1979 to 1989 CIA programme

Operation Cyclone was the code name for the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) program to arm and finance the Afghan mujahideen in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1992, prior to and during … Wikipedia


Operation Cyclone Part of the Soviet–Afghan War
Operational scope Weapons sales, financing of Afghan mujahideen forces
Operation Cyclone Part of the Soviet–Afghan War
Operational scope Weapons sales, financing of Afghan mujahideen forces
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Operation_Cyclone
Operation Cyclone - Wikipedia
2 weeks ago - Operation Cyclone was the code name for the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) program to arm and finance the Afghan mujahideen in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1992, prior to and during the military intervention by the USSR in support of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.
War on the Rocks
warontherocks.com › 2019 › 02 › afghanistan-remembering-the-long-long-war-we-would-rather-forget
Afghanistan: Remembering the Long, Long War We Would Rather Forget
February 5, 2019 - Should I stay or should I go now? Should I stay or should I go now? If I go, there will be trouble And if I stay it will be double Joe Strummer and Mick
guinnessworldrecords.com › world-records › 613906-most-expensive-covert-action
Most expensive covert action | Guinness World Records
March 31, 2020 - The most expensive covert action was Operation Cyclone, the United States Central Intelligence Agency's program to arm and train Islamist insurgent groups (known as "mujahideen") fighting the Soviet Red Army in Afghanistan.
amazon.com › Stinger-Operation-Cyclone-Fontain-Novel › dp › 0996478612
Amazon.com: Stinger: Operation Cyclone (Cold War Series): ...
Amazon.com: Stinger: Operation Cyclone (Cold War Series): 9780996478618: Fortin, Bill: Books
Amazon.com: Stinger: Operation Cyclone (Cold War Series): 9780996478618: Fortin, Bill: Books
Price: $12.57
courses.lumenlearning.com › suny-hccc-worldhistory2 › chapter › the-united-states-and-the-mujahideen
The United States and the Mujahideen | History of Western ...
After the Soviet invasion in December 1979, which was a surprise to Carter, the CIA expanded the program, code-named Operation Cyclone, and began providing weapons along with money to the mujahideen through the Pakistani intelligence services.
AP News
apnews.com › article › joe-biden-islamic-state-group-afghanistan-europe-middle-east-70451c485d46908ef5c6a83a1de9f0f6
A timeline of more than 40 years of war in Afghanistan | AP News
July 2, 2021 - Dec. 8, 2014 — American and NATO troops formally end their combat mission, transitioning to a support and training role. President Barack Obama authorizes U.S. forces to carry out operations against Taliban and al-Qaida targets.
The Intercept
theintercept.com › home › documents › operation cyclone
Operation Cyclone - The Intercept
May 28, 2015 - This report represents just one ... from this report are: (1) The Cyclone IR operation reveals some of the modalities used to obtain foreign technology critical to Russian defense industries by bypassing foreign sanctions....
history.state.gov › historicaldocuments › frus1977-80v12 › d76
Historical Documents - Office of the Historian
The creation of a production mechanism to prepare propaganda materials, and the delivery of two radio transmitters to Pakistan to give the insurgents their “own radio” are significant steps. However, the effect of a propaganda operation is incremental and is part of a larger effort.
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nsarchive2.gwu.edu › NSAEBB › NSAEBB57 › us.html
2. U.S. Analysis of the Soviet War in Afghanistan
CIA covert action worked through Pakistani intelligence services to reach Afghani rebel groups. That operation began after December 1979, when Russian forces mounted a surprise intervention in Afghanistan. Fighting between CIA-funded Afghans and the Russians with their Khalq allies continued ...
Military Wiki
military-history.fandom.com › wiki › Operation_Cyclone
Operation Cyclone | Military Wiki | Fandom
Operation Cyclone was the code name for the United States Central Intelligence Agency program to arm and finance the Afghan mujahideen prior to and during the Soviet war in Afghanistan, 1979 to 1989. The program leaned heavily towards supporting militant Islamic groups that were favored by ...
worldatlas.com › articles › what-was-operation-cyclone.html
What Was Operation Cyclone? - WorldAtlas
March 9, 2018 - Operation Cyclone was one of the longest and most expensive CIA operations of all time.
linkedin.com › pulse › operation-cyclone-unveiling-intricacies-cias-pivotal-niels-groeneveld
Operation Cyclone: Unveiling the Intricacies of the CIA's Pivotal ...
September 1, 2023 - In the annals of covert operations, one chapter stands out with remarkable significance: Operation Cyclone. Orchestrated by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), this covert endeavor was not just a footnote in history but a symphony of calculated maneuvers aimed at shaping the destiny of Afghanista
We Are The Mighty
wearethemighty.com › history › wars › cold war › operation cyclone: the cia's covert program to arm the mujahideen
Operation Cyclone: The CIA's covert program to arm the mujahideen
January 17, 2024 - Operation Cyclone was the CIA's most expensive covert military assistance program during the Cold War. Initiated in 1979, the operation lasted until 1989.
grunge.com › 589419 › what-really-happened-in-operation-cyclone
What Really Happened In Operation Cyclone? - Grunge
August 30, 2021 - Various other resources were given, such as mules from Tennessee, which were transported to Pakistan in order to carry equipment, medical supplies, and food from Pakistan into Afghanistan. In one year alone, up to 700 mules were shipped to Pakistan from Tennessee. But according to The New York Times, it's unclear exactly how much Congress would appropriate for the mujahideen because "the operation [was] not officially acknowledged by Washington." However, Operation Cyclone ...
urj.uccs.edu › index.php › urj › article › view › 103
Operation Cyclone: How the United States Defeated the Soviet Union ...
United States Marine, commissioned officer as of May 29th, 2010. Graduated UCCS in May 2010 with a degree in History, and a minor in Economics. ... Billard Jr, R. D. (2010). Operation Cyclone: How the United States Defeated the Soviet Union. URJ-UCCS: Undergraduate Research Journal at UCCS, ...
swarajyamag.com › home › world › operation cyclone: us misadventure that created terror networks on both sides of the durand line
Operation Cyclone: US Misadventure That Created Terror Networks ...
September 8, 2021 - Operation Cyclone was the code name for the CIA programme to arm and finance the mujahideen in Afghanistan to counter Soviet power in the country. (Part one of this article examines how Operation Cyclone emboldened the 'mujahideen' in Afghanistan to create various terror networks).
link.springer.com › home › air pollution control equipment › chapter
Design and Operation of Cyclones | SpringerLink
A cyclone is an apparatus in which centrifugal forces are made available for the separation of dust particles from a gas stream. Three main problems arise in cyclone design.
amazon.com › Stinger-Operation-Cyclone-Fontain-Adventure › dp › 0996478639
Stinger Operation Cyclone (A Cold War Adventure with Rick Fontain): ...
Stinger Operation Cyclone (A Cold War Adventure with Rick Fontain) [Fortin, Bill] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Stinger Operation Cyclone (A Cold War Adventure with Rick Fontain)