quora.com › What-is-meant-by-The-eyes-cannot-see-what-the-mind-does-not-know
What is meant by “The eyes cannot see what the mind does not ...
Quora is a place to gain and share knowledge. It's a platform to ask questions and connect with people who contribute unique insights and quality answers.
reference.com › home
What Is the Answer to the Riddle, "What Has Eyes But Cannot See?"
August 4, 2015 - Not everything that has eyes can see. Learn more about four things that have eyes but no sight, and discover some other riddles too.
Washington Post
washingtonpost.com › science
Meet the eyeless man who says he can see (and is probably right) ...
October 27, 2021 - What does it mean to see? If you have normal eyesight, you probably think of sight as the ability to take a perfect picture of the world in front of you using your eyes. But that's not how vision works. The sights we "see" are produced inside our own brains. Our eyes are certainly well-designed input devices, giving us sharp, colorful outputs of the world. But what if another part of your body collected the data used to create those ...
Stack Exchange
puzzling.stackexchange.com › questions › 54571 › alternative-answer-to-what-has-one-eye-but-cannot-see
riddle - Alternative answer to: "What has one eye but cannot see?"

I think you are looking for:


The London Eye or Millennium Wheel is a huge Ferris wheel on the banks of the River Thames.

Answer from M Oehm on puzzling.stackexchange.com
biblehub.com › strongs › jeremiah › 5-21.htm
Jeremiah 5:21 Parallel: Hear now this, O foolish people, and without ...
Online Bible Study Suite. Topical, Greek and Hebrew study tools, plus concordances, commentaries, sermons and devotionals.
Hearing From Jesus
hearingfromjesus.org › let-those-who-have-eyes-see-but-many-dismiss-even-miracles-2
Let Those Who Have Eyes See… But Many Dismiss Even Miracles | ...
October 24, 2021 - Help me to recognize the Spirit and not reject Him. Please guide my words and actions when I am confronted by those who would mock you. Please open the eyes of the spiritually blind so that they may see and know you. Amen. ... Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die?
openbible.info › topics › those_with_eyes_to_see
What Does the Bible Say About Those With Eyes To See?
OpenBible.info Geocoding Topical Bible Labs Blog · What does the Bible say about
quora.com › What-is-meant-by-There-are-none-so-blind-as-those-who-will-not-see
What is meant by 'There are none so blind as those who will not see'?
Answer (1 of 3): Back in the 1960’s, I attended a very radical university. My parents lived not too far away in a town that was conservative and full of John Birchers. So when things boiled over on campus, I’d go home for a weekend and when people asked me what was going on, I’d try to ...
Bible Gateway
biblegateway.com › passage
Matthew 13:15-17 KJV - For this people's heart is waxed - Bible ...
For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.
Christian Standard
christianstandard.com › home › do you have eyes but fail to see?
Do You Have Eyes But Fail to See? | Christian Standard
February 5, 2015 - By Tim Harlow I will never forget getting glasses for the first time. I was in fifth grade and was evidently in worse shape than anyone realized, because I was blown away by the clarity I suddenly experienced. I distinctly remember telling my mom, "I can see the leaves on the trees!" Until then, I
quod.lib.umich.edu › cgi › k › kjv › kjv-idx
Bible, King James Version
[16] But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear. [17] For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.
quora.com › What-is-it-called-when-you-see-something-thats-not-there-and-you-know-who-on-the-other-side-is-putting-it-there-but-nobody-believes-me-but-I-am-seeing-it-vividly-with-my-eyes-What-is-it-called-Or-do-you-have-any
What is it called when you see something that's not there, and ...
Answer (1 of 3): astral spirit projection, realization comes to reality through soul celestial realization, realization to celestial cells and body organs management or seeing what they are seeing, all-seeing eye evil eye or third eye being open conscious minded to others knowing what the pers...
quora.com › What-do-people-born-without-eyes-see-or-imagine
What do people born without eyes “see” or imagine? - Quora
Answer (1 of 6): Same condition as like. Current is gon no light is Present. We are in complete darkness. No objects Unable to see.just imagining ground surface smoothness By feet. Slowly moving checking steepness of steps by leg holding wall. Taking Stick beating utensil. Wall and sense of so...
Stack Exchange
hermeneutics.stackexchange.com › questions › 14115 › what-is-meant-by-keeping-people-blind-and-deaf-so-as-not-to-get-healed
isaiah - What is meant by keeping people blind and deaf so as not ...

The way many read Isaiah 6:9-10 is to hear it as ironic, as showing God expressing his utter frustration with Israel. God will give Isaiah his very word to proclaim to his people, but they'll still ignore what he says. The more he speaks truth, the more they'll ignore him. It won't be Isaiah's fault if people reject him for what he says.

One thing that it certainly doesn't mean is that Isaiah was supposed to deliberately confuse people by talking in coded metaphors. That's how people have read the Gospels -- that Jesus intended his parables to be deliberately confusing.

Jesus' quotation of Isaiah 6 in Mark 4 comes right at the end of the parable about the soils, which is actually making this very point -- that his words are intended to clarify, not to confuse. Good seed is scattered on all types of soils and in some it bears fruit, in others, it can't grow. The problem is not the seed, it's the soil. Jesus is proclaiming God's truth clearly, but some folks have "ears that refuse to hear." He is sowing good seed, but it just can't grow in their hearts.

Jesus seems to be reading Isaiah 6 as ironic, and he's using it in the same way.

Answer from Lois Tverberg on hermeneutics.stackexchange.com
Bible Hub
biblehub.com › matthew › 13-13.htm
Matthew 13:13 This is why I speak to them in parables: 'Though ...
This is why I speak to them in parables: 'Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.'
trinitycoatesville.org › home › sermons › we have eyes but do not see
We Have Eyes But Do Not See - Episcopal Church of the Trinity, ...
March 30, 2014 - By The Rev. Sherry Deets 4 Lent – March 30, 2014 John 9:1-41 This is another long gospel story this morning and I can’t begin to touch on all that’s here. But, sinfulness is a theme that runs through this powerful story. The Pharisees discuss Jesus’ sinfulness in several verses.
ESV Bible
esv.org › De29.4
Deuteronomy 29:4; Jeremiah 5:21; Ezekiel 12:2; Romans 11:8; 2 ...
But to this day the LORD has not given you a heart to understand or eyes to see or ears to hear.
funtrivia.com › askft › Question41522.html
Where does the phrase "none so blind as those who cannot see" com...
Where does the phrase none so blind as those who cannot see come from - trivia question /questions answer / answers
biblegateway.com › verse › en › Luke 8:10
Luke 8:10 - Bible Gateway
But these crowds hear the words and do not understand, just as the ancient prophets predicted. ... He said, “You’ve been given insight into God’s kingdom—you know how it works. There are others who need stories. But even with stories some of them aren’t going to get it: Their eyes are open but don’t see ...