drcarolehhaynes.com › index.php › articles › marxism › critical-race-theory › 505-the-marxist-roots-of-dei-and-the-implications-for-america-america
The Marxist Roots of DEI and the Implications for America - Dr. ...
The Marxist Roots of DEI and Implications for America ... Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is a Marxist based ideology that is close kin with Marxist Critical Race Theory. DEI has become a billion dollar industry that is designed to divide, intimidate, disrupt, and destroy.
quora.com › What-kind-of-equality-does-Marxism-want-to-achieve
What kind of equality does Marxism want to achieve? - Quora
Answer (1 of 10): ‘Marxism’ is a term loosely applied to a variety of theoretical positions and movements, many of which are in direct contradiction to each other. So, it is rarely very meaningful to make any definite statements about ‘Marxism’ in this broad sense.
Law & Liberty
lawliberty.org › home › the philosophy underlying dei
The Philosophy Underlying DEI – Allen Porter
May 24, 2023 - Allen Porter explains that postmodern identity leftism is the philosophy of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
marxists.org › reference › archive › bakunin › bio › robertson-ann.htm
The Philosophical Roots of the Marx-Bakunin Conflict
Moreover, both argued that the ... scope. Finally, they agreed that the State was an instrument of class oppression, not some neutral organ that equitably represented everyone’s interests, and in the final analysis must be abolished....
en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki › Marxist_schools_of_thought
Marxist schools of thought - Wikipedia
December 5, 2024 - Marxist feminism analyzes the ways in which women are exploited through capitalism and the individual ownership of private property, stating that these give rise to economic inequality as well as dependence, political confusion and ultimately unhealthy social relations between men and women, which are the root ...
growthandjustice.org › news › 2013-04 › the-difference-between-equity-and-equality
The difference between equity and equality: Growth and Justice
Why don’t we just say that “equality” is what we are after, goes the gripe, instead of introducing yet another politically correct buzzword to the policy lexicon? And finally, the word “equity” for many homeowners has a very specific meaning in personal finance, to describe that portion ...
econlib.org › home › cee › marxism
Marxism - Econlib
June 18, 2021 - More than a century after his death, Karl Marx remains one of the most controversial figures in the Western world. His relentless criticism of capitalism and his corresponding promise of an inevitable, harmonious socialist future inspired a revolution of global proportions.
scielo.br › j › rk › a › pjjnXw5y7xXVCtN5JW4zBwP
SciELO - Brazil - O sentido de igualdade e bem-estar em Marx O ...
Neste artigo expõe-se a concepção de Marx a respeito da igualdade e do bem-estar substantivos,...
reddit.com › r/askphilosophy › what was marx's view on equality?
r/askphilosophy on Reddit: What was Marx's view on equality?

Marx didn't want the type of equality that would 'level' all difference. He is clear about that. And his critique of capitalism certainly sprouts from his vision of the despair that results from having one group of people (the capitalists) have such an unequal amount of power over another group of people (the proletariat). After all, the essence of Marxism is 'democracy in the workplace', so it indeed retains, in some sense, Bentham's egalitarian dictum that each person count as one person. But Marx was first and foremost a critic. He doesn't and can't say much about what communism would be like. It does indeed have something to do with equality. 'From each according to his ability, to each according to his need' is about as specific as he gets. He's searching after a sophisticated equality that can't be abstractly decided before the determinate situation comes on the scene, so communism can't be reduced to 'equality' because 'equality' can't quite capture everything Marx is wanting to say about communism. He wants a contextual equality, but that concept alone doesn't say enough, because you need the actual context to give the concept any kind of substance.

en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki › Marxist_cultural_analysis
Marxist cultural analysis - Wikipedia
December 1, 2024 - Marxist cultural analysis has commonly considered the industrialization, mass-production, and mechanical reproduction of culture by the "culture industry" as having an overall negative effect on society, an effect which reifies the self-conception of the individual.
globalvisions.fi › en › 2023 › 08 › 07 › karl-marxs-theory-of-justice-and-its-historical-roots
Karl Marx’s theory of justice and its historical roots
It can be argued that Marx’s ... like Che Guevara, he has become a symbol appropriated into popular culture, but also elevated to prophetic heights – as a true prophet for his supporters and a false prophet for his opponents. Today, some Marxists look to Marx as an economist ...
renew.org › home › philosophy of religion › what’s wrong with marxism? here’s how it played out in my country.
What’s Wrong with Marxism? Here’s How It Played Out in My Country.
May 22, 2024 - What's wrong with Marxism? Former Russian rockstar explores Marxism's effects on Russia--as well as its rising popularity in the West.
adamsmithworks.org › speakings › bastardo-liberal-roots-how-marx-went-wrong
The Liberal Roots of Karl Marx and How He Went Wrong | Adam Smith ...
Based on his statement, “Things ... trade, or a diamond’s null value in use and highly coveted value in exchange, remains alarmingly absent in the Marxist conception of value....
Carolina Journal
carolinajournal.com › home › critical race theory is drenched in marxist principles
Critical race theory is drenched in Marxist principles
June 29, 2021 - The political left wishes to discredit concerns over critical race theory (CRT) being taught in our schools by adverting it is nothing more than “political theater." Unfortunately, their criticism is misplaced. The reality is that some North Carolina schools are actively pushing CRT doctrines, ...
marxists.org › archive › marx › works › 1859 › critique-pol-economy › preface.htm
Karl Marx 1859 A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy · Source: K. Marx, A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1977, with some notes by R. Rojas
en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki › Main_Currents_of_Marxism
Main Currents of Marxism - Wikipedia
October 27, 2024 - Kołakowski was criticized for ... impression of Marxism by focusing on Marxist philosophers at the expense of other Marxist writers. Kołakowski discusses the origins, philosophical roots, golden age and breakdown of Marxism, and the various schools of Marxist philo...
historicalmaterialism.org › home › articles › marxist interventions into contemporary debates
Marxist Interventions into Contemporary Debates - Historical ...
December 22, 2023 - For journal subscription and purchasing details, please go here. The special issue 26(2) is currently being printed, and will be available in July 2018. Individual copies will be available to purchase directly from Central Brooks (sasha@centralbooks.com). ISSUE 26(2): IDENTITY POLITICS 2017 ...
socialpathology.blogspot.com › 2013 › 01 › marx-and-feminine-imperative.html
The Social Pathologist: Marx and the Feminine Imperative.
Cultural Marxism is a term bandied about quite loosely in the manosphere and the imprecision in it's use causes much confusion. For some,...
m.economictimes.com › business news › definition › economy
What is Marxism? Definition of Marxism, Marxism Meaning - The ...
Marxism definition - What is meant by the term Marxism ? meaning of IPO, Definition of Marxism on The Economic Times.
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Black_Marxism
Black Marxism - Wikipedia
September 17, 2024 - The book does not build from nor reiterate Marxist thought, but rather introduces racial analysis to the Marxist tradition. Black Marxism is separated into three parts, the first being, “The Emergence and Limitations of European Radicalism;” the second, “The Roots of Black Radicalism;” ...