press.un.org › en › 2023 › sc15503.doc.htm
Two Thirds of Gaza War Dead Are Women and Children, Briefers Say, as Security Council Debates Their Plight | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases
Briefers at the Security Council today spoke of the disastrous situation for women and children in the Gaza Strip due to the Israel-Hamas war, highlighting acute stresses and needs of mothers and declaring Gaza to be the most dangerous place in the world to be a child.
The Atlantic
theatlantic.com › ideas › archive › 2024 › 05 › gaza-death-count › 678400
The UN's Gaza Statistics Make No Sense - The Atlantic
May 17, 2024 - The actual death toll matters—first, because of the dignity of those killed or still living.
aei.org › home › don’t fall for hamas’ numbers game
Don't Fall for Hamas' Numbers Game
March 7, 2024 - Lloyd Austin’s recent gullibility about Hamas casualty figures lays bare the terrorist group’s goal: to use lies and propaganda to turn the world against Israel. At a press conference in the early days of the Israel–Hamas conflict, President Joe Biden was asked about casualty numbers ...
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Casualties_of_the_Israel–Hamas_war
Casualties of the Israel–Hamas war - Wikipedia
1 day ago - In December, Israel's military said it estimated two out of three (66%) of those killed to be civilians. Even the conservative figure of 61 percent is higher than the average civilian death rate in all world conflicts "from the Second World War to the 1990s", according to Yigal Levy. The number of casualties is higher than in any conflict in Gaza's recent history, with Neta Crawford of the Costs of War Project at Brown University ...
data.humdata.org › group › pse
State of Palestine - Humanitarian Data Exchange
Want to improve your data skills? Take this 5 minute survey to help the Centre shape its data literacy resources for humanitarians · Data Grid Completeness defines a set of core data that are essential for preparedness and emergency response. For select countries, the HDX Team and trusted ...
Good Authority
goodauthority.org › home › news › a closer look at the gaza casualty data
A closer look at the Gaza casualty data
January 3, 2024 - Casualty data about Gaza or any war zone are an incomplete, inherently flawed measure of the scale of destruction.
aoav.org.uk › home › aoav: all our reports › gaza war: un revises death toll for women and children
Gaza War: UN revises death toll for women and children - AOAV
May 17, 2024 - The United Nations has revised down the percentage of women and children among the reported fatalities in Gaza, leading to controversy over the accuracy and sources of the casualty figures.
unsdg.un.org › latest › stories › gaza-death-toll-passes-5000-no-ceasefire-sight
UNSDG | Gaza death toll passes 5,000 with no ceasefire in sight
The number of people killed in Gaza has reached 5,087 according to latest reports from de facto authorities there, amid intensifying Israeli airstrikes in response to Hamas attacks, even as United Nations entities have repeated urgent calls for a ceasefire and more aid convoys.
AP News
apnews.com › article › palestinians-israel-health-ministry-gaza-hamas-fe30cbc76479fa437d5f5a0e96c36e52
Gaza health officials say they lost the ability to count dead as Israeli offensive intensifies | AP News
Palestinian health officials in Gaza say they have lost the ability to count the dead because of the collapse of the enclave's health system and the difficulty of retrieving bodies from areas overrun by Israeli tanks and troops.
amnesty.org › latest › news › 2023 › 10 › damning evidence of war crimes as israeli attacks wipe out entire families in gaza
Damning evidence of war crimes as Israeli attacks wipe out entire families in Gaza - Amnesty International
November 8, 2023 - As Israeli forces continue to intensify their cataclysmic assault on the occupied Gaza Strip, Amnesty International has documented unlawful Israeli attacks, including indiscriminate attacks, which caused mass civilian casualties and must be investigated as war crimes.
bbc.co.uk › news › world-middle-east-69014893
Gaza war: Why is the UN citing lower death toll for women and children? - BBC News
May 16, 2024 - The UN says it is now relying on figures from the Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza.
cpj.org › 2024 › 05 › journalist-casualties-in-the-israel-gaza-conflict
Journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza war - Committee to Protect Journalists
May 27, 2024 - Editor’s note: The list below is CPJ’s most recent and preliminary account of journalist casualties in the war. Our database will not include all of these cases until we have completed further investigations into the circumstances surrounding them. For more information, read our FAQ.
AP News
apnews.com › article › israel-hamas-gaza-war-statistics-95a6407fac94e9d589be234708cd5005
Half a year into the war in Gaza, here's a look at the conflict by the numbers | AP News
The Israel-Hamas war has stretched on for half a year and has become one of the most destructive, deadly, and intractable conflicts of the 21st century.
aoav.org.uk › home › aoav: all our reports › is the hamas-run ministry of health data on fatalities in gaza to be trusted?
Is the Hamas-run Ministry of Health data on fatalities in Gaza to be trusted? - AOAV
November 1, 2023 - Two conflict experts compare numbers over the last three Gaza wars and conclude: the current numbers are credible and show increasingly more civilians getting killed