@whyyouwannaknow, You can also bulk-select items by clicking one checkbox, scrolling down to the last desired checkbox, hold Shift then selecting the box. This will select everything in between the top and bottom selections (apologies for the sub-par quality of the recording):

Answer from Mattches on community.brave.com
Brave Community
community.brave.com › brave feature requests › desktop requests
YouTube is a perfect example of why we need more than just Shields ON/Shields OFF - Desktop Requests - Brave Community
October 18, 2023 - If Brave had fine-grained controls like Ghostery — instead of just Shields ON/OFF — users could turn off ad blocking and still be protected from everything else. The recent hardcore blocking of adblockers by YouTube is the ultimate example of why the binary nature of Brave Shields is — ...
Brave Community
community.brave.com › browser support
Exception on Secure DNS
September 28, 2023 - Hello there, My first post. I would like to know how to manage exceptions when using secure DNS. I’ll give an example. If I set to use secure DNS, Cloudfare, I can’t access my company addresses anymore, such as intrane…
Brave Community
community.brave.com › t › cloudflare-blocking-sites-using-brave › 483779
Cloudflare blocking sites using Brave - Brave Community
April 23, 2023 - Some sites, (Coinbase for example) requires that you confirm that you’re a human before entering their site. However, CloudFlare which should pop up with a tick box continues to scroll indefinitely and won’t allow you to confirm that you’re human. Even though I have shields completely ...
Brave Community
community.brave.com › brave feature requests › desktop requests
Delete history just for one specific site for multiple visits - Desktop Requests - Brave Community

@whyyouwannaknow, You can also bulk-select items by clicking one checkbox, scrolling down to the last desired checkbox, hold Shift then selecting the box. This will select everything in between the top and bottom selections (apologies for the sub-par quality of the recording):

Answer from Mattches on community.brave.com
Brave Community
community.brave.com › feedback › beta builds
KeepassXC-Browser does not connect to KeepassXC in Brave Beta - Beta Builds - Brave Community
November 23, 2022 - Description of the issue: KeepassXC-Browser does not connect to KeepassXC when Brave Beta is used. The problem does not happen when Brave stable release (v1.45.131 ) is used. How can this issue be reproduced? Open the KeepasXC aplication and database (all well configured, and Browser Integration ...
Brave Community
community.brave.com › browser support › desktop support
Brave starts just with a private tab - Desktop Support - Brave Community
April 12, 2023 - That was a classic own-goal; some time ago I educated the Brave browser with a terminal command so that it automatically starts with a private window. This works quite well, unfortunately it has some side effects. For example I can’t open a normal window/tab anymore.
Brave Community
community.brave.com › browser support › desktop support
Brave Accessing memory of explorer.exe process and Windows Photo Library - Desktop Support - Brave Community
January 23, 2023 - Hello, We turned on Ransomware detection in one of our other tools and it noticed that the Brave Browser is accessing other processes on the system. Specifically, it is accessing the process for Explorer.exe and is accessing graphic files in the Windows Photo Library.
Brave Community
community.brave.com › browser support › ad-blocking
Brave won't block ads on investigationdiscovery.com - Ad-Blocking - Brave Community
January 1, 2023 - Description of the issue: Brave browser won’t block ads on investigationdiscovery.com Exact URL of the website in question: Example: https://www.investigationdiscovery.com/video/evil-lives-here-investigation-discovery/deadly-fetish Screenshot of the ad as it appears in Brave Did the issue ...
Brave Community
community.brave.com › browser support › desktop support
Can't upload files - "Error opening the file. Error connecting to the panel service" - Desktop Support - Brave Community
October 5, 2023 - Description of the issue: Every time I click on a field/button where I should be able to upload a file (for example, a button that says “Upload profile picture”), I get an error message saying that there has been an error uploading said file. I would add a screenshot, but it’s in Spanish ...
Brave Community
community.brave.com › browser support › desktop support
Desktop notifications not working (ads notifications working fine though) - Desktop Support - Brave Community
November 6, 2022 - Description of the issue: As title says, I’m not getting push notifications from ANY site, even when I click on “allow notifications”. Go to any page (like twitter.com for example) Wait until you get the “allow notifications? popup and click on allow Brave will NEVER send notifications, ...
Brave Community
community.brave.com › browser support
Is it Auto-redirect AMP pages cause DDOS on same page?
May 14, 2022 - There are some page seem link another page. For example, these two link is same source. “https://www.baozimh.com/comic/chapter/yaoshenji-taxuedongman/0_0.html” “https://www.webmota.com/comic/chapter/yaoshenji-taxuedongman/0_0.html” I found that many requests at same time to that page ...
Brave Community
community.brave.com › brave search
The search is still producing liberal results, even worse than Google - #8 by Mattches - Brave Search - Brave Community
August 18, 2023 - Search results are as neutral as we can make them. I’d like to point anyone curious about this to some of our previous replies on the subject: If you would like to insert your own bias (leaning left, right-leaning or any other direction) such that you don’t see anything related to one side ...
Brave Community
community.brave.com › browser support
How to allow ext like .PLS and .M3U to download?
July 27, 2021 - The solution for now is to click a link, not opening it then right click to save the .PLS Then looking up the file and allow Brave to ‘keep’ it. It’s a SIMPLE music file?! Why do I have to do such a difficult action to…
Brave Community
community.brave.com › browser support › desktop support
"Forget Me When I Close This Site" isn't working! - Desktop Support - Brave Community
May 1, 2024 - I have the global option “Forget Me When I Close This Site” enabled, yet it only deletes some cookies. An example of cookies it doesn’t clear is YouTube ( and many others ) ( as shown below ). The ability to clear cookies on exit and keep cookies for certain sites is important to me.
Brave Community
community.brave.com › browser support
'Forget me when I close this site' not working like it used to (March 2024)
March 25, 2024 - I’m having trouble with first party cookies. When I use certain sites, Brave isn’t clearing them on exit anymore like it used to. An example of this is sky.com. I use the ‘forget me’ option a lot because there are certain sites that I want to save my preferences for.
Brave Community
community.brave.com › t › bad-suggestions-on-omnibar › 400909 › 3
Bad suggestions on omnibar
June 7, 2022 - Hi @felds Open brave://settings/appearance and check if "Show top sites in autocomplete suggestions" is enabled as in image below.
Brave Community
community.brave.com › contributing › ios
iOS Swift Compiler Error - iOS - Brave Community
February 7, 2019 - Hi all, Good evening, I am trying to build an iOS browser app, I have followed the instructions which are mentioned in the URL: https://github.com/brave/brave-ios When I ran a build by selecting Fennec as a scheme in the Xcode, I got the following errors. Since I am new to iOS development, ...
Brave Community
community.brave.com › t › brave-rounded-menus › 538475
Brave rounded menus
March 19, 2024 - Since Brave gets a decent amount of its design inspiration from Chrome, are any plans to make the transition to rounded menus like Chrome? Menus such as the right click menu for example and the Customize and control options menu. Or is that not on the docket to begin with?
Brave Community
community.brave.com › brave feature requests › android requests
Extend Background Play - Android Requests - Brave Community
March 29, 2024 - I believe “Extend Background Play” option should work for every site (maybe toggle it on/off in each tab as desired). The way to do it is not important. It is already super useful for youtube. But for example, other site have podcast/music we could listen to.