reddit.com › r/rust › making a rust library
r/rust on Reddit: Making a rust library
August 16, 2015 - How would a project in rust be setup. I use cargo and have a SRC file so can I make a com.library. main file and access it with import library/main…
reddit.com › r/rust › writing libraries: "am i doing this right?"
r/rust on Reddit: Writing libraries: "Am I doing this right?"

There’s an official checklist for libraries that’s probably a good starting point. Clippy is also a good source of “the right way to do things in Rust” advice. And Rustfmt is basically the accepted way to format your code so that others will be comfortable reading through it.

You can obviously use your own judgment as to whether you agree with the recommendations and prescriptions of these tools/resources, but they form a great starting point for what you should be aware of when building a library in Rust.

Stack Overflow
stackoverflow.com › questions › 76393133 › how-can-i-build-a-library-from-source-and-ship-it-inside-a-crate-in-rust
makefile - How can I build a library from source and ship it inside ...
June 2, 2023 - This question is related to Trouble with undefined symbols in Rust's ffi when using a C/Fortran library I have a library pfapack to interface in Rust. The problem is this library is pretty nich...
youtube.com › code to the moon
Build Universal Libraries with Rust - YouTube
An explanation and tutorial of how to write libraries in Rust and submit them to the WebAssembly Package Manager such that they can be consumed by projects w...
Published: March 25, 2023
Views: 61K
geeksforgeeks.org › rust-using-a-library
Rust - Using a Library - GeeksforGeeks
November 26, 2022 - This can be done by creating a library and then linking it to a crate. · Step 1: We create a file named gfg.rs that has the content of our library. ... Step 2: For prefixing libraries with “lib”, we rename the file after declaring the crate files. This is allowed by the rust compiler ...
web.mit.edu › rust-lang_v1.25 › arch › amd64_ubuntu1404 › share › doc › rust › html › book › first-edition › crates-and-modules.html
Crates and Modules - The Rust Programming Language
Rust has two distinct terms that relate to the module system: ‘crate’ and ‘module’. A crate is synonymous with a ‘library’ or ‘package’ in other languages. Hence “Cargo” as the name of Rust’s package management tool: you ship your crates to others with Cargo.
blog.mozilla.org › data › 2022 › 01 › 31 › this-week-in-glean-building-and-deploying-a-rust-library-on-ios
This Week in Glean: Building and Deploying a Rust library on iOS ...
January 31, 2022 - Show a non-interactive message to the user with data from a Rust library. Let’s get started on that. We start with a fresh iOS project. Go to File -> New -> Project, then choose the iOS App template, give it a name such as ShippingRust, select where to store it and finally create it.
Red Hat
developers.redhat.com › articles › 2022 › 09 › 05 › how-create-c-binding-rust-library
How to create C binding for a Rust library | Red Hat Developer
August 14, 2023 - Learn techniques to create a binding to make a library written in Rust accessible to C programmers. (Part 2 of 4)
rust-lang.github.io › rust-bindgen › library-usage.html
Library Usage with build.rs - The bindgen User Guide
Often times C and C++ headers will have platform- and architecture-specific #ifdefs that affect the shape of the Rust FFI bindings we need to create to interface Rust code with the outside world. By using bindgen as a library inside your build.rs, you can generate bindings for the current target ...
educba.com › home › software development › software development tutorials › programming languages tutorial › rust library
Rust Library | Complete Guide to Working of Library in Rust
June 2, 2023 - A collection of reusable, precompiled programs, scripts, or routines that can be called by the programmer while writing a code is called a Library in Rust. In Rust, a library is referred to as a crate and can be of two types: Binary crate and Library crate. The Binary crate automatically creates an ...
programmer.group › use-rust-to-create-the-library-and-call-it-in-exe.html
Use Rust to create the library and call it in exe.
October 20, 2021 - Use Rust to create the library and call it in exe. When using cargo new to create a project, there are options for the project type: – bin: compile to executable– lib: compile to library file The default is – lib. In fact, the types of libraries that Rust can create are as follows: rlib: ...
osohq.com › post › cross-platform-rust-libraries
How We Built a Cross-Platform Library with Rust
October 26, 2021 - When we create a new release of Oso, we run 87 different Github actions. Those actions build libraries for 6 different languages and test them on different versions of the language across 3 different operating systems. Oso has libraries for Python, Ruby, Java, Javascript, Go, and Rust, and each of those libraries works on Linux, Windows, and macOS. Every library is based on a core that is written in Rust. That allows us to ...
crates.io: Rust Package Registry
For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript
docs.rust-embedded.org › book › interoperability › rust-with-c.html
A little Rust with your C - The Embedded Rust Book
Create a new cargo project as usual. There are flags to tell cargo to emit a systems library, instead of its regular rust target.
github.com › rust-unofficial › awesome-rust
GitHub - rust-unofficial/awesome-rust: A curated list of Rust code ...
April 26, 2023 - OpenGMK - OpenGMK is a modern rewrite of the proprietary GameMaker Classic engines, providing a full sourceport of the runner, a decompiler, a TASing framework, and libraries for working with gamedata yourself. ... MartyPC - An IBM PC/XT emulator written in Rust. ... broot - A new way to see and ...
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Languages: Rust
reddit.com › r/rust › diving into rust, creating a library
r/rust on Reddit: Diving into rust, creating a library

I think you'd be interested in implementing your library using ECS with the `specs` crate, especially since it's a game type library. You can have each scene as an Entity pointing to different Components to create the specific windows, logos, images, with greater flexibility, inside a World which act likes an object pool container.


The New Stack
thenewstack.io › home › tutorial: import libraries of rust code with crates.io
Tutorial: Import Libraries of Rust Code with Crates.io - The New Stack
May 4, 2024 - Rust’s official “Getting Started” ... how to install them with a package called, “Ferris Says.” · This will be my first encounter with Rust’s syntax for importing a library. As I learned in my first week of Rust, even writing a simple “Hello World” program involves creating both the source ...
doc.rust-lang.org › stable › rust-by-example › crates › lib.html
Creating a Library - Rust By Example
Rust by Example (RBE) is a collection of runnable examples that illustrate various Rust concepts and standard libraries.