livekindly.com › how-plants-improve-mental-health
How Plants Can Improve Your Mental Health
August 19, 2021 - A number of studies have analyzed the mental health benefits of keeping plants at home, in the workplace, at school, and in healthcare facilities.
healthyselfhealthylife.com › blog › houseplants-and-mental-health
Houseplants and Mental Health — Healthy Self. Healthy Life.
January 31, 2023 - A safe, low-risk place to start is to invest in a houseplant that will depend on your loving care to thrive! As you begin to care for your plants and nourish their needs, begin to take notice of how you can start to nourish your own needs. · Interested to read more? https://www.verywellmind.com/mental-health-benefits...
Address: 825 Speer Blvd, Suite 210 Denver, CO, 80218 United States
piedmont.org › living-better › health-benefits-of-indoor-plants
Health benefits of indoor plants
Brain Tumor Nationally recognized brain tumor destination for patients in the Southeast · Heart A nationally recognized heart center providing comprehensive heart and vascular health services
Garden Health
gardenhealth.com › home › articles › how houseplants improve health & wellbeing
How Houseplants improve Health & Wellbeing - Garden Health
January 31, 2024 - Did you know that indoor gardening and houseplants improve your health and wellbeing? Read our article to find out more!
Psychology Today
psychologytoday.com › gb › blog › people-places-and-things › 201802 › benefits-the-indoor-plant
Benefits of the Indoor Plant | Psychology Today United Kingdom
August 15, 2018 - For many of us, most of the time, ... a few houseplants. We also feel better physically when we’re around plants — a good reason to bring a potted plant to your great aunt in an assisted living facility or the hospital. Being near indoor potted plants helps us to de-stress and restock our stores of mental processing ...
treehugger.com › health-benefits-houseplants-4858716
5 Health Benefits of Houseplants
Praise the plants! While you're not looking, your indoor flora is removing air pollutants and helping you to remember things.
Anxiety Gone
anxiety-gone.com › home › calming tools
12 Best Calming Plants for Anxiety for Transforming Your Space and Mind
July 26, 2024 - Has numerous medical benefits, including lower cholesterol levels and fewer infections ... Certainly by now, you’re seeing a theme – easy stress relieving houseplants for anxiety. Air plants are definitely on the list of the best plants for anxiety relief, as these beautiful pieces of the earth are incredibly easy to take care of. After all, you just have to soak them in a cup of water once a week. As for the mental health ...
theprint.in › home › environment › houseplants don’t just look nice—they can also give your mental health a...
Houseplants don’t just look nice—they can also give your mental health a boost
August 7, 2022 - Growing herbs is also a cheap and ... can help make it easier for you to care for your plants, by giving you advice, reminders and a forum to ask questions. Owning houseplants can have a range of benefits for our health – especially mental health....
Pilea Peperomioides
pilea.com › post › four-ways-houseplants-improve-our-mental-health
Four Ways Houseplants Improve Our Mental Health
May 3, 2021 - May is mental health awareness month, and we’ve decided to put our spin on the topic and talk about the connection between plants and mental health. But we’re not just jumping on the bandwagon just for the sake of it, and we don’t want to talk in absolutes.
monitor.co.ug › home › magazines › homes and property
Best indoor plants for mental health | Monitor
June 26, 2024 - Experts reveal that plants and exposure to greenery have been scientifically shown to offer numerous mental health benefits, including stress reduction, alleviation of depression, enhanced...
thrive.org.uk › get-gardening › why-plants-are-great-friends-to-support-your-mental-health
Why plants are great friends to support your mental health - Thrive
Spending time with plants can help you be present in the moment and offer welcome distraction. Some people even like to name their plants!
myplantplace.com › top-8-house-plants-to-help-mental-health
Top 8 House Plants To Help Mental Health – My Plant Place
Now, here are some great suggestions ... mental illness symptoms: It is impossible to not have used at least one product containing aloe vera in your lifetime. This is one of the most versatile plants, with applications in cosmetics, medicine and even in exotic food. Dubbed “plant of immortality”, it has a history going back to the ancient Egyptians, and even Cleopatra and Nefertiti are said to have used it in their daily beauty care. The plant provides countless health benefits including ...
Merrick Solicitors
merrick-solicitors.com › home › life › houseplants for mental well-being
Houseplants for mental well-being - Merrick Solicitors
July 17, 2020 - If you are working from home or spending a lot more time indoors, it might be time to invest in a few stress-busting plants.
Pistils Nursery
pistilsnursery.com › blogs › journal › plant-care-self-care-discover-the-health-benefits-of-houseplants
Plant Care = Self Care: Discover the Health Benefits of Houseplants – Pistils Nursery
October 16, 2023 - You don’t have to tell us that houseplants are beautiful, and that tending to them can quickly become a hobby and, for some of us, an obsession. No matter who we are or where we come from, from the smallest apartment to the most lavish sunroom, a plant makes a difference.
Price: $$
Address: 3811 N Mississippi Ave, 97227, Portland
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc › articles › PMC9224521
Effects of Indoor Plants on Human Functions: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analyses - PMC
The influences of indoor plants on people have been examined by only three systematic reviews and no meta-analyses. The objective of this study was therefore to investigate the effects of indoor plants on individuals’ physiological, cognitive, ...
ethicalnews.org › home › houseplants don’t just look nice – they can also give your mental health a boost
Houseplants don’t just look nice – they can also give your mental health a boost | #EthicalHour
April 6, 2023 - Lauriane Suyin Chalmin-Pui, University of Sheffield For those of us without access to outside green space, houseplants are a stylish and affordable way of getting a nature fix. Alongside looking nice, indoor plants actually have several other perks – the biggest benefit of which could be ...
NBC News
nbcnews.com › better › health › indoor-plants-can-instantly-boost-your-health-happiness-ncna781806
Houseplants can instantly improve your health and happiness
July 13, 2017 - Studies have proven that houseplants improve concentration and productivity, reduce stress levels and boost your mood.
thrive.org.uk › get-gardening › plants-to-help-ease-the-mind
Plants to help ease the mind - Thrive
Being around and seeing plants can help us feel calmer and reduce anxiety. We look at some of our favourite plants to help support our mental health.