bbc.co.uk › news › uk-22275280
UK Peace Index highlights rate of fall in violent crime - BBC News
April 24, 2013 - Rates of murder and violent crime have fallen more rapidly in the UK in the past decade than many other countries in Western Europe, an international study says.
ctc.westpoint.edu › home › the growing concern over older far-right terrorists: data from the united kingdom
The Growing Concern Over Older Far-Right Terrorists: Data from the United Kingdom – Combating Terrorism Center at West Point
February 27, 2023 - Abstract: Recent attacks, disrupted plots, and arrests in Europe and the United States have suggested that the terrorist threat posed by older extreme far-right individuals might be increasing. A deep dive into the United Kingdom, which has seen five attacks by extreme far-right men over the ...
sciencedirect.com › science › article › pii › S2589537020300407
Violence-related knife injuries in a UK city; epidemiology and impact on secondary care resources - ScienceDirect
The incidence of knife-related injuries is rising across the UK. This study aimed to determine the spectrum of knife-related injuries in a major UK ci…
Socialist Worker
socialistworker.co.uk › comment › the-crisis-of-far-right-violence-and-fascism-in-britain
The crisis of far right violence and fascism in Britain
August 10, 2024 - How has the wave of far right and fascist violence developed in Britain? It requires the most urgent response from every anti-racist.
thetimes.com › uk › politics
Stop and search cut violent deaths in London by a quarter, police say
May 3, 2019 - The return of stop and search has helped to drive down the murder rate in the capital by a quarter over the past year, Britain’s top police officer has said. Cressida Dick, commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, said that massive increases in its use had also contributed to a 15 per cent ...
Al Jazeera
aljazeera.com › news › 2024 › 8 › 7 › mapping-far-right-riots-in-the-uk
Mapping far-right riots in the UK | Interactive News | Al Jazeera
More than 400 people have been arrested across the UK following a week of race riots and vandalism.
Published: August 7, 2024
aoav.org.uk › home › aoav: all our reports › knife homicide data in england and wales examined
Knife homicide data in England and Wales examined - AOAV
August 2, 2024 - The tragic deaths of three young girls in Southport have sparked national outrage and renewed focus on the prevalence and impact of knife crime in England and Wales.
ncdv.org.uk › home › domestic abuse statistics uk
Domestic Abuse Statistics UK - NCDV
August 22, 2024 - Please note that Internet Explorer is no longer a supported browser so we cannot guarantee the integrity of our website when using it. Please use an alternate browser like Edge or Chrome · Access ASSIST Online Injunction Database
bbc.com › news › uk-68850952
Serious violence falls sharply in England and Wales, study says
April 22, 2024 - Figures for 2023 show the level of violence at its lowest since the Covid lockdowns of 2020.
blogs.lse.ac.uk › politicsandpolicy › patterns-of-violence-glasgow-london
Changing patterns of violence in Glasgow and London: is there evidence of Scottish exceptionalism?
December 17, 2018 - Susan McVie, Ellie Bates, and Rebecca Pillinger examine long-term change in violence within Greater London and the old Strathclyde region and ask whether there