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GA- 71N,G 1.0000+00* SIGECN-MASGAM 3171 3102 3171 3102 3.10710+04 7.0315E+01 0 99 0 03171 3102 3.0000E+02 6.5225E+06 0 0 1 20613171 3102 2061 5 3171 3102 1.0000E-05 2.3699E+02 1.2855E-05 2.0902E+02 1.4283E-05 1.9830E+023171 3102 1.5710E-05 1.8907E+02 1.8565E-05 1.7393E+02 2.1420E-05 1.6192E+023171 ...
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1 Archaea 517 seqs 1.1 Unclassified 6 seqs 1.1.1 OTU 6 seqs prokMSA_id:823 L25301.1 hot spring clone pJP41 prokMSA_id:824 L25300.1 hot spring clone pJP33 prokMSA_id:837 U63339.1 hot spring clone pSL17 prokMSA_id:839 U63342.1 hot spring clone pSL50 prokMSA_id:883 AB007303.1 hot water habitat ...
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Spinal actions of GR73632, a novel tachykinin NK1 receptor agonist ...
Behavioral characterization of GR73632, a newly synthesized tachykinin NK1 receptor agonist, was examined in mice. Intrathecal (IT) injection of GR73632 in the spinal subarachnoid space of mice elicited a dose-dependent behavioral syndrome, consisting of scratching, biting and licking.
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Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 · This press release may contain forward-looking statements.
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sec.gov › Archives › edgar › data › 836906 › 000175272420179052 › 0001752724-20-179052.txt
GMCAR 2019-4 A3
0001752724-20-179052.txt : 20200831 · 0001752724-20-179052.hdr.sgml : 20200831 · 20200828203923 ACCESSION NUMBER: 0001752724-20-179052 CONFORMED SUBMISSION TYPE: NPORT-P PUBLIC DOCUMENT COUNT: 2 CONFORMED PERIOD OF REPORT: 20200630 FILED AS OF DATE: 20200831 PERIOD START: 20200930 FILER: ...
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TransTermHP v2.07 (built on Jan 21 2009) 25 bins; sample size is 20000000 --pval-conf=/fs/szasmg2/carlk/TTupdate2/expterm.dat --gc=-2.3 --au=-0.9 --gu=1.3 --mm=3.5 --gap=6 --max-len=59 --min-stem=4 --max-loop=13 --min-loop=3 --uwin-length=6 --uwin-require=3 --max-hp-score=-2 --max-tail-score=-2.5 ...
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>Feature gb|CP003034.1| 335 2797 gene gene thrA locus_tag CE10_0001 335 2797 CDS product fused aspartokinase I and homoserine dehydrogenase I transl_table 11 protein_id gb|AEQ10859.1||gnl|mgcchina|CE10_0001 2799 3731 gene gene thrB locus_tag CE10_0002 2799 3731 CDS product homoserine kinase ...
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MON LOUIS 30214095883N088065418170W -25241 2826 H 88 00ALBH2088 0.12 0.13 .08578037 0.50 BP PALMER 34121058706N088110853697W 166784 194286 H 88 00ALEG1532 0.19 0.21 .10562893 0.46 BP 41 6 32261692162N085225013760W 121134 148988 H 88 00ALCM2375 0.19 0.19 .03349363 0.53 BP 11 1 32593833137N0...
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data_4V6F # _entry.id 4V6F # _citation.id primary _citation.title 'Structural aspects of messenger RNA reading frame maintenance by the ribosome.' _citation.journal_abbrev 'Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol.' _citation.journal_volume 17 _citation.page_first 555 _citation.page_last 560 _citation.year 2010 ...
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Probe Set ID Gene Symbol Gene Title NP_007225 NULL NULL NP_007226 NULL NULL NP_007227 NULL NULL NP_007228 NULL NULL NP_007229 NULL NULL NP_007230 NULL NULL NP_007231 NULL NULL NP_007232 NULL NULL NP_007233 NULL NULL NP_007234 NULL NULL NP_007235 NULL NULL NP_007236 NULL NULL NP_007237 NULL ...
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GKU^QP/*.UYW"')&"%-94888QATN^SUUPH;%heA\eW]U^A3@40OR[wzaq^]C Gvkv9YcrKw~uhQCzz=RPSGSJBWDHBF63H3CP[ · KOKUSW]^5L@F7I9ELYFD0CDGCDJKO]_LHGBOGMHMN2=87@F1OLL+1K93LQ=B\/NKIEA\F_ZN^MJSUE)IS]B/5-=39?%"88;1+/5(_X#6.)$1T.*$)S&:[ · NZSP%)4=@G( G&I34XY$!-+19LH%ON5$^^"U]\ZJ9:UX26DB9 ^[+&]H54"+94L4F...
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N1 ;CG01 N2 ;DATE - NOV. 01 2016 N3 ;********** TOOL LIST ********** N4;(TOOL - 05=0.25 FLAT ENDMILL) N5;(TOOL - 08=0.125 SPHERICAL / BALL-NOSED ENDMILL) N6;******************************* N7 G92Y(@YAXG92) N8 G16XY N9 G27 N10 G40 N11 G70 N12 G80 N13 G90 N14 G94 N15 G00 G79 Z(@ZPARKP1) N16 G500 ...
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Illumina, Inc. [Heading] Date 15/4/2010 ContentVersion 4.0 FormatVersion 1.0.0 Number of Probes 47323 Number of Controls 887 [Probes] Species Source Search_Key Transcript ILMN_Gene Source_Reference_ID RefSeq_ID Unigene_ID Entrez_Gene_ID GI Accession Symbol Protein_Product Probe_Id Array_Address_Id ...