Jesus was not born in the winter. Luke 2 gives three clues: 1. Jesus’ parents traveled to Bethlehem as part of an Empire-wide census. If people had to travel to register, Rome would have held the census in the summer to enable travel. In the northern reaches of the empire, winter travel was nearly impossible for peasants. 2. The average nighttime low in Bethlehem at the end of December is about 5 Celsius, and it often snows. It would not have been been viable to live in a stable, much less to give birth. 3. The shepherds stayed in the fields with their sheep. This only happens in the summer. The date of December 25th is essentially arbitrary: 1. This date wasn’t determined by the church until about 350 AD, by which time the only information remaining was the same documents we have today. December 25th is nine months after the Annunciation in March, which is the celebration of Christ’s conception. But this date too was selected without historical basis. 2. The Eastern church celebrates Christmas on [Julian] January 7th, not December 25th. This is the result of differences between the Gregorian and Julian calendars. But of course the Gregorian calendar did not exist at the time of Jesus’ birth, and the Julian calendar used at that time was not exactly the same as the one we use today. 3. It is most likely the date for Christmas was pegged near the winter solstice (and the Annunciation near the spring equinox) so that newly converted Christians could continue to celebrate their pagan festivals, but with Christian meaning attached.
Answer from Stephen Sibbald on quora.comTheareopagus
The Birth of Jesus: The Best Historical Evidence
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Where Was Jesus Christ Born? Here's What The Historical Evidence Says
1 week ago - Drawing a link between this Messiah and King David, Micah 5:2 declares: “But you, O Bethlehem of Ephrathah, who are one of the little clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to rule in Israel, whose origin is from of old, from ancient days.” · After Jesus’ birth — ...
Archaeological and Historical Evidence - The Birth of Jesus Christ
In summary it would appear that the date of the birth of Christ has been confirmed by Mesoamerican calendars, the Book of Mormon, and current scholarship as being on the 6th of April 1 BC" (The Date of Christ's Birthday, By Bruce W. Warren. Excerpts from his research New Evidences of Christ ...
When Was Jesus Actually Born? Biblical, Historical Evidence
November 17, 2023 - Luke's Gospel: While the Gospel of Luke doesn't mention King Herod, it provides additional clues for dating Jesus's birth. Luke 2:2 mentions a census ordered by Caesar Augustus. Historically, such censuses were conducted periodically, and there is evidence of one occurring in 6-4 BC.
Date of the birth of Jesus - Wikipedia
10 hours ago - The following century, from AD 274, the Roman festival Dies Natalis Solis Invicti (birthday of Sol Invictus, the 'Invincible Sun') was held on 25 December. The earliest evidence of Jesus's birth being marked on 25 December is the Chronograph of 354, also called the Calendar of Filocalus.
What evidence of Jesus Christ’s birth exists? - Quora
Answer (1 of 37): The Gospels, which are historical eyewitness accounts written either by disciples of Jesus who studied with Him during His ministry and witnessed the Resurrection: Matthew and John, or people who accompanied Apostles during their travels to start the early Church: Mark and Luke....
Is there proof of the actual day Jesus was born? - Quora
Answer (1 of 40): The date of the birth of Jesus is extremely conjectural. Not much if any information concerning his birth has ever been found. There is strong evidence that he is a fictional character made up by the early writers to fit the beliefs of the time. Certainly he was not born on Dece...
Catholic Strength
July 18, 2018 - The claim is made by some scholars that Jesus was not born in Bethlehem. These scholars put forth the argument that Jesus was actually born in his hometown of Nazareth, and that the Christmas story of Jesus' birth in Bethlehem is more or less a Jewish midrash or theological reflection not strictly ...
The Real True Story of Jesus’ Birth | St Mark Lutheran Church
But Edersheim’s speculation is shaky at best, and there is no other evidence. The angels told the shepherds that they would find the baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger so that they would know to look for a newborn. After all, the angel said, “Today the Savior has been born.” ...
Bible Gateway
Luke 2:1-20 NIV - The Birth of Jesus - In those days - Bible Gateway
The Birth of Jesus - In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.) And everyone went to their own town to register. So Joseph also went up from the town ...
Did Jesus Exist? Searching for Evidence Beyond the Bible - Biblical ...
April 2, 2024 - Tags: abel about jesus amos ancient ... biblical evidence for jesus flavius joseph flavius josephus geza vermes hebrew Hebrew Bible herod herod the great hershel shanks historical jesus in the new testament information about jesus inscriptions israel and judah israelites James james brother of jesus james h. charlesworth james jacob james ossuary james son of joseph brother of jesus james the brother of jesus jerusalem Jesus jesus birth Jesus Brother ...
United Church of God
Biblical Evidence Shows Jesus Christ Wasn't Born on Dec. 25 | United ...
History convincingly shows that ... it was already popular in pagan religious celebrations as the birthday of the sun. The biblical accounts point to the fall of the year as the most likely time of Jesus' birth....
When was Jesus born?
The Bible gives no specific date of Jesus' birth. However, the date can be estimated based on... ...when Hebrew shepherds historically tended their flocks in open fields and according to the biblical account of Mary and Elizabeth's pregnancies. As we look at the story of when Jesus was born we often think of the shepherds in the fields watching over their flocks. What can this evidence ...
Reasons to Believe
Does Archaeology Support the Historical Birth of Jesus? - Reasons ...
March 15, 2024 - Have you ever wondered if Jesus was really born on Earth some 2,000 years ago? Did he really exist in history? Outside the Bible, is there any evidence that supports his historical birth? Or should we trust the skeptic that everything about Jesus was just “fake news”? As an atheist for ...
Evidence of Jesus' Birth Revealed | Full Episode - YouTube
Is there actual evidence of the birth of Jesus? Was he born in Bethlehem or Nazareth, in December or April? Were the wise men three kings or Babylonian astro...
Published: December 6, 2022
Views: 1M
Is there scriptural evidence that Jesus Christ's birth was in the ...
Jesus said, “I will build My Church…” There is a single organization that teaches the entire truth of the Bible, and is called to live by “every word of God.” Do you know how to find it? Christ said it would: ... Much evidence exists. If God intended for us to celebrate Christ’s birthday...
A Christmas Tale: How Much of the Nativity Story Is True? | Live ...
December 22, 2014 - But others argue that biblical scholars hold Jesus' birth story to an impossible historical standard, and since Jesus was a minor (at the time) historical figure born in a Roman backwater, it's impressive that any evidence for his life and death exists at all, said Ben Witherington III, a New ...