The Economic Times
economictimes.indiatimes.com › business news › markets › stocks › news
Underwear index - Forget yield curve, here are some unorthodox indicators of recession | The Economic Times
Declining sales of mens underwear can indicate the economy is struggling, according to a measure created by former US Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan. Underwear index
cnn.com › 2022 › 03 › 26 › economy › recession-underwear-alan-greenspan
Is a recession coming? Alan Greenspan says the answer is in men’s underwear | CNN Business
March 26, 2022 - Everybody’s talking about the yield curve and what an inversion might mean, but that’s not the only economic indicator analysts rely on. Here are some strange but (semi) accurate ways economists track the health of the US economy.
wamc.org › commentary & opinion
Is my underwear a leading economic indicator? | WAMC
February 21, 2023 - I was unfamiliar with the Mens Underwear Index – the MUI – until I heard it discussed this week on National Public Radio. Perhaps on the Marketplace Morning Report on WAMC. Or some similarly unassailable repository of economic news and analysis. The theory – I believe it was first ...
Dead Good Undies
deadgoodundies.com › 2020 › 04 › mens-underwear-index-dgu-report
MEN'S UNDERWEAR INDEX: DGU REPORT | Dead Good Undies | Dead Good Undies
May 28, 2021 - Heard of the Mens Underwear Index? Its the theory that sales in mens underwear are a good indicator of changes in the economy, said to have been created in the late 20th century by American banker Alan Greenspan when he was head of the Federal Reserve.
wise-geek.com › what-is-the-mens-underwear-index.htm
What Is the Men's Underwear Index?
February 10, 2024 - The logic behind the theory is ... to be a good indicator of discretionary spending, and economists — including Alan Greenspan — have been known to consider the Men's Underwear Index when forecasting the end of a recession or depression....
New York Magazine
nymag.com › news › intelligencer › 61748
Why Alan Greenspan's Underwear Theory May Be Flawed -- New York Magazine - Nymag
With the GDP, finally, tentatively, moving up, is the economy, in fact, on the mend? One cheeky metric—let’s call it the underwear model—has recently gained in popularity. It all started with a remark of Alan Greenspans to an NPR correspondent [...]
wishtv.com › home › news › business › is a recession coming? alan greenspan says the answer is in men’s underwear
Is a recession coming? Alan Greenspan says the answer is in men's underwear - Indianapolis News | Indiana Weather | Indiana Traffic | WISH-TV |
March 27, 2022 - (CNN) — Former Federal Reserve head Alan Greenspan has a keen interest in mens underwear. Not because he’s preoccupied with the evolving fashions of nether garments — rather, he sees underwear sales as a key economic predictor. Sounds weird, right? But it’s just one of the many strange ...
reddit.com › r/askeconomics › is the men's underwear index just a myth?
r/AskEconomics on Reddit: Is the men's underwear index just a myth?

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pixstory.com › story › men-s-underwear-index-mui-is-an-economic-index-used-to-measure-the-strength-of-the-economy-based-o › 193674
Men's Underwear Index (MUI) is an economic index used to measure the strength of the economy based o... | Pixstory
February 27, 2023 - Men's Underwear Index (MUI) is an economic index used to measure the strength of the economy based on the demand of underwear. This index was championed by former Federal Reserve head, Alan Greenspan, as a means of detecting a looming recession or the beginning of a recovery.
wvnews.com › theet › lifestyles › a-brief-history-of-the-underwear-economy › article_bc68226c-aeb9-11ec-b821-17aac6e7d730.html
A brief history of the underwear economy | Harrison Lifestyles | wvnews.com
March 30, 2022 - I’m not much with finances. Diane balances the checkbook. I took economics in college, but all I remember from it is that supply/demand thing, and I’m still a little fuzzy
ecotalker.wordpress.com › 2019 › 09 › 03 › term-of-the-week-mens-underwear-index-mui
Term of the Week: Men’s Underwear Index (MUI)
October 22, 2019 - The “mens underwear index (MUI)” is an established index to study the state of an economy. Originally conceived by the Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan in the late 1970s, the index suggests that a decline in mens underwear sales hints at a poorer state of an economy.
npr.org › 2008 › 01 › 01 › 17759341 › alan-greenspans-underwear-drawer
Alan Greenspan's Underwear Drawer : NPR
January 1, 2008 - You can tell a lot about the nation's economy by the state of men's underpants, says NPR's Robert Krulwich.
Glenmont Consulting
glenmont.co › the-mens-underwear-index-as-an-economic-indicator
The Men's Underwear Index as an Economic Indicator
There are many different indicators that can show how a society's economy is going. Read on to learn how men's underwear is one of these indicators.
The Globe and Mail
theglobeandmail.com › report-on-business › the-indicator › article27478445
The men's underwear index - The Globe and Mail
November 27, 2015 - Men stop buying if they feel uncertain about the future, but spend again when their prospects improve.
usnews.com › home
The Economics of Underwear Sales, Haircuts and Other Bizarre Indicators
October 22, 2015 - GDP and jobs numbers are hardly the only ways to measure the country's economic health.
The Hindu
thehindu.com › society › the-economy-in-briefs › article29231943.ece
The economy in briefs - The Hindu
August 23, 2019 - If your neighbour comes charging out, threatening to sue you, inform him that you are doing critical economic research. It is called the Underwear Index of the economy’s health by that Alan Greenspan fellow. Go sue him, you tell your neighbour. ‘But he’s not peeping at my underwear,’ ...
j469.ascjclass.org › 2019 › 09 › 19 › mens-underwear-may-tell-you-how-the-economy-is-doing
Men’s underwear may tell you how the economy is doing
Liang also addressed that the Mens Underwear Index and similar indexes like “yogurt index” and “bread index” could be taken as an economic indicator. Liang was not the first person to come up with the concept. Back in the 1970s, Alan Greenspan, the former chairman of the Federal ...