politico.eu › article › fbi-dossier-reveals-russian-psy-ops-disinformation-campaign-election-europe
FBI dossier reveals Putin’s secret psychological warfare in Europe
2 weeks ago - Russian information warriors identified Germany as a particularly easy target for Moscows influence, U.S. law enforcement said.
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Oleg_Erovinkin
Oleg Erovinkin - Wikipedia
May 23, 2024 - On 26 December 2016, Erovinkin ... car in Moscow. He was 61 years old. While no cause of death was announced, local media sources reported that foul play was suspected. The morgue reported no cause of death (although Erovinkin's last employer, Rosneft, claimed he died of a heart attack).
Foreign Affairs
foreignaffairs.com › vladimir putin › putin's secret services
How Putin Corralled the FSB | Foreign Affairs
November 9, 2022 - All of Russia’s bureaucrats, from ministers to FSB generals to regional officials, now face the same uncertain future.
bbc.co.uk › news › world-europe-42636245
Putin, power and poison: Russia’s elite FSB spy club - BBC News
February 3, 2018 - What is the FSB and how have Russia's spies amassed so much power?
Wilson Center
wilsoncenter.org › publication › inside-look-soviet-counterintelligence-mid-1950s
An Inside Look at Soviet Counterintelligence in the mid-1950s | Wilson Center
Filip Kovacevic examines a remarkable document that demonstrates what kept senior Soviet counterintelligence officials awake at night (and alert during the day) in the first decade of the Cold War.
nytimes.com › u.s. › politics
U.S. Indicts Members of Russian Military Intelligence Over Cyberattack on Ukraine
2 weeks ago - The indictment unsealed on Thursday comes as the United States expands its hunt for Russia’s most elite cyberwarriors.
rferl.org › a › russia-fsb-election-us-interference › 33107203.html
'You Wanted Turmoil. You Got It': How FSB Officers Chatted, And Plotted, To Sow Discord In The U.S.
2 weeks ago - Dozens of pages of chat logs introduced in U.S. court proceedings reveal Russian security service officers discussing their efforts to sow political discord in the United States, as well as exchanging banter about everything from tensions with their superiors over the invasion of Ukraine.
RT International
rt.com › russia news › kiev’s intelligence involved in moscow terror attack – fsb chief
Kiev’s intelligence involved in Moscow terror attack – FSB chief
June 11, 2024 - Ukrainian and Western spy agencies have intensified the recruitment of agents to carry out attacks inside Russia, the FSB chief has said
Big News Network.com
bignewsnetwork.com › news › 274402805 › ukrainian-spies-involved-in-moscow-terror-attack-fsb-chief
Ukrainian spies involved in Moscow terror attack FSB chief
Kiev and the West have recruited agents to carry out attacks inside Russia Aleksandr Bortnikov has claimed Ukrainian intelligence service
The Moscow Times
themoscowtimes.com › the moscow times › news › russia claims to kill ‘ukrainian agent’ plotting assassination of defense executive
Russia Claims to Kill ‘Ukrainian Agent’ Plotting Assassination of Defense Executive - The Moscow Times
3 days ago - Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) said Tuesday that its agents killed a suspected Ukrainian military intelligence officer allegedly plotting to assassinate a Russian defense industry executive.
nytimes.com › world › europe
The Spy War: How the C.I.A. Secretly Helps Ukraine Fight Putin - The New York Times
February 28, 2024 - For more than a decade, the United States has nurtured a secret intelligence partnership with Ukraine that is now critical for both countries in countering Russia.
The Guardian
theguardian.com › world › 2013 › oct › 06 › fsb-putins-modern-day-kgb
FSB: Vladimir Putin's immensely powerful modern-day KGB | Russia | The Guardian
December 1, 2017 - Russia's security agency has a wide remit, guarding borders, catching spies and arresting activists deemed subversive
newsweek.com › russia-fsb-ukraine-plot-destroy-admiral-kuznetsov-1923153
Russia Accuses Ukraine of Plot to Destroy Its Last Active Aircraft Carrier - Newsweek
July 10, 2024 - The FSB said the operation was personally supervised by the head of Ukraine's GUR military intelligence agency, Kyrylo Budanov.
Promote Ukraine
promoteukraine.org › home › fsb accuses head of ukrainian intelligence of ‘organising terrorist attack’ on crimea bridge
FSB Accuses Head of Ukrainian Intelligence of ‘Organising Terrorist Attack’ on Crimea Bridge
October 12, 2022 - The FSB reported the arrest of eight out of 12 "identified accomplices" in the Crimea Bridge explosion. The Russian Federation believes that the operation was organised by Kyrylo Budanov, the Head of the Chief Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine