gov.scot › policies › lgbti › gender-recognition
Gender recognition - LGBTQI+ - gov.scot
December 22, 2022 - To comply with international human rights law, Scotland must have a system for obtaining legal gender recognition. Since 2005, trans people across the UK have had the right to legally change their gender through applying for a Gender Recognition Certificate.
oxfordshire.gov.uk › residents › community-and-living › births-deaths-and-ceremonies › gender-recognition
Gender recognition | Oxfordshire County Council
A Gender Recognition Register has been set up at the General Register Office, from which short and standard birth certificates may be produced. An entry in the Gender Recognition Register can only be made for those transgender people whose births are registered in the UK.
commonslibrary.parliament.uk › house of commons library › research briefings › research briefing › gender recognition and the rights of transgender people
Gender recognition and the rights of transgender people - House ...
April 11, 2024 - This briefing paper considers the law relating to legal gender recognition; the medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria; the current protections from discrimination; gender recognition and minors; the consultations on reform of the GRA; and the self-identification debate.
gov.uk › home › crime, justice and law › courts, sentencing and tribunals › gender recognition certificate: list of approved countries and territories
Gender Recognition Certificate: list of approved countries and ...
September 4, 2024 - This publication is available at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/gender-recognition-certificate-list-of-approved-countries-and-territories/gender-recognition-certificate-list-of-approved-countries-and-territories
indigogenderservice.uk › further-information-and-support › changing-my-personal-details › getting-new-birth-certificate-grc
Getting a new birth certificate (GRC) :: Indigo
August 9, 2021 - In order to obtain a new birth certificate, you will first need a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC). This is one of the longer and more complex aspects of updating documentation, meaning that many people leave this step until last, or simply do not do it at all.
Scottish Trans
scottishtrans.org › home › our work › gender recognition act reform 2022 › what is “the gender recognition act”?
What is "the Gender Recognition Act"? - Scottish Trans
March 14, 2022 - A gender recognition certificate is only needed in a few instances, such as for pensions and marriages, and in Scotland and the rest of the UK you can change your name and sex on identity documents such as your driving licence and passport without one.
Fair Play For Women
fairplayforwomen.com › grc_numbers
Why do so few transgender people apply for a Gender Recognition ...
December 23, 2021 - Trans people no longer need a GRC to live free from harm and unfair treatment. New laws mean they are now protected in other ways and can officially record their gender identity on a range of different documents. A GRC is no longer essential to everyday life and means....
thepinknews.com › 2023 › 01 › 12 › gender-recognition-certificate-uk-what-does-it-do
What is a Gender Recognition Certificate and how does it help trans ...
January 12, 2023 - A Gender Recognition Certificate allows people to have their gender identity legally affirmed in the UK. Here's what that means in practice.
genderkit.org.uk › article › obtaining-a-grc
Obtaining a GRC - Gender Construction Kit
A number of organisations have produced guidance on the process of obtaining a GRC. You can find a comprehensive list of resources about obtaining a Gender Recognition Certificate and on the Gender Recognition Act on the genderarchive.org.uk website.
The Conversation
theconversation.com › gender-recognition-certificates-self-identification-and-the-row-over-it-explained-197255
Gender recognition certificates: self-identification and the row ...
October 20, 2024 - Before this amendment, to apply ... the UK-wide Gender Recognition Act 2004, a trans-identified person required a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria. They were also required to complete a “two-year life test” – living in the desired gender for at least two years – before applying for a gender recognition certificate...
apostillelondon.com › home › our most popular service from £87 › legalise your identity
Apostille for a Gender Recognition Certificate [From £79]
December 31, 2023 - To get an apostille from the Legalisation Office of the FCDO, the original Gender Recognition Certificate must have been issued by the Gender Recognition Panel (GRP) of HM Courts & Tribunal Service. You cannot get a UK apostille for a certificate issued in another country.
thelawsuperstore.co.uk › family › relationship advice › gender recognition
Gender Recognition | The Law Superstore
In order to change your gender and have it legally recognised, you must apply for a Gender Recognition Certificate. There are three main routes to get a certificate depending on your situation. A legal service provider can offer expert advice on the best route available to you.
Brodies LLP
brodies.com › insights › family-law › gender-recognition-certificates-and-divorce-in-scotland
Gender recognition certificates and divorce in Scotland | Brodies LLP
June 28, 2024 - This changed in 2004 following ... 2004) - a UK-wide piece of legislation. The GRA 2004 amended the existing Scottish divorce legislation (Divorce (Scotland) Act 1976) to give a second ground for divorce, namely that an interim gender recognition certificate had been issued ...
find-information-for-adults-children-families.southglos.gov.uk › kb5 › southglos › directory › service.page
Gender Recognition Panel | South Gloucestershire
OverviewApply to the Gender Recognition Panel for a Gender Recognition Certificate if you want your acquired gender to be legally recognised in the UK.There are 3 different ways (‘routes’) to get a certificate - which one you use depends on your situation.Read the ;full guidance ;before you…
afpbloom.com › news › gender-recognition-certificates
Gender Recognition Certificates
March 14, 2023 - A gender recognition certificate allows a person to: • update their birth or adoption certificate, if it was registered in the UK; • get married or form a civil partnership in their affirmed gender; • update their marriage or civil partnership certificate, if it was registered in the ...
Birkett Long LLP
birkettlong.co.uk › what-gender-recognition-certificate
What is a Gender Recognition Certificate?
A Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) is a formal document issued by the Gender Recognition Panel to legally recognise an individuals acquired gender in the UK.
Hanne & Co
hanne.co.uk › home › blog › what is a gender recognition certificate?
What is a UK Gender Recognition Certificate - Hanne & Co
July 26, 2024 - A Gender Recognition Certificate (‘GRC’) is the document that you need for your acquired gender to be legally recognised in the UK.
engender.org.uk › resources › Frequently-asked-questions---Womens-equality-and-the-Gender-Recognition-Act.pdf pdf
Women's equality and the Gender Recognition Act - Engender
We are Engender, Scotland’s feminist policy and advocacy organisation · We work to dismantle structural sexism to increase women’s social, political and economic equality, and enable women's rights. We believe in intersectional, inclusive feminism, and work at Scottish, UK and international ...
gendergp.com › home › advocacy archive › how the ab v. gender recognition panel (2024) ruling affects you
How the AB v. Gender Recognition Panel (2024) Ruling Affects You
November 13, 2024 - The case concerns AB, a trans woman whose application for a gender recognition certificate the Gender Recognition Panel refused to accept. She won the appeal, setting a new legal precedent for interpreting the Gender Recognition Act 2004 in regard to transgender rights in the UK.