Studio Olistico
La Geobiologia | Studio Olistico: geobiologia, radiestesia, feng shui
January 31, 2016 - La geobiologia è una scienza di nuova generazione, definita tale dopo che qualche sofisticato strumento elettronico ha cominciato a muovere il suo ago...
A Century of Chess: Moscow 1925 -
There is a case to be made that this is the single most significant tournament ever held. The logic for that argument would run that the defining story of 20th century chess was the creation of the Soviet chess machine, and the Soviet chess machine didn’t come out of nowhere.
Looking Back at 1925 | Los Angeles Review of Books
January 25, 2025 - In this first of 12 monthly articles, LARB founder Tom Lutz reflects on the significance of the year 1925.
The Washington Times
Lessons of 1925: Learning from the past and not predicting the future - Washington Times
December 30, 2024 - Political and other prognosticators are busy predicting the future, as usual.
Georg Lukacs - New World Encyclopedia
Along with the work of Karl Korsch, the book was attacked at the Fifth Comintern Congress in July 1924 by the Soviet head of the Comintern, Grigory Zinoviev. In 1924, shortly after Lenin's death, Lukács also published the short study Lenin: A Study in the Unity of His Thought. In 1925, he ...
1925 Seventy-five Years Ago (April 2000, Volume 51, Issue 2) n:60170
Fitzgerald Grows Up · On April 10, a few months past the chronological center of the 1920s, Scribner’s published the novel that would epitomize the decade better than any other, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby . So completely does the book symbolize its era that Gatsbyesque has ...
Full text of "Catalog of Copyright Entries, 1923 Books For the Year 1923 New Series Vol 20 Part 1"
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The Georg Lukacs Internet Archive
Georg Lukács 1919-1923 · Written: 1919-1923; Source: History & Class Consciousness; Translator: Rodney Livingstone; Publisher: Merlin Press, 1967; Transcription and HTML Mark-up: Andy Blunden
Georg [György] Lukács (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy/Fall 2021 Edition)
While already the critique of Fichteanism in his writings between 1923 and 1928—for example in his review of an edition of Lasalle’s letters (1925b) and in a short piece on Moses Hess (1926)—constitutes a significant step towards such a new model, it was impossible for him to write anything ...
The Guardian
Scientist’s ‘ruthlessly imaginative’ 1925 predictions for the future come true – mostly | Science | The Guardian
December 29, 2024 - Prof Low anticipated home speakers and gender neutral clothing, but missed his mark on herb-based street lighting
1925, the Glossary
Sicherheitsberater Brent Scowcroft (Mitte) mit Präsident George H. W.Bush (links am Telefon) und Stabschef John Sununu während der US-Invasion in Panama Brent Scowcroft (* 19. März 1925 in Ogden, Utah) ist ein ehemaliger US-amerikanischer Generalleutnant, Militärassistent von Präsident ...
My Site
Hijama | L'Instant Présent
Retrouvez votre équilibre et votre bien-être au cabinet "L'instant Présent" à Aubenas (07), grâce à la sophrologie, les ventouses (Hijama), l'acupressing, la ré-harmonisation vibratoire de vos cellules (méthodologie de Georges Lakhowsky).
4 (Schwingungen, Wellen, Optik) - KIPDF.COM
Physik PHB3/4 (Schwingungen, Wellen, Optik) 12_Schwingungen_Frei_Gedaempft_BA_W2000.doc - 1/71.2 Freie, gedämpfte Schw...
Editions Servranx
N° 38 - S.O.S. Santé
Les circuits oscillants à votre service Voici un graphique tout à fait surprenant, qui fut élaboré par William Servranx selon les principes des circuits oscillants découverts par Georges Lakhowsky. Ces circuits oscillants apportent l'énergie dont vous avez besoin dans tous les ...
PhysioScan | Hélène SURLEAU
Issu des recherches en biorésonance, cette approche repose sur le concept que chaque cellule et organe du corps humain émet des fréquences spécifiques. Les technologies de biorésonance ont été influencées par les travaux de chercheurs comme Nikola Tesla, Georges Lakhowsky et plus récemment ...
Insomnie, solution naturelle à la douleur, insomnie douleur, douleurs, fatigue, sommeil, dépression
ZV2 solution naturelle contre la douleur et l'insomnie
Rife var ikke alene. I San Fransisco lagde professor Albert Abrams apparatet Oscilloclast som han kurerte infeksjoner med. I Frankrike gjorde ingeniøren Georges Lakhowsky det samme med sin Multiple Wave Oscillator.
Elektromagnetische Schwingungen und Wellen - KIPDF.COM
Größen des Wechselstromes u umax UElektromagnetische Schwingungen und Wellentu… umax … U… T… f…Momentanwert Ampl...
1925 en France - Wikiwand
Cette page concerne l'année 1925 du calendrier grégorien.