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The Madness of Hamlet and Ophelia: Mental Illness in Shakespeare - Owlcation
July 31, 2024 - The theme of madness defines Shakespeare's "Hamlet." While many characters display symptoms of madness, madness or mental illness are most readily apparent in Hamlet and Ophelia.
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The Concept of Madness in Hamlet by Shakespeare | by Cansu Yağsız | Medium
December 16, 2021 - Hamlet is a play written by Shakespeare. It is a tragic play, meaning that it has a pathetic ending rather than a happy ending. Betrayal, revenge, incest, immorality and true and contradictory…

H. P. Lovecraft on Hamlet's Madness [x-post /r/lovecraft]

🌐 r/shakespeare
95% Upvoted
December 23, 2015

A lot of this is fluff, but I like the overall point that Hamlet isn't all that mad. He's made a choice to behave that way.

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Hamlet’s Madness

🌐 r/shakespeare
October 29, 2022

"Crazy"? No. Shakespeare understood human psychology way too well to reduce him to madness (or even melancholy).

Try aligning him with more modern characteristions of mental health and you'll start to understand him better.

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Essay on Hamlet's Madness

🌐 r/shakespeare
March 10, 2021

Hamlet is 30. Young, perhaps, but not that young. Assuming he is a real person living more or less in the same milieu as Shakespeare himself, it would be hard to believe that he doesn't have a pretty good, first-hand sense of what death was all about. Death was not so mysterious in the Early Modern, after all. His acting out as insane is pretty explicitly to suss out what the ghost says. And it works pretty clearly. In case after case, the observers of the "madness" respond in ways that express their own vision of things. Polonius is focused on his daughter, so it's love-madness. Gertrude is, it seems, still struggling with the family tragedy, so it's daddy's death and mommy's o'er hasty marriage (if I'm right about that, then it follows that she is not in on the murder, by the way). R&G are ambitious courtiers, so it's ambition. In that chain of responses, I'd include Claudius, whose suspicions reflect his culpability.

The rashness of killing Polonius seems to me to reflect a thematic concern of the play, which Hamlet states in almost a thesis-like kind of way when he tells Gertrude that it she "assumes" a virtue, and then performs that virtue consistently, the next thing you know she will be in fact, not simply in performance, as virtuous as she has behaved. So Hamlet "assumes" a madness, performs that madness consistently, and the next thing you know he behaves "rashly," madly. The issue is controverted in the text itself, to be sure. So "'Tis not this inky cloak," which he "assumes" in response to daddy's death, that can "denote me truly," says Hamlet—the performance is not the reality, he asserts, and so contradicts what he says to Gertrude later. I've always thought it kind of odd, though, that if the inky cloak does not truly denote Hamlet, then it's superfluous for him to put it on in the first place. I'll grant that maybe in this case the reality precedes the performance, but if that's the case it becomes, to me anyway, almost impossible to distinguish between the reality and the performance.

Obviously Claudius is the test case. He "assumes" the role of a good governor. As that first speech of his says, he's in control of domestic policy and of foreign policy, and as the talk among the watch in 1.1 indicates, of military policy as well. It's only Hamlet's inky cloak that stands in the way of the performance being the reality.

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Ophelia vs Hamlet's madness

🌐 r/Hamlet
June 20, 2022

I think the difference is that Hamlet is still alive to ask for forgiveness, which is a crucial detail when considering sin in a Christian context. Suicide is such a taboo in that culture—more abhorrent even than murder—because the sinner cannot seek absolution. As a side note about Hamlet's speech to Laertes... Despite the fact that he declares his madness, I take the speech as the firmest evidence that he is not mad. Laertes is lying too, so the exchange is more compelling for the audience if it's a lie on both sides.

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Hamlet: Central Idea Essay | SparkNotes
Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. ... Go ad-free AND get instant access to grade-boosting study tools! Start your 7-day FREE trial now! ... Sign up and get instant access to bookmarks. ... Plus much more Sign up to start your FREE trial Renew your subscription Already have an account? Log in ... Hamlet may already be going mad ...
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Hamlet Quotes: Madness | SparkNotes
When the Ghost tells Hamlet about ... to be mad. He has no obvious reason to fake insanity, and Horatio, at least, seems to think that Hamlet is already behaving strangely: he describes Hamlet’s words as ‘wild and whirling’ (I.v.132). Hamlet’s ‘antic disposition’ is one of the play’s ...
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What's in a word? - University of Chicago
This coincides with the dictionary’s ... these definitions are disjointed from the text, but I will walk through the various usages ofmadness’ in Shakespeare’s Hamlet in order to elucidate the strategies of employment in conjunction with the overall themes of the ...
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The revenge hero feigning madness to conceal his plans had been an important plot ingredient ever since its use in Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy. At the end of Act One, Hamlet warns his companions that he may put on “an antic disposition” (a show of madness) and commands them to say nothing ...
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Examples of Hamlet's Madness - EduBirdie
April 13, 2024 - Madness can be defined as a severely disordered state of the mind usually caused by… For full essay go to Edubirdie.Com.
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Madness in Hamlet | SchoolWorkHelper
August 5, 2022 - In Hamlet, by Shakespeare, the theme of madness is a prevalent theme that is portrayed through several characters in the play. The initial point at which madness is evident is when Hamlet is left to seek revenge upon the murderer of his father. Hamlet initiates his scheme to attain revenge ...
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The Importance Of Madness In Hamlet | ipl.org
May 26, 2020 - In Hamlet by William Shakespeare, it can be seen that Hamlet intends to feign madness as a means to kill the king, Claudius. However, readers have argued...
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The Evidences Of Hamlet's Madness Essay - EduBirdie
2 weeks ago - Shakespeare’s Hamlet has become a story for the ages. The play, written sometime between 1599… For full essay go to Edubirdie.com.
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Examples Of Insanity In Hamlet - 1154 Words | Internet Public Library
May 26, 2020 - Then to see the ghost of your dead father. That would drive anyone a little insane, but maybe not to the extent that everyone thought Hamlet was acting. Hamlet is torn between acting sane and letting everyone else see him as insane. Hamlet is so grieved by his father …show more content… · Polonius explains Hamlet 's madness ...
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November 16, 2015 - THE END! The Significance of Madness It's the main theme other than revenge throughout the play, and the cause of the plot. Madness plays as a domino effect in most of the characters, which always lead to death and revenge. In the play, Hamlet writes off a lot of his deeds as
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