euronews.com › home › world › russia › russian fsb says us, uk and ukraine behind moscow attack
Russian FSB says US, UK and Ukraine behind Moscow attack | Euronews
March 26, 2024 - The director of Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB), Alexander Bortnikov, said on Tuesday that the US, UK and Ukraine were behind the Moscow concert hall attack that killed at least 139 people on Friday - despite repeated claims of responsibility by Islamic State.
RT International
rt.com › russia news › kiev’s intelligence involved in moscow terror attack – fsb chief
Kiev’s intelligence involved in Moscow terror attack – FSB chief
June 11, 2024 - Ukrainian and Western spy agencies have intensified the recruitment of agents to carry out attacks inside Russia, the FSB chief has said
NBC News
nbcnews.com › news › world › live-blog › moscow-concert-attack-live-updates-rcna144768
Moscow concert attack: 'No Ukrainian involvement' in deadly attack, U.S. says
March 23, 2024 - Four suspects in the Moscow concert attack at Crosus City Hall have been arrested, President Vladimir Putin was told, and the death toll rose to at least 133.
cnn.com › world › europe
Who are ISIS-K, the group linked to the Moscow concert hall terror attack? | CNN
March 26, 2024 - US officials have tied the deadly assault on a concert venue to ISIS-K, an affiliate that operates in central Asia, which has become one of the region’s most feared terror groups.
cnbc.com › 2024 › 03 › 26 › ukraine-war-live-updates-latest-news-on-russia-and-the-war-in-ukraine.html
Ukraine war updates: Russia's intelligence chief claims U.S., U.K. and Ukraine were behind Moscow terrorist attack
March 27, 2024 - Top Russian officials, including President Vladimir Putin, continue to make unsubstantiated claims that Ukraine and the West were behind a Moscow terror attack.
youtube.com › wion
Moscow Terror Attack | Russian FSB says US, UK and Ukraine behind Moscow attack | What's the truth? - YouTube
The director of Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB), Alexander Bortnikov, said on Tuesday that the US, UK, and Ukraine were behind the Moscow concert hal...
Published: March 27, 2024
Views: 137K
bbc.com › news › world-europe-68663043
Moscow attack: Russia blames West and Kyiv for jihadist massacre
March 26, 2024 - Ukraine accuses the Kremlin of lies, after it alleges Kyiv and the West were involved in the atrocity.
Washington Post
washingtonpost.com › world › europe
FSB chief, citing no proof, blames Ukraine and U.S. in Moscow terror attack
March 26, 2024 - Senior Russian officials have presented an increasingly convoluted description of what happened at the Crocus City Hall concert venue where at least 139 people were killed.
reuters.com › world › iran-alerted-russia-security-threat-before-moscow-attack-sources-say-2024-04-01
Exclusive: Iran alerted Russia to security threat before Moscow attack | Reuters
April 1, 2024 - Iran tipped off Russia about the possibility of a major "terrorist operation" on its soil ahead of the concert hall massacre near Moscow last month, three sources familiar with the matter said.
reuters.com › world › europe › ukraine-not-involved-moscow-attack-says-kyiv-military-intelligence-spokesman-2024-03-23
Ukraine not involved in Moscow attack, says Kyiv spy-agency spokesman | Reuters
March 23, 2024 - Ukraine was not involved in Friday's shooting attack near Moscow and suggestions of a Ukrainian link "have nothing in common with reality," a spokesman for Kyiv's military spy agency said on Saturday.
AP News
apnews.com › article › russia-shooting-concert-hall-putin-dd92b2c185a65e1eab57a661382bd3ef
Putin says Islamic extremists raided Moscow concert hall attack | AP News
Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that the gunmen who raided a suburban Moscow concert hall and killed 139 people were “radical Islamists.” At the same time, he reaffirmed his claim that Ukraine could have played role in the attack despite its strong denials and the Islamic State ...
Published: April 23, 2024
rferl.org › a › moscow-attack-islamic-state-russia-terror-crocus › 32874123.html
Russia Says 4 Foreign Suspects Detained As Death Toll From Concert Attack Reaches 133
March 24, 2024 - Rescuers pulled more bodies from the rubble of a Moscow-region concert hall as the toll from a deadly attack on the venue reached 133 and security officials said four suspected gunmen had been detained in connection with Russia’s worst terrorist violence in nearly two decades.
Big News Network.com
bignewsnetwork.com › news › 274402805 › ukrainian-spies-involved-in-moscow-terror-attack-fsb-chief
Ukrainian spies involved in Moscow terror attack FSB chief
Kiev and the West have recruited agents to carry out attacks inside Russia Aleksandr Bortnikov has claimed Ukrainian intelligence service
The Nation
thenation.com › home › article › the moscow terror attack
The Moscow Terror Attack | The Nation
April 3, 2024 - Coming just days after Putin’s orchestrated election, will it endanger his legacy—and his future?
bbc.com › news › world-europe-68652380
Russian court charges four men with act of terrorism in Moscow attack
March 25, 2024 - The suspects, showing signs of being beaten, are charged with terrorism over Friday's concert hall massacre.
sott.net › article › 492296-Ukrainian-spies-involved-in-Moscow-terror-attack-FSB-chief
Ukrainian spies involved in Moscow terror attack - FSB chief — Sott.net
Ukrainian intelligence services were involved in the deadly terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall concert venue outside Moscow in March, the director of Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) has said. Aleksandr Bortnikov made the statement...
RT International
rt.com › russia news › ukrainian intelligence ‘directly involved’ in moscow terror attack – fsb
Ukrainian intelligence ‘directly involved’ in Moscow terror attack – FSB
May 24, 2024 - Russian Federal Security Service chief Aleksandr Bortnikov says Ukraine was behind the Crocus City Hall terrorist attack
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Federal_Security_Service
Federal Security Service - Wikipedia
3 weeks ago - Another associate, Leonid Volkov, said that the FSB "can't do the only job it really should be doing: preventing a real, nightmarish terrorist attack." Novaya Gazeta Europe's chief editor, Kirill Martynov, criticized Putin for dismissing Western intelligence warnings and focusing resources ...
tass.com › emergencies › 1020734
FSB: Kiev's intelligence agencies assist IS militants in plotting terror attacks in Russia - Emergencies - TASS
September 10, 2018 - An IS militant has been detained for being involved in planning the murder of one of the DPR leaders