en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Oleg_Erovinkin
Oleg Erovinkin - Wikipedia
May 23, 2024 - On 26 December 2016, Erovinkin ... car in Moscow. He was 61 years old. While no cause of death was announced, local media sources reported that foul play was suspected. The morgue reported no cause of death (although Erovinkin's last employer, Rosneft, claimed he died of a heart attack).
Wilson Center
wilsoncenter.org › publication › inside-look-soviet-counterintelligence-mid-1950s
An Inside Look at Soviet Counterintelligence in the mid-1950s | Wilson Center
Filip Kovacevic examines a remarkable document that demonstrates what kept senior Soviet counterintelligence officials awake at night (and alert during the day) in the first decade of the Cold War.
bbc.co.uk › news › world-europe-42636245
Putin, power and poison: Russia’s elite FSB spy club - BBC News
February 3, 2018 - What is the FSB and how have Russia's spies amassed so much power?
Foreign Affairs
foreignaffairs.com › vladimir putin › putin's secret services
How Putin Corralled the FSB | Foreign Affairs
November 9, 2022 - All of Russia’s bureaucrats, from ministers to FSB generals to regional officials, now face the same uncertain future.
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Federal_Security_Service
Federal Security Service - Wikipedia
2 days ago - Another associate, Leonid Volkov, said that the FSB "can't do the only job it really should be doing: preventing a real, nightmarish terrorist attack." Novaya Gazeta Europe's chief editor, Kirill Martynov, criticized Putin for dismissing Western intelligence warnings and focusing resources ...
rferl.org › a › russia-fsb-election-us-interference › 33107203.html
'You Wanted Turmoil. You Got It': How FSB Officers Chatted, And Plotted, To Sow Discord In The U.S.
2 weeks ago - Dozens of pages of chat logs introduced in U.S. court proceedings reveal Russian security service officers discussing their efforts to sow political discord in the United States, as well as exchanging banter about everything from tensions with their superiors over the invasion of Ukraine.
RT International
rt.com › russia news › kiev’s intelligence involved in moscow terror attack – fsb chief
Kiev’s intelligence involved in Moscow terror attack – FSB chief
June 11, 2024 - Ukrainian and Western spy agencies have intensified the recruitment of agents to carry out attacks inside Russia, the FSB chief has said
Washington Post
washingtonpost.com › world › interactive › 2022 › russia-fsb-intelligence-ukraine-war
Russia’s spies misread Ukraine and misled Kremlin as war loomed
August 19, 2022 - A trove of sensitive materials obtained by Ukrainian and other security services and reviewed by The Washington Post offers rare insight into the activities of the FSB, a sprawling security service that bears enormous responsibility for the failed Russian war plan and the hubris that propelled it.
reuters.com › world › europe › putin-tells-fsb-security-service-up-its-game-against-western-spy-agencies-2023-02-28
Putin tells FSB security service to raise its game against Western spy agencies | Reuters
February 28, 2023 - Russian President Vladimir Putin told the FSB domestic security service on Tuesday to step up its activity to counter what he said was increasing espionage and sabotage against Russia by Ukraine and the West.
The Guardian
theguardian.com › world › 2013 › oct › 06 › fsb-putins-modern-day-kgb
FSB: Vladimir Putin's immensely powerful modern-day KGB | Russia | The Guardian
December 1, 2017 - Russia's security agency has a wide remit, guarding borders, catching spies and arresting activists deemed subversive
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Alexander_Litvinenko
Alexander Litvinenko - Wikipedia
2 days ago - In 1991, Litvinenko was promoted ... counter-terrorist activities and infiltration of organised crime. He was awarded the title of "MUR veteran" for operations conducted with the Moscow criminal investigation department, the MUR. Litvinenko also saw active military service in many of the so-called ...
irp.fas.org › world › russia › kgb › su0521.htm
KGB FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE ROLE - Russia / Soviet Intelligence Agencies
The KGB played an important role in furthering Soviet foreign policy objectives abroad. In addition to straightforward intelligence collection and counterintelligence, the KGB participated in the Kremlin's program of active measures. KGB officials also contributed to foreign policy decision making.