ui.adsabs.harvard.edu › abs › 2013PLoSO...878681O › abstract
The Ontogeny of Bumblebee Flight Trajectories: From Naïve Explorers to Experienced Foragers - NASA/ADS
adshelp[at]cfa.harvard.edu · The ADS is operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory under NASA Cooperative Agreement NNX16AC86A
journals.plos.org › plosone › article
Flight of the bumble bee: Buzzes predict pollination services | PLOS ONE
Multiple interacting factors drive recent declines in wild and managed bees, threatening their pollination services. Widespread and intensive monitoring could lead to more effective management of wild and managed bees. However, tracking their dynamic populations is costly.
musescore.org › en › node › 5188
Flight of the Bumblebee - Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov | MuseScore
Find the score attached. I did it from a Capella file downloaded on WIMA. Capella import being young, I didn't get a Grand Staff, the dynamics were missing,…
woot.com › blog › post › the-debunker-does-a-bumblebees-flight-defy-physics
The Debunker: Does a Bumblebee's Flight Defy Physics? - Woot
Ah, June. The bees are buzzing, the crickets are chirping, the fireflies are glowing, and the June bugs are—doing whatever June bugs do, I guess? It's their month. In the United Kingdom, the connection between summer and the insect kingdom has been formalized by turning the last week of June ...
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › 15671333
Dynamic flight stability of a hovering bumblebee - PubMed
The longitudinal dynamic flight stability of a hovering bumblebee was studied using the method of computational fluid dynamics to compute the aerodynamic derivatives and the techniques of eigenvalue and eigenvector analysis for solving the equations of motion.
researchgate.net › publication › 332783664_Pesticide_exposure_affects_flight_dynamics_and_reduces_flight_endurance_in_bumblebees
(PDF) Pesticide exposure affects flight dynamics and reduces flight endurance in bumblebees
April 29, 2019 - PDF | The emergence of agricultural land use change creates a number of challenges that insect pollinators, such as eusocial bees, must overcome.... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc › articles › PMC7835495
Analysing Head-Thorax Choreography During Free-Flights in Bumblebees - PMC
Animals coordinate their various body parts, sometimes in elaborate manners to swim, walk, climb, fly, and navigate their environment. The coordination of body parts is essential to behaviors such as, chasing, escaping, landing, and the extraction of ...
sciencesources.eurekalert.org › news-releases › 952072
Quantum systems and the flight of the bee | EurekAlert!
A quantum system with only 51 charged atoms can take on more than two quadrillion different states. Calculating the system's behavior is child's play for a quantum simulator. But verifying the result is almost impossible, even with today's supercomputers. A research team from The University ...
damanhurblog.com › home › the physics of the bumblebee
The physics of the bumblebee - Damanhur Community Blog
April 3, 2018 - We could say that quantum mechanics and magic share the same phenomena explained in different ways. The difference, even if ...
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › 30108522
The Dominant Role of Visual Motion Cues in Bumblebee Flight Control Revealed Through Virtual Reality - PubMed
Flying bees make extensive use of optic flow: the apparent motion in the visual scene generated by their own movement. Much of what is known about bees' visually-guided flight comes from experiments employing real physical objects, which constrains the types of cues that can be presented.
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc › articles › PMC3592844
Constructing a Stochastic Model of Bumblebee Flights from Experimental Data - PMC
The movement of organisms is subject to a multitude of influences of widely varying character: from the bio-mechanics of the individual, over the interaction with the complex environment many animals live in, to evolutionary pressure and energy constraints. ...
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › 27436135
Wind alters landing dynamics in bumblebees - PubMed
Landing is an important but understudied behavior that flying animals must perform constantly. In still air, insects decelerate smoothly prior to landing by employing the relatively simple strategy of maintaining a constant rate of image expansion during their approach.
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc › articles › PMC6096632
The role of spatial texture in visual control of bumblebee learning flights - PMC
When leaving the nest for the first time, bees and wasps perform elaborate learning flights, during which the location of the nest is memorised. These flights are characterised by a succession of arcs or loops of increasing radius centred around the nest, ...
nature.com › scientific reports › articles › article
Harmonic radar tracking reveals random dispersal pattern of bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) queens after hibernation | Scientific Reports
The dispersal of animals from their birth place has profound effects on the immediate survival and longer-term persistence of populations. Molecular studies have estimated that bumblebee colonies can be established many kilometers from their queens’ natal nest site.
semanticscholar.org › papers › bumblebee flight in heavy turbulence.
[PDF] Bumblebee Flight in Heavy Turbulence. | Semantic Scholar
High-resolution numerical simulations of a tethered model bumblebee in forward flight are performed superimposing homogeneous isotropic turbulent fluctuations to the uniform inflow, finding significant changes in cycle-averaged aerodynamic forces, moments, or flight power when averaged over ...
sciencedirect.com › science › article › pii › S2589004221003758
Bumblebees land rapidly and robustly using a sophisticated modular flight control strategy - ScienceDirect
When approaching a landing surface, many flying animals use visual feedback to control their landing. Here, we studied how foraging bumblebees (Bombus…
ui.adsabs.harvard.edu › abs › 2016PhRvL.116b8103E › abstract
Bumblebee Flight in Heavy Turbulence - NASA/ADS
High-resolution numerical simulations of a tethered model bumblebee in forward flight are performed superimposing homogeneous isotropic turbulent fluctuations to the uniform inflow. Despite tremendous variation in turbulence intensity, between 17% and 99% with respect to the mean flow, we do ...