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Investopedia › articles › markets › 042716 › what-happens-campaign-funds-after-elections.asp
What Happens to Campaign Contributions After Elections?
If a candidate receives contributions for a general election, but drops out of the race or loses the primary race beforehand, contributions must be refunded to individual donors within 60 days. Alternatively, the candidate can redesignate or redistribute their general election funds with the ...
Lifehacker › home › money
How to Track the Campaign Donations of People You Know | Lifehacker
3 weeks ago - Political donations are public record. If you want to know whether (and how much) your family member, neighbor, employer, or favorite company has contributed to various political candidates, you can easily find this information.
The Conversation › when-presidential-campaigns-end-what-happens-to-the-leftover-money-130042
When presidential campaigns end, what happens to the leftover money?
January 18, 2024 - Leadership PACs have been criticized ... of using the money for the candidate’s own political purposes, people who drop out can donate their money to other campaigns or candidates....
Fec › help-candidates-and-committees › candidate-taking-receipts › contribution-limits
FEC | Candidate | Contribution limits
Campaigns must adopt an accounting ... election, contributions accepted for the general election must be refunded, redesignated or reattributed within 60 days and may not be used to repay primary election debt....
Verifythis › article › news › verify › elections-verify › leftover-campaign-funds-presidential-election-primaries-desantis-haley › 536-51543d44-a175-4203-a489-c87689986e75
No, presidential candidates can’t do whatever they want with leftover campaign funds
So if someone running in the primary accepts donations for their expected general election campaign but ultimately fails to win their party’s nomination, the FEC says the candidate has to “refund, redesignate or reattribute” those donations within 60 days of dropping out.
Forbes › forbes homepage › business
What Happens To Biden—Or Trump’s—Campaign Cash If They Drop Out?
May 8, 2024 - (Photo by JIM WATSON BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)AFP via Getty Images · If a presidential candidate dropped out of the race, they would first need to repay all of their campaign vendors, and if the campaign ended before their parties’ respective conventions, where they officially ...
🌐 › 2024 › 07 › 23 › millions-campaign-contributions-what-happens-when-candidates-drop-out
Millions in campaign contributions: What happens when candidates drop out?
But what happens to all that money if a candidate drops out of the race? Can donors get their money back? In general, presidential campaign contributions are not refundable. Once a donation is made, the campaign typically uses it for various expenses, and returning the funds can be complex.
Published: July 23, 2024
Forbes › forbes homepage › business
What Happens To Biden’s Campaign Cash If He Drops Out?
July 10, 2024 - The funds could easily be transferred, without limits, to national, state or local party committees, such as the Democratic or Republican National Committees, which could use the money to support a replacement nominee or other Democratic candidates in federal down-ballot races—a scenario ...
Quora › When-a-political-candidate-drops-out-of-the-race-what-happens-to-all-of-the-money-they-raised-from-individual-donors
When a political candidate drops out of the race what happens to all of the money they raised from individual donors? - Quora

campaigns use it to pay winding down expenses and debts incurred during the campaign. Even after a candidate drops out (actually the candidate "suspends" their campaign), the campaign will still try to raise money. Often the candidate has loaned the campaign money and they want to get paid back.

Answer from Stuart Ing on
Quora › What-happens-to-unspent-campaign-donations-if-the-candidate-drops-out
What happens to unspent campaign donations if the candidate drops out? - Quora
Answer (1 of 12): The money remains in the campaign treasury. Most of it will probably be spent paying outstanding bills, buying campaign workers tickets home if they were working in other states, paying severance to the people laid off. But anything left over is still in the campaign treasury an...
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Quora › What-happens-to-leftover-campaign-funds-when-a-candidate-drops-out-in-the-U-S-presidential-election
What happens to leftover campaign funds when a candidate drops out in the U.S. presidential election? - Quora
Answer (1 of 5): My reading on the topic states that they can keep that money to be used exclusively for campaign related expenses, or they can donate the funds to their respective political party’s campaign fund, or they can return the donations to the people who offered them.
The Palm Beach Post › story › opinion › columns › 2024 › 07 › 19 › what-happens-to-leftover-campaign-money-if-a-candidate-drops-out › 74431046007
What happens to leftover campaign money if a candidate drops out?
July 19, 2024 - This option allows for unlimited transfers and provides a mechanism for the party to support its new nominee or other candidates in federal races. In 2020, Michael Bloomberg used this mechanism to transfer millions of dollars from his suspended campaign to the Democratic National Committee.
Roll Call › home › taking it with them: members leaving with money in the bank
Taking it with them: Members leaving with money in the bank - Roll Call
December 8, 2021 - Resigning and retiring House and Senate members have flexibility in how they use nearly $53 million in leftover campaign and PAC money.
Thehill › homenews › campaign › 4753737-biden-drop-out-rumors-campaign-funding
If Joe Biden drops out, what happens to his campaign cash?
Get the latest political campaign news at the Hill, a top political website read by the White House and lawmakers.
Kgw › article › news › local › the-story › campaign-funds-cash-spending-after-election-day › 283-8f61ea0d-5897-4ba7-bc3b-7010504f27d3
What do candidates do with campaign funds after the election is over?
Election Day is past and there's no reason to spend money on ads anymore. So what happens to all of the campaign contributions candidates have received?
Money › economy and politics › politics
How to Make a Political Donation to Trump or Kamala Harris | Money
August 6, 2024 - Want to donate to Donald Trump or Kamala Harris? Here are five important things to know before making your first campaign contribution.
Reuters › world › us › 91-million-question-what-happens-bidens-campaign-money-2024-07-18
What happens to Joe Biden's campaign money? | Reuters
July 24, 2024 - President Joe Biden's reelection campaign had a massive bank account when he dropped out of the race, but Republican candidate Donald Trump has mounted a legal challenge to Kamala Harris' use of the funds for her White House run.
Usa › home › voting and elections › voting and election laws › federal campaign finance laws
Federal campaign finance laws | USAGov
Know the limits of campaign contributions to presidential and congressional candidates. Get the facts about campaign financial reporting rules.
Fec › introduction-campaign-finance › understanding-ways-support-federal-candidates
Understanding ways to support federal candidates -
Information for U.S. citizens on campaign finance law topics of particular interest to individuals who want to support or oppose federal candidates for the House, Senate and President, including making contributions to federal candidates and contribution limits, paying for communications and ...