A Comparative Analysis of Geneva Convention IV Violations ...
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If Israel is violating article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention ...
Answer (1 of 8): Palestinians declared this war and there’s no sign they wish to rescind that declaration and sue for peace so, they are still at war. During war throughout history territory is taken, held and denied to make it unavailable for the enemy to use to prosecute hostilities. Occupati...
Geneva Convention (IV) on Civilians, 1949 - Article 149
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Geneva Convention (III) on Prisoners of War, 1949 - Article 49
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Practice Relating to Rule 49. War Booty - Customary IHL
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Customary IHL - Rule 49. War Booty
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Geneva Convention (III) on Prisoners of War, 1949 - 49
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Practice Relating to Rule 130. Transfer of Own Civilian ...
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Geneva Convention (I) on Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces ...
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