eriksuniverse.com › upgrading-to-fedora-39.html
Upgrading to Fedora 39 | A Little Guy and His Blog
April 6, 2024 - Hardware wise, I needed another ... Fedora 39), while also allowing me to share a large part of my file system via mounts and symlinks to ease the migration. I develop software and run a lot of complex things that can’t just be configured in a day. But, the key to this plan for success is to never ever ever again buy an nVidia card. But, rather to go all in on AMD cards, ...
sempreupdate.com.br › início › últimas notícias › linux › como instalar o think or swim no linux!
Como instalar o Think Or Swim no Linux! | SempreUpdate
July 17, 2024 - Neste tutorial, saiba como instalar o Think Or Swim no Linux, usando pacotes Flatpak. Aplicativo ThinkOrSwim Desktop.
Ask Ubuntu
askubuntu.com › questions › 703666 › installed-stock-trading-platform-thinkorswim-on-15-10-but-confused-why-it-worked
command line - Installed stock trading platform thinkorswim on 15.10 but confused why it worked - Ask Ubuntu

I'm pretty sure that asterisks were some leftover formatting from some wiki probably (they are gone from the source site, you cited), and quotes were there just to emphasize the name...

Why it worked? - Well, double quotes are valid character in filename, you just need to be extra careful when operating on them, to properly escape. Since asterisks were not escaped, I guess, what happened, was that they were probably stripped by the installation script and so you end up with bin" (thing is, asterisks can also be used in filename, but I guess there was at least some sanitization on that input, pity, that it didn't left just a-zA-Z0-9_-. - rarely will you see anything else).

Anyway, I think, you should reinstall it if you want to be sure not to have any troubles running application from that path.

TLDR; it worked, because, in essence, there was no error...

Answer from Marek Bettman on askubuntu.com
Fedora Discussion
discussion.fedoraproject.org › ask fedora
Best way to run Windows programs on Fedora? - Fedora Discussion
April 22, 2024 - I am helping to set up a laptop for someone with very limited computer abilities, we’ve decided on Fedora (hooray! :slight_smile: ) One problem is they need to use MS Word. It doesn’t matter which version, I have an old install disc for MS Office 2003 which would be perfectly fine.
Fedora Docs
docs.fedoraproject.org › en-US › quick-docs › getting-started-guide
Getting started with Fedora :: Fedora Docs
The Fedora Project is a community of people working together to build a free and open source software platform and to collaborate on and share user-focused solutions built on that…
Linux Compatible
linuxcompatible.org › home › archive › september 2022 › categories › guides › how to install thinkorswim on ubuntu 22.04 lts linux
How to install Thinkorswim on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Linux
September 1, 2022 - Linux Shout published a tutorial about installing Thinkorswim on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Linux. Learn the steps to install ThinkorSwim on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy JellyFish to start trading forex, shares, options, and more online on Linux.
Stack Exchange
unix.stackexchange.com › questions › 545041 › running-thinkorswim-on-linux-mint-19
Running Thinkorswim on Linux (Mint 19) - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange

I tried a variety of things but the one thing that seemed to work best is by making my own executable script and replacing the desktop shortcut with it.

So open a text editor/nano/vi/etc file and name it thinkorswim2 (or whatever you want). In that put the following:


export PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/:$PATH
exec  /home/user/thinkorswim/thinkorswim "$@"

Double check and make sure that the export path does match up on your system by following it. It just goes to the directory of the java executable.

If you followed the install script defaults then change user to be your home directory username. It installed to this directory by default for my version.

Now make that script executable. If you aren't used to the terminal than right click -> properties -> permissions -> allow executing file as program (or similar).

If your like me you want the same icon too so (in mint cinnamon) go to the basic tab in properties. Click the icon. Click browse and go to "/home/user/thinkorswim" then press ctrl + H while browsing to reveal hidden folders. go into "install4j" and pick "thinkorswim.png"

Hopefully this saves someone time in the future.

Answer from Adtopkek on unix.stackexchange.com
Fedora Docs
docs.fedoraproject.org › en-US › quick-docs › wine
Wine – Running Windows applications in the Fedora GUI :: Fedora Docs
Wine is an open source implementation of the Windows API on top of X and OpenGL. Wine emulates the Windows runtime environment by translating Windows system calls into POSIX-compliant system…
bbs.archlinux.org › viewtopic.php
thinkorswim desktop / Newbie Corner / Arch Linux Forums
I *especially*like the clear documentation on the wiki pages. I have tried a few distros and always have problems with the thinkorswim desktop software. It seems to run fine after installing with the script, but there is always a message about it being designed or built on java 1.5.0, and I'm ...
reddit.com › r/thinkorswim › cannot re-launch thinkorswim on linux
r/thinkorswim on Reddit: Cannot re-launch thinkorswim on linux

I'm running it on Arch. I installed 'jre8-openjdk' and set to default then used the thinkorswim install script. It installed to '~/thinkorswim' and it's been working pretty well (if you don't count last week ;).

What happens when you try to relaunch? Anything in syslog/jurnalctl?

futures.io › thinkorswim › 33585-operatingsystem-better-running-tos-thinkorswim-trading-platform-windows-linux.html
Which OperatingSystem is better for running TOS, Windows or Linux?
July 17, 2014 - I have used TOS on Debian Wheezy recently and I found it's generally nice for my uses. (finally a trading platform on Linux that works) I can allocate 8GB of ram to it on 64 bit to reduce any lag, downside is that it requires a specific version of Oracle Java to run (in the past, openJDK worked).
reddit.com › r/thinkorswim › thinkorswim's future on linux is "unknown" with schwab transition
r/thinkorswim on Reddit: ThinkOrSwim's Future On Linux Is "Unknown" with Schwab Transition

Update: I managed to somehow get it working. It's working on Debian 12 (but not Ubuntu, Void Linux, NixOS).

Fedora Docs
docs.fedoraproject.org › en-US › quick-docs › switching-desktop-environments
Switching desktop environments :: Fedora Docs
Different Fedora Linux variants (Spins/Labs) have different default environments. For example, the Fedora workstation uses GNOME as its default desktop environment, while the KDE spin will use KDE. Irrespective of…
reddit.com › r/thinkorswim › any linux users here
r/thinkorswim on Reddit: Any Linux users here

It does work on Linux! I'm also using Pop_OS to run it. I'm not exactly sure why you're having that issue though. Make sure you're following the correct instructions on the Linux download page for thinkorswim.

You must use Zulu OpenJDK as it says on their site or at least a similar up-to-date Java VM.

I think by default the application icon is pushed to the desktop. If you right click the desktop icon and open file location, you can send it file to /usr/share/applications and it should now show in the application launcher.

reddit.com › r/thinkorswim › thinkorswim on mac or pc
r/thinkorswim on Reddit: ThinkorSwim on Mac or PC

Yes/No… the issue isn’t RAM… the issue is the stupid coding team hasn’t released an Apple Silicon version of TOS!

There’s a workaround though.

You have to run TOS from the command line, and it will launch the native Java version, but some features can’t be run.

On my m1 MacBook I keep 2 versions open, the command line one for trading and the intel version for book map.

But it’s stupid. The developers are terribly lazy for not updating the Mac version. No other software I one hasn’t been updated.