england.nhs.uk › 2022 › 10 › nhs-urges-six-million-people-to-get-their-covid-autumn-booster
NHS England » NHS urges six million people to get their Covid autumn booster
The reminders, which will be a ... Covid booster and annual flu vaccine ahead of the threat of a potential “twindemic” this winter and with infection levels already starting to rise. The latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that around one in 50 people in England had Covid in the week ending 26th September – up by ...
gov.uk › home › covid-19 › vaccinations for covid-19
COVID-19 booster vaccine programme for winter 2021 to 2022: JCVI statement, November 2021 - GOV.UK
November 15, 2021 - Updated advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) on the COVID-19 booster vaccine programme for winter 2021 to 2022.
gov.uk › home
Pfizer/BioNTech bivalent COVID-19 booster approved by UK medicines regulator - GOV.UK
September 3, 2022 - The adapted COVID-19 vaccine targets both the original virus and the Omicron variant
bhf.org.uk › home › information & support › heart matters magazine › news › coronavirus & heart disease
Covid booster vaccines: what you need to know | BHF
Get the latest updates on Covid-19 booster vaccines, including who will get one, when, and which vaccine you will get.
england.nhs.uk › 2022 › 11 › nhs-protects-more-than-half-of-those-due-autumn-booster
NHS England » NHS protects more than half of those due Autumn booster
“Staff have worked flat out since the beginning of September to protect those most susceptible to serious illness from both covid and flu, successfully delivering over 27 million covid and flu jabs. “As we head into the busy social season of Christmas and New Year, the vaccine will provide important protection and peace of mind for yourself and loved ones, so if you are eligible for the booster ...
The Guardian
theguardian.com › world › 2022 › sep › 22 › covid-hospitalisations-rise-by-nearly-20-in-a-week-in-england
Covid hospitalisations rise by nearly 20% in a week in England | Coronavirus | The Guardian
September 23, 2022 - People urged to get a Covid booster jab if eligible and to stay at home if ill as number of positive tests and patients admitted to hospital on the rise
oxfordhealth.nhs.uk › news › over-65s-can-now-book-autumn-covid-booster
Over 65s can now book autumn COVID booster - Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
September 12, 2022 - People aged 65 and over will be able to book their autumn COVID booster through the national booking system from today.
gov.uk › home › covid-19 › vaccinations for covid-19
JCVI advises use of additional bivalent vaccine for autumn booster campaign - GOV.UK
September 3, 2022 - Published advice updated to include an additional bivalent vaccine now approved by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
bbc.co.uk › news › health-62766447
Covid: Millions invited for booster jabs from Monday - BBC News
September 3, 2022 - Health bosses predict a resurgence of the virus and flu during the autumn and winter.
newsroom.shropshire.gov.uk › 2022 › 08 › covid-autumn-boosters-launch-september
COVID-19 booster campaign to launch in September - Shropshire Council Newsroom
September 5, 2022 - Autumn boosters will be launched in Shropshire in September as part of the latest phase of the COVID-19 vaccination programme. The life-saving booster jab will be available from week commencing Monday 5 September 2022 for those people who are most at risk.
npr.org › 2022 › 08 › 16 › 1117616159 › uk-us-approved-omicron-booster-variant-ba5
The U.K. approved omicron-specific booster shots. They're coming to the U.S. soon : NPR
August 16, 2022 - In the U.S., officials have asked vaccine makers to target BA.5, rather than the original omicron strain. That has delayed the boosters' development — but officials hope they will be more effective.
gov.uk › home › covid-19 › vaccinations for covid-19
JCVI provides interim advice on an autumn COVID-19 booster programme - GOV.UK
May 19, 2022 - The committee recognises that there ... in the UK in the year ahead. Despite these uncertainties, winter will remain the season when the threat from COVID-19 is greatest for individuals and for health communities. As in autumn 2021, the primary objective of the 2022 autumn booster programme ...
cnn.com › 2022 › 08 › 04 › health › updated-boosters-fall › index.html
Updated Covid-19 boosters are expected in September. Will it be too late? | CNN
August 4, 2022 - This fall, Americans could get boosted with a mRNA Covid-19 vaccine unlike any that’s come before. Some experts wonder whether the Omicron-specific boosters will come in time to make a difference.
gov.uk › home › covid-19 › vaccinations for covid-19
JCVI publishes advice on COVID-19 vaccines for autumn booster programme - GOV.UK
August 15, 2022 - All of the available boosters provide good protection against severe illness from coronavirus (COVID-19).
NHS England Digital
digital.nhs.uk › nhs digital › services › cohorting as a service (caas) › covid-19 autumn booster vaccinations 2022-23: cohort identification methodology
COVID-19 Autumn Booster Vaccinations 2022-23: Cohort Identification Methodology - NHS England Digital
The clinical methodology for the COVID-19 Autumn Booster Vaccinations 2022-23. It includes the conditions from the Green Book, the rule logic, the data sets and demographics, and the non-digital pathways to getting the coronavirus booster vaccine.
ons.gov.uk › peoplepopulationandcommunity › healthandsocialcare › conditionsanddiseases › articles › coronaviruscovid19latestinsights › vaccines
Coronavirus (COVID-19) latest insights - Office for National Statistics
March 26, 2023 - Around six months after the start of the autumn booster rollout, the majority of those in the oldest age groups last received a dose of a COVID-19 vaccine three to six months ago now. Adults aged 50 to 54 years are most likely to have received a vaccine in the last three months. Over 9 in 10 people aged 12 years and over in the UK had received one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, nearly 9 in 10 had received two doses and around 7 in 10 had received three or more doses by the end of August 2022...