openSUSE Forums
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ThinkorSwim Trading Platform on SUSE - Applications - openSUSE Forums
February 5, 2013 - Hi…new, but old guy here. Having just rid myself of 30 years of DOS/Windows, I feel like a kid in a candy store. I keep hearing the words, “what took you so long,” to find the Linux store. Yes, its exciting, but overwhelming. My current dilemma is, installing my first program via command line.
how2shout.com › home › how to install schwab thinkorswim on ubuntu 24.04 or 20.04 lts linux
How to install Thinkorswim on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Linux
September 2, 2024 - Using the command terminal, download and install the ThinkorSwim Trading platform on Ubuntu 24.04, 22.04, or 20.04 LTS, Linux Mint, Elementary OS,
Ask Ubuntu
askubuntu.com › questions › 322787 › ubuntu-12-04-problem-installing-thinkorswim
java - Ubuntu 12.04 problem installing thinkorswim - Ask Ubuntu
September 11, 2014 - I can get all the way to the launch ... I think it has to do with one either the java I am running or so have said I need to get the thinkorswim tech support to disable the splash start up screen. ... I had a similar problem under Fedora and Gnome Shell....
usethinkscript.com › forums › indicator forums › playground
How to Fix ThinkorSwim Stuck on Installing Updates - useThinkScript Community
August 10, 2020 - Anybody else having this problem in the last 24 hours? Won't get past the installing updates screen. I re-upped ThinkorSwim without doing a complete removal and reinstall (are we absolutely 100% CERTAIN my custom studies won't be wiped??) but it didn't help. Edit: Based on the information given...
reddit.com › r/fedora › schwab's thinkorswim not running on fedora 39-41
r/Fedora on Reddit: Schwab's ThinkOrSwim not running on Fedora 39-41

IIRC there's a separate 3rd party JVM that it requires. It's been several years since I've used it though.

ubuntuforums.org › showthread.php
ThinkOrSwim won't load after 22.04 upgrade - workaround
August 31, 2022 - After upgrading to 22.04 TDA's TOS would load once correctly then would not display a working page subsequent attempts to run the program. 1st run, TOS does not have a "workspace.20_xxxx.tos.prod.xml" file in Home/thinkorswim. It saves this file when the app is closed.
Fedora Discussion
discussion.fedoraproject.org › our neighbors › asahi linux › ask asahi
Chromium from Asahi repos crashes everytime on launch with SIGILL - Fedora Discussion
August 29, 2023 - Hi all Originally I tested Asahi Fedora on an M1 Mini, about a week ago I am now running Asahi Fedora on an M2 Air and I have found that for some weird reason, Chromium does not launch. I have installed it from the Asahi Fedora repos, and it does not appear to be a 16K page issue (have checked ...
github.com › flathub › org.chromium.Chromium › issues › 287
Chromium crashes after a few seconds on launch from .desktop, but doesn't when running from console. · Issue #287 · flathub/org.chromium.Chromium
June 5, 2023 - When running Chromium from the .desktop file, it loads, lets me interact, but within a few seconds it closes itself. However when attempting to run from the terminal with flatpak run org.chromium.C...
reddit.com › r/thinkorswim › tos window not visible on linux
r/thinkorswim on Reddit: TOS window not visible on Linux

I got it working with ALT-F10 on my Ubuntu 20.04 system with multiple monitors.

reddit.com › r/thinkorswim › tos (thinkorswim) on fedora 34
r/thinkorswim on Reddit: ToS (thinkorswim) on Fedora 34

The instructions are all here:


You just install Zulu OpenJDK first, then run the TOS installer. Works perfectly on Ubuntu and Mint.

tradingwithlinux.blogspot.com › p › thinkorswim-on-ubuntu.html
Trading With Linux: ThinkorSwim on Ubuntu
How to setup Think or Swim in Ubuntu 9.10 First of all the Think or Swim platform is a Java based program so it is important to install ...