The Conversation
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What early 2024 polls are revealing about voters of color and the GOP − and it’s not all about Donald Trump
By the end of winter 2024, the return of Donald Trump to the top of the GOP presidential ticket has revealed a surprising trend in the former president’s base of support: his increasing popularity among Black and Latino voters.
centerforpolitics.org › home › black voters and the 2024 presidential election: a breakthrough for trump?
Black Voters and the 2024 Presidential Election: A Breakthrough for Trump? - Sabato's Crystal Ball
March 27, 2024 - Moreover, according to national and state exit polls, almost 90% of Black voters supported Biden over Trump in the general election. Yet several recent national and state polls have shown Trump making significant inroads among Black voters. Note: Based on questions asking about support for ...
Pew Research Center
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Cultural Issues, Biden and Trump Voters and the 2024 Election | Pew Research Center
June 6, 2024 - Voters who support Biden and Trump have starkly different opinions on many issues, and these two groups are divided internally as well.
npr.org › 2024 › 04 › 07 › 1243264831 › key-voting-groups-are-shifting-in-the-race-between-biden-and-trump
2024 election poll: Key voters are shifting in the Biden-Trump race : NPR
April 7, 2024 - President Biden and former President Donald Trump are still very close in polling on the 2024 presidential election. But below the surface, some key demographic groups appear to be shifting loyalty.
cnn.com › 2024 › 05 › 29 › politics › turnout-2024-election-analysis › index.html
Analysis: The unusual turnout dynamic that could decide the 2024 election | CNN Politics
May 29, 2024 - Given that disparity, Madrid argued, Trump “needs a high turnout” that pulls in less reliable minority voters, especially Latino men. Trump’s conundrum, Madrid said, is that the belligerent rule-breaking persona that attracts those younger non-White men alienates more of the well-educated ...
The Atlantic
theatlantic.com › politics › archive › 2024 › 04 › how-trump-fracturing-minority-communities › 677975
How Trump Is Dividing Minority Communities - The Atlantic
April 10, 2024 - For Trump, the most likely path to victory in 2024 is maximizing his support among voters without a college degree, especially men, in every racial group. Victory for Biden will likely require him to maximize his backing among voters with a four-year degree or more, especially women, in each ...
Pew Research Center
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Key facts about Black eligible voters in 2024 | Pew Research Center
June 6, 2024 - The number of Black eligible voters in the United States is projected to reach 34.4 million in November 2024 after several years of modest growth.
Find elsewhere
cnn.com › 2024 › 03 › 27 › politics › minority-voters-biden-trump-analysis › index.html
Analysis: The unexpected dynamic that could decide the Trump-Biden rematch | CNN Politics
March 28, 2024 - The supreme irony taking shape is that Trump’s fate in the 2024 election may turn on whether he can hold, for seven more months, more support among Black and Hispanic voters than any Republican presidential nominee since the Civil Rights era six decades ago.
nytimes.com › u.s. › politics
Latinos, Shifting Toward Trump, Land at the Center of the 2024 Campaign - The New York Times
March 14, 2024 - Donald Trump’s rising support has turned many Latino voters into swing voters.
nytimes.com › u.s. › politics
Who’s Running for President in 2024?
3 days ago - Trump dropped out before Super Tuesday. Below, lighter lines show data from past election cycles starting in 1972. ... Note: Marianne Williamson suspended her campaign for the Democratic nomination on Feb. 7, 2024, but resumed her bid for office three weeks later. ... Vice President Harris, a former prosecutor and senator of California, has at times struggled to define her role at Mr. Biden’s side. Read more...
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › 2024_United_States_presidential_election
2024 United States presidential election - Wikipedia
15 hours ago - Trump has said he will leave the issue of abortion for the states to decide, but would allow red states to monitor women's pregnancies and prosecute them if they have an abortion. Border security and immigration are among the top issues concerning potential voters in the 2024 presidential election. Polling has shown that a majority of Americans want to reduce immigration into the country and that a substantial minority ...
Pew Research Center
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Voters Broadly Critical of Biden, Trump as Election Heats Up | Pew Research Center
May 1, 2024 - Voters are evenly split in their support for Trump (49%) and Biden (48%), but overall lack confidence in both on a range of traits.
reuters.com › world › us › some-black-men-lose-faith-biden-democrats-2024-2023-08-01
Some Black men lose faith in Biden, Democrats in 2024 | Reuters
August 2, 2023 - Bahta Mekonnen, a 28-year-old in the key voting state of Georgia, is among the millions of Black voters who helped deliver President Joe Biden the White House in 2020.