england.nhs.uk › long-read › preparing-for-a-successful-spring-2023-covid-19-booster-campaign
NHS England » Preparing for a successful spring 2023 COVID-19 booster campaign
Thank you for your ongoing work and commitment to deliver the 2022 autumn COVID-19 booster and flu campaign. We achieved 17 million COVID-19 and over 20 million flu vaccines, alongside continued delivery of routine immunisation programmes. Your efforts continue to save lives.
england.nhs.uk › 2022 › 10 › nhs-hits-10-million-booster-milestone
NHS England » NHS hits 10 million booster milestone
Bookings opened to everyone aged 50 and over to get their Covid-19 booster and flu vaccines just over a week ago. Since then, hundreds of thousands of people have arranged their life-saving jabs quickly and easily online at www.nhs.uk/covidvaccine or through the free 119 phone service.
reuters.com › business › healthcare-pharmaceuticals › covid-booster-provides-protection-over-65s-after-15-weeks-uk-data-2022-03-24
COVID booster provides protection for over-65s after 15 weeks -UK data | Reuters
March 24, 2022 - A booster dose of vaccine against COVID-19 continues to provide robust protection against hospitalisation for older people nearly four months after getting the third dose, new data from the UK's Health Security Agency on Thursday showed.
gov.uk › home › covid-19 › vaccinations for covid-19 › jcvi statement on the adult covid-19 booster vaccination programme and the omicron variant
JCVI statement on the adult COVID-19 booster vaccination programme and the Omicron variant: 7 January 2022 - GOV.UK
January 7, 2022 - In June 2021, JCVI issued interim ... protection against COVID-19 through winter 2021 to 2022 and further into 2022. This advice was finalised in September 2021, setting the priority for booster vaccination beginning with the most vulnerable persons in the UK population; specifically ...
ons.gov.uk › peoplepopulationandcommunity › healthandsocialcare › conditionsanddiseases › articles › coronaviruscovid19latestinsights › vaccines
Coronavirus (COVID-19) latest insights - Office for National Statistics
March 26, 2023 - Around six months after the start of the autumn booster rollout, the majority of those in the oldest age groups last received a dose of a COVID-19 vaccine three to six months ago now. Adults aged 50 to 54 years are most likely to have received a vaccine in the last three months. Over 9 in 10 people aged 12 years and over in the UK had received one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, nearly 9 in 10 had received two doses and around 7 in 10 had received three or more doses by the end of August 2022...
england.nhs.uk › 2022 › 03 › nhs-to-begin-spring-booster-vaccinations-this-week
NHS England » NHS to begin spring booster vaccinations this week
The NHS made history when Maggie Keenan received the first COVID-19 jab outside of a clinical trial in December 2020. Since then, NHS staff and volunteers have delivered over 118 million vaccinations in total, including 32 million top-up jabs since the booster rollout began in September.
bbc.co.uk › news › health-55045639
Who can get a Covid booster this spring and how can you ...
November 24, 2020 - The NHS spring booster campaign has ended, but Covid vaccines are available privately.
gov.uk › home › health and social care › public health › health protection › immunisation › covid-19 vaccination: spring 2024 campaign resources
A guide to the spring 2024 COVID-19 vaccination campaign - GOV.UK
April 12, 2024 - You will be given a booster dose of a vaccine made by Pfizer or Moderna and approved in the UK. These vaccines have been updated since the original vaccines and target a different COVID-19 variant. These updated vaccines boost protection well, and give slightly higher levels of antibody against ...
abbeymedicalcentre.co.uk › practice_news › covid-19-and-flu-booster-sept-2022
Abbey Medical Centre
Simple and secure access to a range of healthcare services · Manage appointments at your GP practice
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Over 30 million people urged to take up ‘vital’ flu and COVID-19 vaccines - GOV.UK
September 28, 2022 - UKHSA warns of lower levels of natural immunity to flu this year and increased coronavirus (COVID-19) circulation.
england.nhs.uk › 2022 › 09 › vaccine-bookings-to-open-to-millions-of-people-as-autumn-booster-campaign-kicks-off
NHS England » NHS COVID-19 vaccine bookings to open to millions of people as autumn booster campaign kicks off
The lifesaving autumn booster rollout kicks off in care homes in England today, as the NHS COVID-19 vaccination programme moves to the next phase. From Wednesday, around seven million people, including people aged 75 and over, people who are immunosuppressed and health and care workers will be able to book in online or by calling 119. Millions of invitations will be landing on doormats from Wednesday 7 September ...
Evening Standard
standard.co.uk › news
Who could get the Covid booster vaccine in autumn 2022?
October 14, 2022 - The Covid booster jab eligibility has been expanded to include 12 million more people
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[Withdrawn] COVID-19 vaccination: booster dose resources - GOV.UK
September 16, 2021 - Published 16 September 2021 Last updated 2 February 2022 + show all updates ... Added links to translated versions of booster vaccination information – those aged 16 and over and those aged 12 and over who are at risk. ... Added links to the large print, braille and audio versions of COVID-19 ...
health-ni.gov.uk › news › eligible-groups-covid-19-autumn-booster-announced
Eligible groups for Covid-19 autumn booster announced | Department of Health
August 8, 2023 - An autumn COVID-19 booster vaccination will be offered to those at high risk of serious disease and who are therefore most likely to benefit from