amnesty.org › latest › news › 2024 › 03 › 22 years of justice denied
22 years of justice denied - Amnesty International
March 22, 2024 - I am still there 22 years later. I lost everything there. Guantanamo is a facility created for torture, abuse, and targeting of Muslims. It’s a crime against humanity. People died there. People were tortured. People were paralyzed. All kinds of torture, abuse, physical, mental, psychological. There were beatings. There are ...
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › List_of_Guantanamo_Bay_detainees
List of Guantanamo Bay detainees - Wikipedia
August 24, 2024 - The names of several hundred prisoners who had been released prior to the commencement of the CSRTs were not released. The list did not specify whether the prisoners were still in detention at Guantanamo; whether they had been determined to be "enemy combatants"; whether they were released, ...

I was a guard at Guantanamo when it opened in 2002 and I believe it should be closed down.

🌐 r/IAmA
May 16, 2013
Was thinking of speaking out a popular opinion amongst people who worked there? ... I never and still to this day have no spoken to my family about my time in Guantanamo or Iraq. The things my family knows is everything they have read in the media or interview I did on TV over the years. I find it easier to speak with complete strangers about the things I took part in or witnessed then my family. At the time I was there no one had thought about speaking out, but so many years later there are ... More on reddit.com

Is the US still torturing people in Guantanamo Bay?

🌐 r/OutOfTheLoop
81% Upvoted
October 12, 2015

Well, by US law, what goes on there isn't torture, so, using that legal definition, no one is being tortured there; They under go 'Enhanced interrogation".

if you want to know if the The interrogation methods (regarded as torture by a lot of the rest of the world and UN) are still happening, we don't really know :/ Best info I can find says between 70-100 ish terror suspects are currently held there ( even this isn't 100%) and all the info I can find (only using sites that have a clear source of info) kinda boils down to no one really thinks anyone held there right now has information of enough value to use such tactics. But all this is very murky; Lots of false/speculated info presented as fact from both sides of the issue

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China Says Guantanamo Bay Real 'Detention Camp' for Muslims

🌐 r/worldnews
January 14, 2022

Nonsense. We have non-Muslims there too!

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ELI5: Why Guantanamo Bay is such a controversial issue

🌐 r/explainlikeimfive
December 9, 2010

The president decided that a terrorist could not be tried in either the military court or the United States court system. For several reasons, including the the part where we can't torture enemies in the United States. He came up with this brilliant idea that if we created a whole separate prison for those that are deemed terrorists and they are not in the United States criminal system nor are they in the military system certain rules can be broken and other laws and penalties can be made for them. The problem with this is that a lot of people dont agree with what happening, obviously. Although President Bush has said that the certain techniques used in Guantanamo bay have proven very helpful, it is ultimately unconstitutional. To add onto this if president feels that anyone is a threat to the united states he can make the decision to send them to Guantanamo Bay under ANY circumstance.

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npr.org › 2022 › 01 › 11 › 1072183473 › the-future-of-guantanamo-bay-detention-camp-and-the-39-prisoners-still-there
The future of Guantanamo Bay detention camp — and the 39 prisoners still there : NPR
January 11, 2022 - Two decades later, the debate continues ... and prison there. NPR's Sacha Pfeiffer has made several trips to Guantanamo, and she's here to talk about this anniversary and the future of the prison. ... SACHA PFEIFFER, BYLINE: Hi, Ari. SHAPIRO: How many people are still in prison at ...

Guantanamo Bay detention camp

United States military prison at the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba

The Guantanamo Bay detention camp is a United States military prison within Naval Station Guantanamo Bay (NSGB), also called GTMO (pronounced Gitmo /ˈɡɪtmoʊ/ GIT-moh) on the coast of Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. It … Wikipedia


Status Operational
Population 30 (as of July 2024)
Status Operational
Population 30 (as of July 2024)
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Guantanamo_Bay_detention_camp
Guantanamo Bay detention camp - Wikipedia
6 days ago - People say we need intelligence, and we do. But we don't need false intelligence. Since January 2002, 779 men have been brought to Guantanamo. Nearly 200 were released by mid-2004, before there had been any CSRTs (Combatant Status Review Tribunal) to review whether individuals were rightfully ...
defense.gov › News › Releases › Release › Article › 3308522 › guantanamo-bay-detainee-transfer-announced
Guantanamo Bay Detainee Transfer Announced
February 24, 2023 - The Department of Defense announced the repatriations of Abdul Rabbani and Mohammed Rabbani from the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay to Pakistan.
reprieve.org › home › close guantánamo › top facts
Top facts - Reprieve
August 20, 2021 - Since 2002, Guantanamo Bay has held a total of 780 prisoners. In this time it has become a global symbol of injustice: a place which stands for torture, abuse, and indefinite detention. Over the last 17 years, the Government has attempted to suppress the truth about Guantanamo.
closeguantanamo.org › Prisoners
Prisoners: Who's Still Held? - Welcome to "Close Guantánamo"
This is a comprehensive list of all the prisoners still held at Guantánamo.
PBS News
pbs.org › newshour › show › un-report-criticizes-treatment-of-inmates-at-guantanamo-bay-as-cruel-and-inhuman
UN report criticizes treatment of inmates at Guantanamo Bay as 'cruel’ and ‘inhuman'
A new U.N. investigation found conditions inside the prison at Guantanamo Bay are cruel and inhuman. Roughly 780 detainees have been held at the detention center since it opened in 2002. Today, 30 remain, 16 of which have been cleared for release. Geoff Bennett discussed the report with Fionnuala ...
Published: June 29, 2023
govinfo.gov › content › pkg › CHRG-113shrg26148 › html › CHRG-113shrg26148.htm
I can say, having been in Guantanamo and seeing the commissions up close, it has been 12 years since 9/11, and we are still litigating what kind of clothes people can wear in court, what kind of notes lawyers can take in meetings, and what rights apply. It is a very confusing system. It is a very slow, inefficient system. It is obviously--as the numbers you indicated, it is a much slower system than Federal courts. There ...
Just Security
justsecurity.org › home › the status of guantanamo 17 years in
The Status of Guantanamo 17 Years In
April 2, 2019 - Images of the men shackled on their ... hundreds more came and went. Ask any American on the street about Guantanamo and they likely have no idea that the United States is still holding people there....
Los Angeles Times
latimes.com › opinion › story › 2022-01-10 › op-ed-twenty-years-guantanamo-bay-detainees
Op-Ed: The first prisoners arrived at Guantanamo Bay 20 years ago. Will it ever close?
January 10, 2022 - When I eventually visited him at his home there in 2009, I held his newborn daughter and ate dinner with his family. I wondered what the U.S. had gained from holding him for over five years. Twenty years after Guantanamo opened, that question applies to the entire operation. Seven hundred and thirty-two detainees, most held for years, have been released. Of the 39 people still imprisoned, most are ...
npr.org › 2024 › 01 › 09 › 1223788648 › guantanamo-bay-has-been-open-for-22-years-despite-calls-for-its-closure
Guantánamo Bay has been open for 22 years despite calls for its closure : NPR
January 9, 2024 - PFEIFFER: We should note that these ... - people held in indefinite detention even when, as you said, they're sometimes cleared for release, but still are held because the administration is trying to find countries to take them, so they languish. ROEHM: That's right. I think it's hard to imagine that the State Department couldn't find a single country in the world willing to receive some of these cleared-for-release men. And so it appears they're continuing to languish at Guantanamo because that's ...
govinfo.gov › content › pkg › CHRG-114hhrg22759 › html › CHRG-114hhrg22759.htm
But there should be no debate about the U.S. corrections systems' ability to hold Guantanamo detainees should they be transferred State-side. The American Correctional Association takes no position on closing the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay. But those that are opposed to closing it ...
blog.gitmomemory.org › 2012 › 10 › 17 › where-does-a-nations-power-reside
Guantánamo Public Memory Project – Where Does a Nation’s Power Reside?
Some of the most poignant and affecting ... protests there. Before being elected to office, then Senator Barack Obama stated that “As President, I will close Guantanamo, reject the Military Commissions Act and adhere to the Geneva Conventions. Our Constitution and our Uniform Code of Military ...
PBS News
pbs.org › newshour › politics › guantanamo-bay-prison-remains-an-unresolved-legacy-of-9-11
Guantanamo Bay prison remains an unresolved legacy of 9/11 | PBS News
September 10, 2021 - President Joe Biden turned the page on one legacy of 9/11 when he ended the war in Afghanistan, but he has yet to do much about another: the Guantanamo Bay detention center.
aclu.org › issues › national-security › detention › guantanamo-bay-detention-camp
Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp | American Civil Liberties Union
February 15, 2022 - The ACLU works in courts, legislatures, and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and the laws of the United States guarantee everyone in this country.
reuters.com › article › us-usa-biden-guantanamo-exclusive › biden-launches-review-of-guantanamo-prison-aims-to-close-it-before-leaving-office-idUSKBN2AC1Q4
Biden launches review of Guantanamo prison, aims to close it before leaving office | Reuters
February 13, 2021 - President Joe Biden's aides have launched a formal review of the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, reviving the Obama-era goal of closing the controversial facility with the aim of doing so before he leaves office, the White House said on Friday.