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Super User
superuser.com › questions › 1604496 › thinkorswim-linux-install-with-4k-display
ThinkorSwim Linux install with 4k Display - Super User

I found the solution here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1244711/thinkorswim-installer-too-small

Changed the display scaling to 100% then ran the installer.

Answer from Shion on superuser.com
Linux Compatible
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How to install Thinkorswim on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
July 6, 2021 - Linux Shout published a tutorial about installing the Thinkorswim Trading platform on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Download and install ThinkorSwim Trading platform on Ubuntu 20.
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How To Install Thinkorswim on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - idroot
September 10, 2024 - In this tutorial we will show you how to install Thinkorswim on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, as well as some extra required package by Thinkorswim
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March 28, 2018 - This website is under maintenance.Check back tomorrow
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Desktop at howtoforge.com linux tutorials.
HowtoForge offers a wide variety of tutorials on the topic Desktop.
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Does thinkorswim work on Fedora 27? - Ask Fedora: Community Knowledge Base and Support Forum
AskFedora has moved to a new platform at ask.fedoraproject.org. This site is now read-only. ... The installer seems to run okay, but when ran, nothing seems to happen. There is a process apparently running it, but it seems to be waiting for something. ... [wally@localhost ~]$ Downloads/thinkorswim_...
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TD Ameritrade, Inc. is now at Charles Schwab. Use your existing account information and log in to explore new account and wealth management opportunities at Schwab.
Ask Ubuntu
askubuntu.com › questions › 394062 › running-thinkorswim
installation - Running thinkorswim - Ask Ubuntu

Instructions for Lubuntu / Ubuntu 19.04

Thanks to Michael in tech support at Thinkorswim.

The following instructions should help you to install thinkorswim with the proper version of Java:

Installing Zulu OpenJDK:

  1. Log in as root or use sudo

  2. Import Azul's public key

    $ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys 0xB1998361219BD9C9
  3. Add the Azul package to the APT repository

    For Ubuntu

    $ sudo apt-add-repository 'deb http://repos.azulsystems.com/ubuntu stable main'

    For Debian

    $ sudo apt-add-repository 'deb http://repos.azulsystems.com/debian stable main'
  4. Update the information about available packages.

    $ sudo apt-get update
  5. Install Zulu by using the following command:

    $ sudo apt-get install zulu-8

Once Zulu is installed move on to installing ThinkorSwim:

  1. Navigate to downloads and right click "thinkorswim_installer.sh", select "Properties"
  2. Select the "Permissions" tab, and make sure "Allow executing file as program" is selected
  3. Close the window
  4. Double click "thinkorswim_installer.sh"


  1. Click back onto the file explorer
  2. Open from the top menu bar: Edit > Preferences OR Files > Preferences
  3. Select the "Behavior" tab
  4. Select "Ask each time" OR "Ask what to do" under "Executable Text Files"
  5. Close the window and launch "thinkorswim.sh" and select "Run" from the prompt
Answer from retrobeast on askubuntu.com
Red Hat
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1145303 – RFE: JavaFX
September 22, 2014 - Red Hat Bugzilla – Bug 1145303 · This site requires JavaScript to be enabled to function correctly, please enable it · Privacy Contact FAQ Legal
Chrome Unboxed
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How to install TD Ameritrade’s “thinkorswim” on your Chromebook
May 19, 2020 - The stock market is a volatile place on a good day but as of late, trying to win big can be a gamble that many just aren't willing to take. However, with so many companies taking massive financial hits, some traders are looking to take advantage of reduces share prices.