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How to Install Think or Swim on Linux Mint
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How to Fix ThinkorSwim Stuck on Installing Updates - useThinkScript Community
August 10, 2020 - Anybody else having this problem in the last 24 hours? Won't get past the installing updates screen. I re-upped ThinkorSwim without doing a complete removal and reinstall (are we absolutely 100% CERTAIN my custom studies won't be wiped??) but it didn't help. Edit: Based on the information given...
reddit.com › r/thinkorswim › thinkorswim on ubuntu
r/thinkorswim on Reddit: Thinkorswim on Ubuntu

this was a little tricky but I have gotten it to work.First you want to get Java 8 installed.Once you install Java,then you need to choose the version cause itll make Java 11 default,once you change it to 8,then the installer runs just fine. Also remember to change the installer to be "executing"(right click,properties,check the box). I think with your case,you should just run this to change it to 8 because I ran into the same issue and once I switched it to 8,I had no problems.

sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-8-oracle

I should note I am using LTS 18.04 but it should work if youre on 18 or 19

Schwab Brokerage
mediaserver.thinkorswim.com › installer › install.html
TD Ameritrade, Inc. is now at Schwab | Charles Schwab
TD Ameritrade, Inc. is now at Charles Schwab. Use your existing account information and log in to explore new account and wealth management opportunities at Schwab.
Ask Ubuntu
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installation - Running thinkorswim - Ask Ubuntu

Instructions for Lubuntu / Ubuntu 19.04

Thanks to Michael in tech support at Thinkorswim.

The following instructions should help you to install thinkorswim with the proper version of Java:

Installing Zulu OpenJDK:

  1. Log in as root or use sudo

  2. Import Azul's public key

    $ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys 0xB1998361219BD9C9
  3. Add the Azul package to the APT repository

    For Ubuntu

    $ sudo apt-add-repository 'deb http://repos.azulsystems.com/ubuntu stable main'

    For Debian

    $ sudo apt-add-repository 'deb http://repos.azulsystems.com/debian stable main'
  4. Update the information about available packages.

    $ sudo apt-get update
  5. Install Zulu by using the following command:

    $ sudo apt-get install zulu-8

Once Zulu is installed move on to installing ThinkorSwim:

  1. Navigate to downloads and right click "thinkorswim_installer.sh", select "Properties"
  2. Select the "Permissions" tab, and make sure "Allow executing file as program" is selected
  3. Close the window
  4. Double click "thinkorswim_installer.sh"


  1. Click back onto the file explorer
  2. Open from the top menu bar: Edit > Preferences OR Files > Preferences
  3. Select the "Behavior" tab
  4. Select "Ask each time" OR "Ask what to do" under "Executable Text Files"
  5. Close the window and launch "thinkorswim.sh" and select "Run" from the prompt
Answer from retrobeast on askubuntu.com
reddit.com › r/thinkorswim › error running thinkorswim in ubuntu
r/thinkorswim on Reddit: Error running thinkorswim in Ubuntu

I tried and tried and gave up. Now I have Windows running in Virtual Box so I can have ToS on my linux laptop.

Ask Ubuntu
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gui - Thinkorswim and Ubuntu 22.04.1 jammy - Ask Ubuntu

I had the same problem. It is like the desktop application window has disappeared. What I did was select the window using Super+TAB and then used the keyboard shortcut to maximize the window ALT+F10. That displayed the application. Then clicking on the un-maximize button made it normal again.

Answer from lincoln_linux on askubuntu.com
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The Perfect Server - Fedora 14 x86_64 [ISPConfig 3]
The Perfect Server - Fedora 14 x86_64 [ISPConfig 3] This tutorial shows how to prepare a Fedora 14 server (x86_64) for the installation of ISPCon...
github.com › Mike-Gao › fedora-setup
GitHub - Mike-Gao/fedora-setup: Mike's Fedora Setup Scripts
Mike's Fedora Setup Scripts. Contribute to Mike-Gao/fedora-setup development by creating an account on GitHub.
Author: Mike-Gao
openSUSE Forums
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ThinkorSwim Trading Platform on SUSE - Applications - openSUSE Forums
February 5, 2013 - Hi…new, but old guy here. Having just rid myself of 30 years of DOS/Windows, I feel like a kid in a candy store. I keep hearing the words, “what took you so long,” to find the Linux store. Yes, its exciting, but overwhelming. My current dilemma is, installing my first program via command line.
Ask Ubuntu
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command line - Installed stock trading platform thinkorswim on 15.10 but confused why it worked - Ask Ubuntu

I'm pretty sure that asterisks were some leftover formatting from some wiki probably (they are gone from the source site, you cited), and quotes were there just to emphasize the name...

Why it worked? - Well, double quotes are valid character in filename, you just need to be extra careful when operating on them, to properly escape. Since asterisks were not escaped, I guess, what happened, was that they were probably stripped by the installation script and so you end up with bin" (thing is, asterisks can also be used in filename, but I guess there was at least some sanitization on that input, pity, that it didn't left just a-zA-Z0-9_-. - rarely will you see anything else).

Anyway, I think, you should reinstall it if you want to be sure not to have any troubles running application from that path.

TLDR; it worked, because, in essence, there was no error...

Answer from Marek Bettman on askubuntu.com
howtoforge.com › home › the perfect desktop - part 1: fedora core 6
The Perfect Desktop - Part 1: Fedora Core 6
The Perfect Desktop - Part 1: Fedora Core 6 With the release of Microsofts new Windows operating system (Vista), more and more people are looking f...
Google Support
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Think or swim- Help me with Launching the application on Linux! - Google Pixelbook Community
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r/thinkorswim on Reddit: Slow on linux

I use ToS on Solus Linux without issue. I've written in this sub a few times about how to optimize it if you're willing to search through.

Make sure you're using the right java distribution and have the paths set up correctly.

youtube.com › floatchecker
How to Download and Install Thinkorswim - YouTube
Charles Schwab may have purchased TD Ameritrade, but the Thinkorswim trading platform isn't going anywhere. If you're interested in trading stocks and want t...
Published: April 29, 2021
Views: 9K
reddit.com › r/archlinux › financial trading on arch linux
r/archlinux on Reddit: Financial trading on Arch Linux

I first read "Financial trading of Arch Linux", and here I thought someone had leaked our ICO filing for ArchCoin early.

reddit.com › r/thinkorswim › tos on m1/m2 macs
r/thinkorswim on Reddit: ToS on M1/M2 Macs

Call TDA and ask them to update TOS to run natively on macOS with M1/2. The more people call, the more likely they will prioritize this update. It’s been over a year now.

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r/thinkorswim on Reddit: Linux experience?

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS 5th gen Intel processor, 16GB RAM, GTX1060 [It's an old desktop machine I inherited and use as a secondary machine.] No fiddling required. Works as expected. I did deviate from the installation instructions slightly. I installed OpenJDK11 from the distro repo rather than Zulu's JDK because it's easier to manage updates.