname "black box" because of his control over sensitive information. He was sentenced alongside Hassan by French judges this year for war crimes, and is also wanted in Lebanon for two explosions in 2012 in the city of Tripoli that killed and wounded dozens.
France 24
france24.com › home › middle east › syria undertakes daunting task of documenting scale of the assad regime’s crimes
Syria undertakes daunting task of documenting scale of the Assad ...
1 week ago - The fall of Bashar al-Assad has created a historic opportunity to gather direct evidence of the crimes committed by the Syrian regime, which investigators have been unable to do until now. After 50 years…
justice.gov › opa › pr › criminal-charges-unsealed-against-two-former-high-ranking-syrian-government-intelligence
Office of Public Affairs | Criminal Charges Unsealed Against Two ...
2 weeks ago - An indictment was unsealed today in the Northern District of Illinois charging two high-ranking Syrian officials under former President Bashar al-Assad with war crimes. The indictment charges the former Syrian intelligence officials with engaging in a conspiracy to commit cruel and inhuman ...
France ONU
onu.delegfrance.org › bashar-al-assad-is-guilty-of-war-crimes
"Bashar Al-Assad is guilty of war crimes" - France ONU
March 24, 2022 - To ignore these crimes is to call into question the possibility of a lasting peace. This is why France opposes efforts at normalisation.
globalr2p.org › home › publications › statement on the developing situation in syria
Statement on the developing situation in Syria - Global Centre ...
2 weeks ago - For nearly 14 years the Syrian people have suffered unimaginable horrors as the government, led by President Bashar al-Assad, perpetrated crimes against humanity and war crimes, brazenly violating countless international norms and treaties. For millions of Syrians the overthrow of the Assad ...
Find elsewhere
amnesty.org › latest › news › 2024 › 12 › syria historic opportunity to end and redress decades of grave human rights violations under president assad must be seized
Historic opportunity to end decades of human rights violations ...
2 weeks ago - Under the rule of Bashar al-Assad, ... human suffering on a vast scale. This included attacks with chemical weapons, barrel bombs, and other war crimes, as well as murder, torture, enforced disappearance and extermination that amount to crimes against humanity....
Atlantic Council
atlanticcouncil.org › home › in france, it is no longer taboo to prosecute sitting heads of state like bashar al-assad
In France, it is no longer taboo to prosecute sitting heads of ...
September 5, 2024 - The court also concluded that “insofar as it seems obvious that Syria will never prosecute Bashar al-Assad for these crimes, that it will never waive the personal immunity of its President, and insofar as no international courts have jurisdiction, Syria not being a party to the Rome Statute, ...
NBC News
nbcnews.com › news › world › syria-mass-graves-assad-show-worst-abuses-nazis-rcna184644
Syrian mass graves show the worst abuses 'since the Nazis,' top ...
Mass graves uncovered in Syria in the days since President Bashar al-Assad was overthrown are exposing evidence of some of the worst abuses since the Nazis, a top international war crimes prosecutor said.
Published: 4 days ago
New York Post
nypost.com › 2024 › 12 › 21 › opinion › syrian-mass-grave-is-the-result-of-ignoring-real-evil-and-bashing-israel-instead
Syria’s mass grave: What do you expect when you ignore REAL evil ...
1 day ago - Since 2012, Assad is suspected of torturing and killing possibly hundreds of thousands of his own citizens and foes. It’s a testament to his depravity, following in the footsteps of his father, Hafez al-Assad, who similarly slayed dissenters with abandon. “We really haven’t seen anything ...
AP News
apnews.com › article › syria-france-assad-war-crimes-arrest-warrant-d64d25b39801dafdcbe031558b52b81b
Paris court upholds validity of France's arrest warrant for Syrian ...
June 26, 2024 - The Paris appeals court has ruled that an international arrest warrant for Syrian President Bashar Assad issued by France for alleged complicity in war crimes during Syria’s civil war is valid and remains in place.
Le Monde
lemonde.fr › a la une › france › french justice
French arrest warrant for Bashar al-Assad challenged in Paris appeals ...
May 17, 2024 - The French National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor's Office has requested that the arrest warrant, issued in November 2023, be annuled, on the grounds of absolute personal immunity for sitting heads of state.
The Guardian
theguardian.com › world › 2023 › nov › 15 › french-court-arrest-warrant-bashar-al-assad-crimes-against-humanity-syria
French court issues arrest warrant for Bashar al-Assad for complicity ...
November 28, 2023 - Campaigners seeking justice for ... the subject of an arrest warrant in another country for crimes against humanity. “The French judiciary’s issuance of arrest warrants against the head of state, Bashar al-Assad, and his associates constitutes a historic judicial ...
bbc.com › news › articles › c62w5q52pngo
BBC witnesses Saydnaya prison's foul and pestilent atmosphere
6 days ago - Just being in Saydnaya's cells ... in the Assad regime's crimes. A group of men gathered in the prison yard, smoking silently, some leafing through files that they had picked up off the ground. All those I spoke to said that the future must be built on justice for the past. The men in the group, all looking for missing, sons, brothers and cousins, called Saydnaya a mass grave. They want the head of Bashar al-Assad, ...
nytimes.com › world › middle east
Revenge and Unease Shadow Effort to Restore Order - The New York Times
1 week ago - Ahmed al-Shara, the leader of the Islamist group that orchestrated the fall of President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, promised to hold the remnants of the old regime accountable for their crimes in a post on social media, and asked for international help to track them down.
Global News
globalnews.ca › news › 10092901 › france-arrest-warrants-syrian-president-war-crimes
France issues war crimes arrest warrants for Syria’s Bashar ...
November 16, 2023 - More than 1,000 people were killed with chemical weapons in two attacks in 2013. France issued war crime arrest warrants for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.