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academic.oup.com › omcr › article › 2022 › 10 › omac105 › 6769871
Management of snake bite during third trimester of pregnancy with coagulopathy and delivery of a live baby in resource-limited setting in Nepal: a case report | Oxford Medical Case Reports | Oxford Academic
October 22, 2022 - We reported a case of snakebite ... of pregnancy who presented with pain and swelling over the left hand and forearm and vaginal spotting. The laboratory investigations revealed coagulopathy attributed to green pit viper envenomation. On the fourth day of admission, the patient developed sudden abdominal pain and massive per vaginal bleeding with haemorrhagic shock, most likely abruptio placentae. In Nepal, no anti-snake venom has been developed ...
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Snake_venom
Snake venom - Wikipedia
August 15, 2024 - Snake venom is usually injected by unique fangs during a bite, though some species are also able to spit venom. The venom glands that secrete zootoxins are a modification of the parotid salivary glands found in other vertebrates and are usually located on each side of the head, below and behind ...
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc › articles › PMC8504311
Vasculotoxic snakebite envenomation: Management challenges in pregnancy - PMC
Snakebite envenomation in pregnancy is rare. We report two cases of vasculotoxic snakebite in pregnancy and discuss the management challenges in pregnancy for successful maternal and perinatal outcomes. The first case was a 19-year-old woman who was eight ...
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › 14691344
Intrauterine fetal death caused by pit viper venom poisoning in early pregnancy - PubMed
Poisonous snakebite is a rare complication of pregnancy. It has been suggested that snakebite poisoning during pregnancy may cause fetal loss. We report a case of intrauterine fetal death after a poisonous snakebite in the first trimester of pregnancy. A 29-year-old pregnant Japanese woman ...
vumc.org › poison-control › toxicology-question-week › sept-20-2021-should-antivenom-be-administered-pregnant-women
Sept 20, 2021: Should Antivenom be Administered to Pregnant Women? | Tennessee Poison Center | FREE 24/7 Poison Help Hotline 800.222.1222
Snakebites in pregnancy are uncommon, accounting for <1% of the ~5,ooo cases of venomous snakebites in the US each year.1 Though this is a rare occurrence it can result in significant maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality, with maternal death and or fetal loss occurring in up to 10 and ...
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc › articles › PMC10220157
Selective sensory nerve blocks for effective pain management in the emergency department for a term pregnant cobra snake envenomation patient - PMC
Snake bites are rare in pregnancy but maternal mortality and foetal loss remain high.[1] An early presentation and rapidity of treatment with anti-snake venom probably led to a good outcome in this case.
researchgate.net › publication › 331153647_pregnancy_with_snake_bite
(PDF) pregnancy with snake bite
February 16, 2019 - Key words :Snakebite, Pregnancy, Envenomation. ... Address of Correspondence: Dr Mohamamd Ali, Senior Consultant of Medicine, Comilla Medical College. ... The snake was brought in dead and identified. It · was diagnosed as common krait by expert taxonomist · (Bangarus caeruleaus)and was 2.5 feet long. It’s sex ... Patient was conscious and oriented on admission. ... About 82 species of snakes are found in Bangladesh. ... Venomous ...
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › 11857483
Costs of anorexia during pregnancy in a viviparous snake (Vipera aspis) - PubMed
Spontaneous anorexia has been documented in various animal species and is usually associated with activities competing with food intake. In natural conditions, most female aspic vipers (Vipera aspis) stop feeding during the two months of pregnancy. We carried out a simple experiment on 40 pregnant ...
wemjournal.org › article › S1080-6032(09)00026-X › pdf pdf
Snakebite During Pregnancy: A Literature Review
If you don't remember your password, you can reset it by entering your email address and clicking the Reset Password button. You will then receive an email that contains a secure link for resetting your password · If the address matches a valid account an email will be sent to __email__ with ...
jpgo.org › 2014 › 05 › snake-bite-during-pregnancy.html
Journal of Postgraduate Gynecology & Obstetrics: Snake Bite During Pregnancy
Author Information Durga Valvi*, Parulekar SV**, Karnik ND***, Samant PY**** (* Assistant Professor, ** Professor and Head of Depart...
sciencedirect.com › science › article › abs › pii › S1080603204704834
A Review of Venomous Animal Bites and Stings in Pregnant Patients - ScienceDirect
This is a review of Medline and PubMed articles on venomous animal bites and stings during pregnancy reported in English literature from 1966 to 2002. Eighty-five venomous snakebites were reported in pregnant women. Although there are frequent anecdotal reports of scorpion stings in pregnant ...
sciencedirect.com › science › article › pii › S2214911217300474
Snake bite in third trimester of pregnancy with systemic envenomation and delivery of a live baby in a low resource setting: A case report - ScienceDirect
Preterm labour with antepartum hemorrhage due to venomous snake bite was diagnosed. Multidisciplinary management instituted led to the survival of both mother and baby. In resource constrained setting, disseminated intravascular coagulopathy arising from systemic envenomation due to snake bite in pregnancy ...
wemjournal.org › article › S1080-6032(09)00026-X › fulltext
Snakebite During Pregnancy: A Literature Review - Wilderness & Environmental Medicine
This is a review of Medline/PubMed ... during pregnancy reported in the English literature from 1966 to May 2009. Two hundred thirteen venomous snakebites were reported in pregnant women. The overall case-fatality rate in the pregnant females was approximately 4%, and the fetal loss rate was ...
sciencedirect.com › science › article › abs › pii › 009167499090188A
Venom immunotherapy in the Hymenoptera-allergic pregnant patient - ScienceDirect
Natural or iatrogenic causes of anaphylaxis are significant risk factors in pregnancy. A 3% to 5% risk of sting anaphylaxis in any pregnant woman with…
researchgate.net › publication › 8243260_A_Review_of_Venomous_Animal_Bites_and_Stings_in_Pregnant_Patients
A Review of Venomous Animal Bites and Stings in Pregnant Patients | Request PDF
February 1, 2004 - This is a review of Medline/PubMed ... during pregnancy reported in the English literature from 1966 to May 2009. Two hundred thirteen venomous snakebites were reported in pregnant women. The overall case-fatality rate in the pregnant females was approximately 4%, and the fetal loss rate was ...
sciencedirect.com › science › article › abs › pii › B9780128189023000117
Envenomations and antivenom during pregnancy - ScienceDirect
Envenomation is the exposure to a poison or toxin resulting from a bite or sting from an animal. The medically important venomous animals consist of s…
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › 2324411
Venom immunotherapy in the Hymenoptera-allergic pregnant patient - PubMed
Natural or iatrogenic causes of anaphylaxis are significant risk factors in pregnancy. A 3% to 5% risk of sting anaphylaxis in any pregnant woman with insect-sting allergy untreated with venom immunotherapy (VIT) can be calculated. Insect-sting anaphylaxis has allegedly caused severe fetal ...
cbs17.com › news › pregnant-woman-left-with-difficult-decision-after-being-bitten-by-venomous-snake
Pregnant woman left with difficult decision after being bitten by venomous snake
September 18, 2017 - Because pregnant women can't be administered anti-venom, the family was left with a decision — deliver the baby three months early or treat the symptoms and hope the venom doesn’t spread.
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc › articles › PMC10175653
Snake bite - cytotoxic effects of snake venom: a rare clinical image - PMC
However, secondary injuries such as loss of limb function and other disabilities often result from cytotoxic venom. A 38-year-old male was brought to out-patient department with a complaint of necrotic tissue on the right side of the dorsal hand and wrist which results from an untreated snake bite ...
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › 30880187
Rattlesnake venom-induced recurrent coagulopathy in first trimester pregnant women - Two Cases - PubMed
Delayed or recurrent coagulopathy can occur up to 14 days after North American rattlesnake envenomation in patients that have been treated with Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab (CroFab). There is little data in the literature characterizing the sequelae of North American rattlesnake envenomation ...