fec.gov › help-candidates-and-committees › candidate-taking-receipts › who-can-and-cant-contribute
FEC | Candidate | Who can and can't contribute
Who can and cannot contribute to a federal candidate, including information on contributions from individuals, partnerships, PACs, minors and prohibitions on corporations, labor organizations, federal government contractors and foreign nationals
usa.gov › home › voting and elections › voting and election laws › federal campaign finance laws
Federal campaign finance laws | USAGov
Know the limits of campaign contributions to presidential and congressional candidates. Get the facts about campaign financial reporting rules.
cnn.com › 2024 › 02 › 12 › politics › presidential-candidate-race-drop-what-matters › index.html
Analysis: What happens if a presidential candidate has to leave the race? | CNN Politics
February 12, 2024 - While the 2024 presidential race seems set in stone as a rematch between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, it’s also true that things happen.
fec.gov › help-candidates-and-committees › making-disbursements › transfers
FEC | Candidate | Transfers between a candidate's committees
FEC rules governing transfers between authorized committees of the same candidate, including primary to general, nonfederal to federal (prohibited), previous to current campaigns, and joint fundraising proceeds
Mental Floss
mentalfloss.com › home › big questions
What Happens to Leftover Campaign Funds When a Candidate Drops Out? | Mental Floss
February 12, 2020 - The Federal Election Commission has strict rules about what federal candidates can and can't do with leftover campaign money, and the biggest directive is that they can't pocket it for personal use.
fec.gov › help-candidates-and-committees › making-disbursements › personal-use
FEC | Candidate | Personal use
Using campaign funds for personal use is prohibited. FEC guidance on which expenses are considered to be personal use and which expenses are considered on a case-by-case basis, including charitable donations, gifts, candidate salary, meals, vehicles, travel and legal expenses
lifehacker.com › home › money
How to Track the Campaign Donations of People You Know | Lifehacker
3 weeks ago - Political donations are public record. If you want to know whether (and how much) your family member, neighbor, employer, or favorite company has contributed to various political candidates, you can easily find this information.
fec.gov › help-candidates-and-committees › winding-down-candidate-campaign › winding-down-costs
FEC | Candidate | Winding down costs
FEC guidance for federal House, Senate and presidential candidates and campaigns on winding down a campaign and permissible expenses of campaign funds, including moving expenses, gifts and payments to campaign staff
fec.gov › help-candidates-and-committees › candidate-taking-receipts › using-personal-funds-candidate
FEC | Candidate | Using personal funds of the candidate
Federal Election Commission rules defining the personal funds of a candidate. Learn how the candidate may spend, contribute or loan unlimited personal funds to the candidate's campaign for federal office, and how this is reported.
prospect.org › power › 2024-07-02-campaign-finance-laws-harris-big-boost-biden-dropout-scenario
Campaign Finance Laws Give Harris Big Boost in Biden Dropout Scenario - The American Prospect
July 8, 2024 - If Biden were to withdraw his candidacy, only Kamala Harris could seamlessly use funds raised by the Biden-Harris campaign committee.
money.com › economy and politics › politics
How to Make a Political Donation to Trump or Kamala Harris | Money
August 6, 2024 - Want to donate to Donald Trump or Kamala Harris? Here are five important things to know before making your first campaign contribution.
AP News
apnews.com › article › kamala-harris-biden-fundraising-election-campaign-donations-5709f07420b4f138caa884361653368e
Here's how Harris could take over Biden's campaign cash if he drops out and she runs for president | AP News
July 24, 2024 - Vice President Kamala Harris has been one of President Joe Biden’s staunchest defenders following his shaky performance in last week’s debate, but she’s also emerged as a potential option to lead the party herself if Biden opted not to continue his campaign.
reddit.com › r/ask_politics › what happen to the money donated to a presidential candidate when they withdraw or lose the race?
r/Ask_Politics on Reddit: What happen to the money donated to a presidential candidate when they withdraw or lose the race?

If the candidate still has money in the bank, they can more or less do whatever they want as long as it doesn't go directly in their pockets. Typically early in a presidential race, a campaign will start to run out of money if they're not that viable and can't get more donations. If they are viable and can go late into an elections cycle, (like Bernie and Hillary last go round), then one candidate (in this case Bernie) had a good chunk of cash in the bank. You'd need to dig into his FEC filings, but I believe he more or less sat on what he had left until this cycle. Now if the candidate plans to not run again, they can donate it to another campaign, donate it to charity, donate it to a PAC, use it to campaign for someone else, etc.

factcheck.org › home › leftover campaign funds
Leftover Campaign Funds - FactCheck.org
July 27, 2010 - Q: What happens to a candidate’s leftover campaign funds when he or she drops out of the race? A: The big rule is: no personal use. FULL QUESTION Do candidates for elected office keep donations to their campaigns for personal use after they lose or drop out?
fec.gov › introduction-campaign-finance › understanding-ways-support-federal-candidates › presidential-elections › public-funding-presidential-elections
Public funding of presidential elections - FEC.gov
How the Federal Election Commission administers the laws regarding the public funding of presidential elections, including the primary matching funds process for eligible candidates for President, the general election grants to nominees, and mandatory audits of public funding recipients.
wusa9.com › article › news › verify › verify-where-does-the-money-go-when-a-candidate-drops-out › 65-2d105cb6-1358-4e11-9ae6-48ec6a49a1ca
VERIFY: When a candidate drops out, where does the money go? | wusa9.com
In the last week, multiple candidates dropped out, including Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Sen. Amy Klobuchar. The Verify team looked into where the campaign funds go.
lifehacker.com › home › money
What to Know Before You Make a Political Donation | Lifehacker
1 week ago - Deciding to make a political donation is an important civic act, but it's important to understand the rules and implications before you contribute. Here are some key things to know.