Mountain Values
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We're a grassroots organization made up of Coloradans who want to hold our state's elected officials accountable. Join our movement!
time.com › ideas › politics
Republicans Are Now Conceding Their Core Values to Trump | TIME
July 27, 2018 - There are obvious reasons why Republicans have been so unwilling to stand up to President Donald Trump: political tribalism, transactionalism, anti-anti-Trumpism and, yes, timidity. While expressing dismay in private, GOP officials know that the Republican base remains solidly behind Trump.
The New Yorker
newyorker.com › magazine › republicans › the republican identity crisis after trump
The Republican Identity Crisis After Trump | The New Yorker
October 23, 2020 - This Presidency poses stark questions about the ideological future of both parties, Nicholas Lemann writes.
Colorado Pols
coloradopols.com › diary › 89750 › we-must-resist-trumpism-in-colorado
We Must Resist Trumpism In Colorado | Colorado Pols
(Promoted by Colorado Pols) “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”~Edmund Burke When I was about nine years old my parents took me to Dachau. We were living in Stuttgart, on a U.S. Army base and it was 1975. The Wall still divided…
rockymountainmusing.com › 2020 › 10 › 01 › a-lingering-question
A Lingering Question | Rocky Mountain Musing
October 2, 2020 - A single question has been rolling within my mind since 2016. “What would lead someone to vote for a man like Donald Trump?” In this short post I try, and largely fail, to answer that question. That question was at the forefront of my thinking that led to my posts, “The Moral Vote” ...
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Rocky_Mountains
Rocky Mountains - Wikipedia
3 days ago - Abandoned mines with their wakes ... dot the Rocky Mountain landscape. In one major example, eighty years of zinc mining profoundly polluted the river and bank near Eagle River in north-central Colorado. High concentrations of the metal carried by spring runoff harmed algae, moss, and trout populations. An economic analysis of mining effects at this site revealed declining property values, degraded ...
c-span.org › video
C-SPAN.org | National Politics | History | Nonfiction Books
C-SPAN.org gives you access to C-SPAN's daily coverage of Washington and more than 200,000 hours of extensively indexed and archived C-SPAN video.
ricochet.com › podcast › commentary-podcast › rocky-mountain-low
Rocky Mountain Low | Ricochet
Today's podcast takes up the headshaking decision of the Colorado Supreme Court to try and keep Donald Trump off the presidential ballot, basically asking the deep and profound question: What the hell?
Mountain Values
rockymountainvalues.org › about
About | Mountain Values
Rocky Mountain Values is a Colorado non-profit organization that is made up of real Coloradans fighting to make sure that we can all earn a good living and have a good life no matter our zip code.
kkco11news.com › 2023 › 07 › 31 › rocky-mountain-values-issues-open-letter-criticizing-rep-lauren-boebert
Rocky Mountain Values issues open letter criticizing Rep. Lauren Boebert
Members of Rocky Mountain Values delivered a letter with their message to the congresswoman's offices on Monday.
Published: July 31, 2023
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k99.com › ixp › 49 › p › are-the-rocky-mountains-in-the-wrong-place
YouTuber Says the Rocky Mountains are in the Wrong Place
The Rocky Mountains are unique not only for their majesty and beauty, buts also because they shouldn't be here in Colorado at all.
convergerockymountain.org › home › values
Values - Converge Rocky Mountain
January 29, 2018 - The Rocky Mountain region is made up of a variety of cultures, each with its own unique characteristics. There is, however, a Christ-centered, Bible-based spiritual culture shared by God’s people which we express through these common values: Spiritually dynamic Glorifying God in all we do, ...
99.9 The Point
999thepoint.com › ixp › 49 › p › are-the-rocky-mountains-in-the-wrong-place
YouTuber Says the Rocky Mountains are in the Wrong Place
The Rocky Mountains are unique not only for their majesty and beauty, buts also because they shouldn't be there at all.
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Rocky Mountain Values (@MountainValues) | Twitter
The latest tweets from Rocky Mountain Values (@MountainValues)
National Review
nationalreview.com › the-morning-jolt › a-rocky-mountain-rebuff-for-donald-trump
Colorado and Trump 2024: A Rocky Mountain Rebuff for Donald Trump? | National Review
December 20, 2023 - Four Colo. supreme court justices declared Trump is ineligible to serve as president again and can’t appear on the 2024 Republican presidential-primary ballot.
rockymountainmusing.com › 2022 › 01 › 01 › the-widening-political-gap
The Widening Political Gap | Rocky Mountain Musing
January 2, 2022 - While there has been a great deal of political upheaval in the last thirty years, I think I can safely say that the last four years has been the most dramatic. Under Donald Trump hard right authoritarians came out of the wood work spouting their sexism, racism, and general bigotry.