Hospital care and costs for homeless people - PMC
The national picture of the comparative costs and diagnoses of hospitalised homeless patients are examined using the ‘no fixed abode’ flag in English hospital statistics. Comparable studies sample patients in single cities, eg New York and Toronto. ...
Research and Data - National Alliance to End Homelessness
October 5, 2016 - Homelessness Research Institute The Homelessness Research Institute (HRI), the research and education arm of the Alliance, works to end homelessness by building and disseminating knowledge. The goals of HRI are to building the intellectual capital around solutions to homelessness; advance […]
Financing Cocaine Use in a Homeless Population - PMC
Background: Cocaine use is highly prevalent among homeless populations, yet little is known about how it is financed. This study examined associations of income sources with cocaine use and financing of drugs in a longitudinal evaluation of a ...
Researchers gave homeless people money in study
October 14, 2020 - This was the first study to provide a direct cash transfer to people who were homeless.
The value of utility payment history in predicting first-time ...
Homelessness is a costly and traumatic condition that affects hundreds of thousands of people each year in the U.S. alone. Most homeless programs focus on assisting people experiencing homelessness, but research has shown that predicting and preventing ...
The New Homelessness Revisited - PMC
The ‘new homelessness’ has drawn sustained attention from scholars over the past three decades. Definitional inconsistencies and data limitations rendered early work during this period largely speculative in nature. Thanks to conceptual, ...
Homelessness Research: Shaping Policy and Practice, Now and Into ...
Especially in the realm of HIV ... outcomes, such housing interventions cannot be cost effective for every subpopulation. Nevertheless, the public health and societal benefits of housing for people who were once homeless need to be better documented and understood to continue ...
Homelessness Is Not Just a Housing Problem - PMC
ThePLoS Medicine Editors argue that political will and imaginative and collaborative solutions from across the spectrum of health and social care providers are needed to address the needs of homeless individuals.
Health - National Alliance to End Homelessness
December 18, 2023 - Updated December 2023. Health and Homelessness An acute physical or behavioral health crisis or any long-term disabling condition may lead to homelessness; homelessness itself can exacerbate chronic medical conditions. A person can become chronically homeless when his or her health condition ...
Study Reveals It Costs Less to Give the Homeless Housing Than to ...
March 26, 2014 - The news: A new study has found that it's significantly cheaper to house the homeless than leave them on the streets. University of North Carolina Charlotte researchers released a study on Monday that tracked chronically homeless adults housed in…
Costs of services for homeless people with mental illness in 5 ...
August 2, 2017 - Background Limited evidence on the costs of homelessness in Canada is available. We estimated the average annual costs, in total and by cost category, that homeless people with mental illness engender from the perspective of society. We also identified individual characteristics associated ...
Homelessness and health - PMC
The cost of homelessness to society as a whole and to homeless people themselves goes well beyond the nuisance of public intoxication and pan handling and the impact on tourism.8 Despite our attempts to socially isolate homeless people, they are responsible for a disproportionate use of judicial, ...
Health and Health Care for Homeless People in Various Contexts - PMC
Actions to prevent and respond ... risk of homelessness to children and young people to strengthen their life chances; enabling working age adults to enjoy social, economic and cultural participation in society and breaking the cycle of housing by addressing mental health problems. The two authors contributed equally to the editorial. The authors declare no conflict of interest. 1.Schlay A., Rossi P. Social sciences research and contemporary studies of ...
Human Costs and Lost Potential: The real cost of youth homelessness ...
Through this research we wanted to provide an economic justification for the money spent on supporting homeless young people and show the enormous benefits that can be generated.
Health insurance and the homeless - PubMed
There is very little known about health care utilization among the homeless or about the role of health insurance on utilization patterns. Many health care reform proposals advocate expanding health insurance coverage for various segments of society, including the homeless.
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