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Why Are There So Few Black Competitive Swimmers? | GBH
July 26, 2021 - Mission accomplished for my non-swimming sister, who also knew most Black kids can’t swim — 64%, according to a joint study by the USA Swimming Foundation and the University of Memphis with the YMCA. That’s one of the reasons there arent a lot of Black competitive swimmers, and even ...
Swimming World
swimmingworldmagazine.com › home › exploring the racial disparities in competitive swimming
Exploring the Racial Disparities in Competitive Swimming
February 4, 2016 - The study reported that Black American children were much less likely to have a parent who knew how to swim, have friends who knew how or enjoyed swimming, or have a parent who encouraged them to learn to swim. Knowing this, it would make sense to say that one cause of the underrepresentation ...
reuters.com › lifestyle › sports › swimming-black-swimmers-still-under-represented-pool-2021-07-15
Swimming-Black swimmers still under-represented in the pool | Reuters
July 15, 2021 - A 2020 Active Lives survey carried out by Sport England revealed 95% of Black adults and 80% of Black children in England did not swim. Britain is not an isolated case. Swimming, particularly at elite level and in nations that bag most of the medals when the Games come around, has long been ...
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › 28561485
Buoyancy of African black and European white males - PubMed
Skeletal differences between black and white men and their relevance to body composition estimates. Gerace L, Aliprantis A, Russell M, Allison DB, Buhl KM, Wang J, Wang ZM, Pierson RN Jr, Heymsfield SB. Gerace L, et al. Am J Hum Biol. 1994;6(2):255-262. doi: 10.1002/ajhb.1310060215.
blog.myswimpro.com › home › where are all the black swimmers?
Where Are All the Black Swimmers? - MySwimPro
February 25, 2020 - There is much more representation ... positive representation of black people and swimming. There have been spaces created for black people to feel comfortable with their appearance (hair/body image) as a swimmer....
bbc.com › news › world-us-canada-11172054
Why don't black Americans swim? - BBC News
September 3, 2010 - Some might assume the fundamental reasons would be lack of money for swimming lessons or living in areas where there were no pools, but the reality is more complex. "Fear of drowning or fear of injury was really the major variable," says Prof Carol Irwin, a sociologist from the University of ...
quora.com › Why-do-black-people-excel-at-athletics-but-competitive-swimming-appears-to-be-exclusively-dominated-by-white-people
Why do black people excel at athletics but competitive swimming appears to be exclusively dominated by white people? - Quora
Answer (1 of 10): I find this an amusing question with many amusing answers. Generally people seem to believe that it is segregation. Or money or a general disinterest in the sport. Because most here assume like the one that asked the question that black people are god's. They excel at anything p...
weaquatics.com › home › 14 trailblazing and influential black swimmers throughout time
14 Trailblazing and Influential Black Swimmers throughout Time - WeAquatics - Swim Program
February 9, 2023 - Built on the back of segregation, racism, and fear, there is a fundamental inequality within swimming. To this day, black children from the ages of five to nineteen are nearly six times more likely to drown than white children of comparable ages. This is part of why positive representation ...
quora.com › Why-are-blacks-so-athletic-but-can-t-swim
Why are blacks so athletic but can’t swim? - Quora
Answer (1 of 24): The question should be “Why are so many top track-and-field stars and basketball players black, yet there are no top black swimmers. As a black African who could swim up to 3 miles in my youth, but never tried to swim competitively, I have thought about this question, and ...
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PBS News
pbs.org › newshour › show › how-this-all-black-swim-team-is-making-waves-in-college-sports
How this all-Black swim team is making waves in college sports | PBS News Weekend
Competitive swimming is often dominated by white athletes, but one school is trying to change that. Since 2016, Howard University has been the only historically Black school with a swim team. Today, only 2 percent of all college swimmers are Black. Swim coach Nicholas Askew joins Stephanie ...
Published: February 19, 2023
linkedin.com › pulse › why-cant-black-people-swim-terence-parris
Why can’t Black people swim?
June 28, 2021 - Some of you are probably screaming, “You can’t say that!” Well, before anyone “dives off the deep end” (pun very deliberately intended), this article ambitiously attempts to address the title in three ways: – Why don’t more Black people swim, is it really “Blaquaphobia” (the ...
usms.org › fitness-and-training › articles-and-videos › articles › blacks-dont-swim
'Blacks Don't Swim'
November 1, 2010 - To be honest, I just sat there staring out at the water. I couldn’t believe what I had just heard from the woman sitting next to me. “Look” she continued, “I’m not saying it, but my friends say that black people don’t have the buoyancy to be swimmers.”
npr.org › 2008 › 05 › 06 › 90213675 › racial-history-of-american-swimming-pools
Racial History of American Swimming Pools : NPR
May 6, 2008 - A new study says 58 percent of African-American children can't swim. Offering perspective on America's strange relationship with water and chlorine is Jeff Wiltse, author of Contested Waters: A Social History of Swimming Pools in America.
Swimming World
swimmingworldmagazine.com › home › racial disparities in swimming: what can we do?
Racial Disparities in Swimming: What Can We Do?
January 5, 2021 - There is no question that there are major racial disparities in swimming, but steps can be taken to provide greater opportunities.
reddit.com › r/swimming › why are african american swimmers so rare in swimming teams?
r/Swimming on Reddit: Why are African American swimmers so rare in swimming teams?

I think history has something to do with it. Historically, there weren't a lot of pools for "colored" people, so there weren't a lot of opportunities for black people to even learn how to swim. From there, it's just generational. If you don't know how to swim, youre unlikely to teach your kids. I have found that there is also a weariness and sometimes fear of water in the black community. I don't know how to explain that, other than just lack of exposure. But i noticed the same thing when i used to swim. For a few years, i the only brown person on my team. Some of the schools we went against were primarily black, and had very small and usually inexperienced teams.

Black Kids Swim
blackkidsswim.com › diversity-in-swimming
Diversity in Swimming - Black Kids Swim - The #1 Family Resource for African-American Swimmers
March 13, 2019 - Black Kids Swim advocates for increased diversity in aquatics programing and competitive swimming. For more information contact Black Kids Swim.
gal-dem.com › black-people-cant-swim-is-a-stereotype-but-it-can-also-be-deadly
‘Black people can’t swim’ is a stereotype, but it can also be deadly – gal-dem
If you ask most black people or people of colour if they can or do swim, you’ll probably hear several versions of the same answer. We might prioritise our hair, or say we don’t see the representation that we need, or even question our bone density. The lack of diversity in the recreational side of swimming inevitably influences representation on the competitive ...
quora.com › Why-do-whites-do-better-in-competitive-swimming-than-blacks-and-blacks-do-better-in-competitive-sprinting-than-whites
Why do whites do better in competitive swimming than blacks, and blacks do better in competitive sprinting than whites? - Quora
Answer (1 of 5): Body type. Great swimmers are tall as are great sprinters. Simple fact, but height is not 1 size fits all. Tall black men usually have very long legs and average size torsos. Most of the great sprinters have incredibly long legs. Tall white men can have that body type but othe...