thrive.org.uk › get-gardening › how-houseplants-can-help-our-mental-health
How houseplants can help our mental health - Thrive
Houseplants have more to offer than visual beauty. TV gardening presenter and Thrive Ambassador David Domoney looks at how they can help support our mental health.
taylorcounselinggroup.com › home › blog › best indoor plants for mental health
Best Indoor Plants For Mental Health | Taylor Counseling Group
April 17, 2023 - Taking care of indoor plants, especially the right ones, can positively impact mental health. For treatment and counseling, contact Taylor Counseling Group!
Plant Savvy
plantsavvy.com › blog › 5-benefits-of-indoor-plant-care-for-mental-health
5 Benefits of Indoor Plant Care for Mental Health — Plant Savvy
May 23, 2023 - Indoor plants not only look beautiful, it has also been proven they improve your mood, reduce stress, and increase productivity. If you are on the fence about adding a plant baby to your home this might help you change your mind. Here are some benefits of adding indoor plants to your space.&nbsp
Houseplant UK
houseplant.co.uk › blogs › indoor-plant-care › what-are-the-best-indoor-plants-for-improving-mental-health-and-well-being
What are the best indoor plants for improving mental health and well-b | Houseplant UK
March 7, 2024 - It's easy to dismiss the "plants make you happier" thing as wishful thinking. But there's a surprising amount of science showing a real link between greenery and improved mental health. And, even without studies, anyone who's ever lovingly cared for a plant knows how good it feels!
balconygardenweb.com › home › growing houseplants
11 Houseplants to Improve Your Mental Health (According to Science)
August 5, 2024 - Do you know that growing Houseplants to Improve your Mental Health is the best way to have a positive lifestyle? Here are the best ones!
ellisonchair.tamu.edu › health-and-well-being-benefits-of-plants
Health and well-being benefits of plants
July 25, 2024 - Center for Health and Nature – ... to study the impact of nature on health with evidence-based programs that complement the full continuum of health care: prevention, treatment, and recovery....
psypost.org › home › exclusive › mental health
Owning houseplants can boost your mental health – here’s how ...
May 13, 2023 - Indoor plants have several mental and physical health benefits. Research has linked houseplants to reduced stress, lower blood pressure and an improved state of mind. And office environments with plants have been associated with higher job satisfaction and reduced health complaints.
Alternative to Meds
alternativetomeds.com › blog › plants-enhance-mental-health
How Plants Enhance Your Mental Health
March 17, 2023 - What do trees, shrubs, grasses, green plants, parks, beaches, open fields, and flowering gardens have to do with your mental health?
The Stem
thestem.co.uk › plant-academy › plant-blog › the-key-benefits-of-indoor-plants-on-your-mental-health
The Key Benefits of Indoor Plants on Your Mental Health
Gardening is one of the easiest ways to increase well-being. The benefits of being in contact with nature can be enjoyed even with an indoor plant.
bustle.com › life
5 Psychological Benefits Of Having Houseplants
July 26, 2018 - The other day, my boyfriend caught me giving my monstera a shower. I thought he was sleeping and I’d lifted the massive plant, terracotta pot and all, and brought it into the bathroom. I chatted with it as I squeezed it through the doorway, careful
unlimitedgreens.com › blogs › blog › 5-houseplants-that-can-improve-your-mental-health
5 Houseplants That Can Improve Your Mental Health – unlimitedgreens
Looking for natural stress busters? We bring you 5 Houseplants that can improve your Mental Health. Read the blog to find out now!
Easy Growing
easygrowing.shop › blogs › easy-growing › the-incredible-mental-health-benefits-of-owning-houseplants
Mental Health Benefits of Owning Houseplants – Easy Growing
January 7, 2023 - Are you feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed? Do you have trouble focusing or staying relaxed? Something as simple as having houseplants in your home can relieve these symptoms. I say this with confidence because I have totally been there! I have struggled with severe depression and anxiety ...
nimh.nih.gov › health › topics › caring-for-your-mental-health
Caring for Your Mental Health - National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Mental health includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, act, make choices, and relate to others.
The Indian Express
indianexpress.com › news › lifestyle › health
Owning houseplants can boost your mental health – here’s how to pick the right one | Health News - The Indian Express
April 16, 2023 - When deciding on the number of ... single, carefully chosen houseplant may be all we need to lift our mood. Research from Japan found that the presence of leafy plants can enhance creativity in workplace tasks. But, if you are undertaking a task that requires focused attention, too many plants may prove a distraction. Houseplants can benefit our mental health...
familyresourcehomecare.com › elder care and health
Houseplants Linked to Improved Physical and Mental Health - Family Resource Home Care
October 3, 2022 - Bring the outdoors inside. House plants can boost healing and improve concentration, memory and productivity.
Jungle Houseplants
jungle-houseplants.co.uk › blogs › community › plants-and-our-mental-health
Plants and our Mental Health – Jungle Houseplants
May 24, 2020 - As we come to the end of Mental Health Awareness Week we begin our ongoing series of blogs that will get to the reality behind the endless headlines and studies that preach the benefits of houseplants for our mental health. First up is our wonderful friend and fellow plant lover Lauren, a ...
oxy-plants.com › home › plant benefits › plants improve your mental health
Plants Improve Mental Health | Plant Benefits | Oxy-Plants
July 25, 2021 - It's becoming increasingly evident that plants improve your mental health and it's never been more important to take care of yourself.
pushdoctor.co.uk › what-we-treat › mental-health › articles › 6-mental-health-benefits-of-plants
6 Mental Health Benefits of Plants | Push Doctor
But what is it about flowers that puts you in a good mood? And do they really have that much influence over your mental health? Our smart network of UK doctors have shared a few facts for you to bear in mind next time you’re buying a bunch for your home, or for someone you care about.