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US election polls 2024: Who is ahead - Harris or Trump?
1 week ago - An in-depth look at the polls and what they can and can’t tell us about who will win the White House.
forbes.com › forbes homepage › business › policy
No, Trump Didn’t Win ‘The Largest Share Of Non-White Voters Of Any Republican In 60 Years’
November 18, 2020 - Trump’s enactment of bipartisan ... minority voters by showing up in their communities, are things that any Republican could do—if he or she chose. · Indeed, other Republicans have done these things—most notably George W. Bush, who was better at minority engagement than Trump has been. In other words, it’s far from assured that the GOP will build a durably diverse coalition if it nominates a Trump clone in 2024...
Washington Post
washingtonpost.com › elections › interactive › 2024 › presidential-polling-averages
Harris vs. Trump 2024 presidential polls: Who is ahead? - Washington Post
6 hours ago - Check out The Washington Post’s presidential polling averages of the seven battleground states most likely to determine the outcome of the election.
brookings.edu › home › are black voters deserting biden?
Are Black voters deserting Biden?
June 10, 2024 - The media narrative that Black voters are abandoning Biden may not be supported by the actual polling numbers.
reuters.com › world › us › republicans-hope-win-black-voters-trump-it-wont-be-easy-2024-04-02
Insight: Republicans hope to win Black voters for Trump. It won't be easy | Reuters
April 2, 2024 - Orlando Owens, a rare Republican activist in a majority-Black district of Milwaukee, had hoped this election season would be different.
Blaze Media
theblaze.com › columns › opinion › this-is-how-illegal-aliens-will-swing-the-2024-election-and-it-wont-be-for-trump
This is how illegal aliens will swing the 2024 election — and it won’t be for Trump | Blaze Media
5 days ago - Either Congress must pass the SAVE Act, or states must protect the integrity of their elections — especially the seven swing states that could shift the outcome of 2024 by a hair’s breadth.
New York Post
nypost.com › 2024 › 09 › 04 › us-news › top-pollster-finds-trump-has-58-chance-of-winning-2024-race
Top pollster finds Trump gaining momentum against Harris – with 58% chance of winning 2024 race
2 weeks ago - Former President Donald Trump’s chances of winning the 2024 election have surged in the last month while Vice President Kamala Harris has struggled to find “a 2nd gear,” according to polling guru Nate Silver.
Pew Research Center
pewresearch.org › home › research topics › politics & policy › u.s. elections & voters › election 2024
Harris, Trump and the state of the 2024 presidential race | Pew Research Center
1 week ago - Harris and Trump remain at near parity in strength of support, with about six-in-ten of each candidate’s supporters backing them strongly.
NBC News
nbcnews.com › politics › congress › trump-government-shutdown-2024-election-citizenship-voting-bill-gop-rcna169349
House GOP leaders weigh options as Trump pushes for a government shutdown fight
2 weeks ago - Donald Trump is pressuring Republicans to shut down the government at the end of September if Congress doesn't pass a citizenship election bill.
Washington Post
washingtonpost.com › politics
Trump wants women to vote for him. It's not going great, polls say - The Washington Post
1 week ago - The rally marked Trump’s second ... a little more than a week. Harris leads by four points in the state, according to The Washington Post’s polling average. Dan Keating and Emily Guskin contributed to this report. Follow live updates on the 2024 election and the contest between Vice President ...
axios.com › 2024 › 09 › 04 › 2024-election-swing-voters
12 swing voter groups that will decide the 2024 election
2 weeks ago - Here's the list, based on our conversations with top advisers to both campaigns.
rasmussenreports.com › public_content › politics › biden_administration › election_2024_trump_49_harris_45
Election 2024: Trump 49%, Harris 45% - Rasmussen Reports®
Former President Donald Trump continues to lead Vice President Kamala Harris, although the Democrat has slightly narrowed the margin.