healthline.com › health › mental-health › plants-self-care
5 Easy Houseplants That Double as Self-Care Reminders
July 28, 2020 - Plants can do more than beautify your life — they can also act as nature’s reminder and support for when life gets you down. Here are five easy-to-care-for houseplants to choose from, based on your mental health needs. All of them have multiple benefits, including boosting creativity and ...
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc › articles › PMC4419447
Interaction with indoor plants may reduce psychological and physiological stress by suppressing autonomic nervous system activity in young adults: a randomized crossover study - PMC
Developments in information technology cause a great deal of stress to modern people, and controlling this stress now becomes an important issue. The aim of this study was to examine psychological and physiological benefits of interaction with indoor ...
greatist.com › grow › plants-mental-health
11 Ways Plants are Positively Good for Our Mental Health
April 2, 2020 - As modern accessories go, houseplants are not only beloved because of the way they can spruce up a room but also for the way they benefit our mental health. They can brighten our spaces, freshen the air, and provide a mirror into how we’re doing on the inside. In fact, they’re a great reminder of when, and how, to take care ...
World Economic Forum
weforum.org › agenda › 2022 › 08 › houseplants-nature-mental-health-greenery-cognition
Easiest way to improve mental health: Get some houseplants | World Economic Forum
Just being around houseplants can improve mental and physical health, 42 studies say. Plants raise air quality and can boost our cognitive performance.
wexnermedical.osu.edu › blog › houseplants-are-good-for-your-mental-health
Are houseplants good for your mental health? | Ohio State Medical Center
Are houseplants good for your mental health? It might sound like an overly simplistic approach to fixing what ails you, but there’s an argument to be made for the healing effects that maintaining a house plant provides. Learn more from an Ohio State expert.
Hillside Inc.
hside.org › home › how plants improve your mental and physical health
Psychological Benefits of Plants & Horticulture Therapy
2 weeks ago - Hillside discusses the physical benefits of plants relating to mental health and how indoor plants improve mood, reduce stress and more. Keep reading.
The Conversation
theconversation.com › owning-houseplants-can-boost-your-mental-health-heres-how-to-pick-the-right-one-202197
Owning houseplants can boost your mental health – here’s how to pick the right one
January 9, 2024 - The articles in this series explore the questions and bring answers as we navigate this turbulent period of life. ... Indoor plants have several mental and physical health benefits. Research has linked houseplants to reduced stress, lower blood pressure and an improved state of mind.
thepracticalplanter.com › home › benefits › green therapy: the remarkable ways houseplants boost mental health and happiness
Green Therapy: The Remarkable Ways Houseplants Boost Mental Health and Happiness - The Practical Planter
January 16, 2024 - Most people know that spending time outside in a natural setting is wonderful for your mood, but you can get those same mental health benefits with indoor
time.com › health › research
Your Houseplants Have Some Powerful Health Benefits
March 2, 2023 - They theorized that this was in part because houseplants encourage feelings of “being away” while at home—providing welcome relief during prolonged periods in the same place. Every black thumb can be transformed into a green one, experts say. Start by visiting your local garden shop—the ...
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The Conversation
theconversation.com › houseplants-dont-just-look-nice-they-can-also-give-your-mental-health-a-boost-186982
Houseplants don’t just look nice – they can also give your mental health a boost
May 22, 2024 - Growing herbs is also a cheap and ... can help make it easier for you to care for your plants, by giving you advice, reminders and a forum to ask questions. Owning houseplants can have a range of benefits for our health – especially mental health....
Rivia Mind
riviamind.com › home › the mental health effects of houseplants
The Mental Health Effects of Houseplants | Rivia Mind
April 30, 2024 - You have to care for houseplants to keep them healthy and vibrant. They need the right amount of sunlight, water, trimming, and so on. While the care is minimal, it can also give you a sense of pride. You are nurturing a life, however small. For those who want to take care of something but don’t feel ready for a pet or in a place to have children, a plant can be a great way to motivate you not to fall into a vegetative depression. Houseplants have a number of benefits on your mental ...
healthline.com › health › healthy-home-guide › benefits-of-indoor-plants
7 Science-Backed Benefits of Indoor Plants
September 18, 2020 - There are many benefits of indoor plants. At least seven have research to back them up. Learn more about this popular hobby and home decor and how it may improve your health.
connect2care.com.au › home › the mental heath benefits of houseplants: are plants good for mental health?
Are Plants Good For Mental Health?: The Mental Health Benefits
January 23, 2024 - Are plants good for mental health? Research has shown that yes, there are positive effects from plants on our mental (and physical!) health.
Washington Post
washingtonpost.com › well+being › well+being mind
Why indoor plants make you feel better, according to science - The Washington Post
December 12, 2023 - Decades of research have shown that houseplants reduce stress, bring relief in enclosed spaces and recharge us. Studies on their positive effects can also help you choose which ones to buy.
Connecting Research
research.reading.ac.uk › home › owning houseplants can boost your mental health – here’s how to pick the right one
Owning houseplants can boost your mental health – here’s how to pick the right one - Connecting Research
April 28, 2023 - Houseplants make us feel good due to our inherent desire to connect with nature, and because we consider the green colours of most houseplants to be calming. Adding just a single plant can brighten up a dull space and boost your mood. But which should you choose?
smh.com.au › lifestyle › health & wellness › sunday life
How house plants can benefit your mental health and wellbeing
July 10, 2020 - Having five or more plants in a room leads to people feeling healthier and happier, and can bring huge benefits to a home's air quality.