vox.com › 2014 › 7 › 22 › 5926275 › israel-gaza-mowing-the-grass
What does Israel want out of the Gaza offensive? - Vox
July 22, 2014 - Obviously, Israel recognizes that the threats from groups like the Gaza-based militant group Hamas aren't the same as the Cold War-era threats it faced from Arab invasions. So it's developed a new version of its long-held threat management strategy, which is often called "mowing the grass." It's a pretty creepy term, as it implies that periodically killing people is the same as keeping your lawn ...
electronicintifada.net › blogs › ali-abunimah › mowing-lawn-israels-latest-massacre-gaza-and-lies-behind-it
"Mowing the lawn": On Israel's latest massacre in Gaza and the lies behind it | The Electronic Intifada
March 11, 2012 - By this Sunday evening in Gaza, a weekend of relentless Israeli bombing has left 18 people dead and dozens wounded. Israeli propaganda insists that the attacks are about preventing "terrorism" and stopping "rockets." But in fact, Israel provoked this violence and according to some Israeli ...
Al Jazeera
aljazeera.com › opinions › 2023 › 7 › 13 › israel-wants-to-turn-jenin-into-another-gaza-siege-by-siege
Israel wants to turn Jenin into another Gaza, siege by siege | Israel War on Gaza | Al Jazeera
July 14, 2023 - In the aftermath of the July episode, which Israeli officials have underscored can be replicated at any moment, observers have increasingly drawn parallels between Israel’s new approach to Jenin and its good old strategy of “mowing the lawn” in Gaza.
countercurrents.org › home › palestine › on israel “mowing the lawn” in canada: an interview with khaled barakat by rima najjar
On Israel “Mowing The Lawn” In Canada: An Interview With Khaled Barakat By Rima Najjar| Countercurrents
September 5, 2022 - Share:Share on WhatsAppShare on FacebookShare on X (Twitter)Share on TelegramShare on RedditShare on Email Khaled Barakat and Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network international coordinator Charlotte Kates attending the conference of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle ...
ynetnews.com › articles › 0,7340,L-5341225,00.html
Bennett implies IDF should 'mow the lawn' in Gaza
September 5, 2018 - Bayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennett ... the lawn” in Gaza, employing a common metaphor used in reference to stopping attacks on Israel from the Hamas-ruled strip. ... “In the media there is an acute dispute about two approaches—cutting all connection with the enemy or continuing contact and long-term security,” Bennett said in a speech delivered at the annual International Institute for Counter-Terrorism Conference in Herzliya. “In our neighborhood, those who don't mow the lawn, ...
reuters.com › world › middle-east › israels-endgame-no-sign-post-war-plan-gaza-2023-10-18
What is Israel’s endgame in Gaza invasion? | Reuters
October 23, 2023 - Israel is vowing to wipe out Hamas in a relentless onslaught on the Gaza Strip but has no obvious endgame in sight, with no clear plan for how to govern the ravaged Palestinian enclave even if it triumphs on the battlefield.
The Independent
independent.co.uk › voices › comment
Israel's mowing of Gaza's lawn is an unjust war | The Independent | The Independent
August 11, 2014 - A Just War must have a reasonable prospect of success. But Israel is locked into failure
alternet.org › home › noam chomsky: the real reason israel "mows the lawn" in gaza
Noam Chomsky: The Real Reason Israel "Mows the Lawn" in Gaza - Alternet.org
September 9, 2014 - Like other states, Israel pleads "security" as justification for its aggressive and violent actions. But knowledgeable Israelis know better.
haaretz.com › opinion › .premium-human-beings-are-able-to-talk-not-only-to-carry-a-club-1.9801556
Human beings are able to talk, not only to carry a club ...
May 12, 2021 - Netanyahu has engaged during all ... called “mowing the lawn.” It’s not hard to explain. The basic assumption is that there’s no point in talking to the Palestinians. Because of that, there will be violent outbreaks on their part, and that’s why Israel will “mow the ...
csmonitor.com › World › Middle-East › 2012 › 1120 › Israelis-ponder-alternatives-to-mowing-the-lawn-in-Gaza
Israelis ponder alternatives to 'mowing the lawn' in Gaza - CSMonitor.com
November 20, 2012 - But there is a strong strain of thought in Israel that sees military deterrence as the pillar of any long-term strategy. Some compare Gaza militant groups to weeds, arguing that Israel’s military needs to “mow the lawn” every few years to keep the situation under control.
The Hill Times
hilltimes.com › the hill times › stories › ‘mowing the grass’: last round for israel’s strategy
'Mowing the grass': last round for Israel's strategy
May 18, 2021 - Israel’s approach to the current conflict mirrors past wars, one of repeatedly cutting back Hamas’s military capabilities before it gets strong enough to do Israel any serious harm.
lrb.co.uk › the-paper › v36 › n15 › mouin-rabbani › israel-mows-the-lawn
Mouin Rabbani · Israel mows the lawn
July 31, 2014 - Its massive assaults on the Gaza Strip in 2008-9 (Operation Cast Lead) and 2012 (Operation Pillar of Defence), as well as countless individual attacks between and since, were in this context exercises in what the Israeli military called ‘mowing the lawn’: weakening Hamas and enhancing ...
Bangkok Post
bangkokpost.com › home › opinion › opinion
Bangkok Post - When "mowing the grass" will no longer do
May 20, 2021 - For the IDF and the Israeli government, it is generally a matter of "mowing the grass": repeatedly cutting back Hamas's military capabilities before it gets strong enough to do Israel any serious harm. Since the Gaza Strip is under permanent and almost complete blockade, that threat is very ...
researchgate.net › publication › 263727829_'Mowing_the_Grass'_Israel's_Strategy_for_Protracted_Intractable_Conflict
(PDF) ‘Mowing the Grass’: Israel’s Strategy for Protracted Intractable Conflict
February 10, 2016 - PDF | ‘Mowing the Grass’, Israel’s strategy in the twenty-first century against hostile non-state groups, reflects the assumption that Israel finds... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
jiss.org.il › home page › policy papers › ‘mowing the grass’ in gaza
'Mowing the grass' in Gaza - JISS
June 25, 2018 - Because ending terrorism from Gaza is unrealistic, Israel has wisely adopted a strategy of attrition. If there is soon to be a large-scale ground operation, conquering the whole Strip should not be the goal.