en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Gilbert_Baker_(artist)
Gilbert Baker (artist) - Wikipedia
1 day ago - Gilbert Baker (June 2, 1951 – March 31, 2017) was an American artist, designer, activist, and vexillographer, best known as the creator of the rainbow flag. Baker was born on June 2, 1951, in Chanute, Kansas. He grew up in Parsons, Kansas, where his grandmother owned a women's clothing store.
glbthistory.org › rainbow-flag
Rainbow Flag — GLBT Historical Society
The two original eight-color rainbow flags flying at United Nations Plaza during San Francisco Gay Freedom Day 1978. A segment of the flag in the foreground, with the pink stripe at the top, was donated to the GLBT Historical Society in April 2021. Photograph by Mark Rennie, courtesy of the ...
en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki › Rainbow_flag_(LGBT)
Rainbow flag (LGBT) - Wikipedia
4 days ago - The rainbow flag or pride flag is a symbol of LGBT pride and LGBT social movements. The colors reflect the diversity of the LGBT community and the spectrum of human sexuality and gender. Using a rainbow flag as a symbol of LGBT pride began in San Francisco, California, but eventually became ...
USA Today
usatoday.com › story › life › 2023 › 04 › 28 › rainbow-pride-lgbtq-flag-history › 11635244002
Rainbow flag meaning: A brief history lesson on how the Pride flag ...
1 month ago - For over 40 years, the Pride flag has represented the LGBTQ+ community. Here is the history of how the flag came to be.
Catholic Answers
catholic.com › magazine › online-edition › should-christians-fly-the-rainbow-flag
Should Christians Fly the Rainbow Flag? | Catholic Answers Magazine
February 20, 2019 - In the wake of the recent Orlando nightclub attack, many people, including Christians, have superimposed a rainbow flag over their social media profile pictures...
them.us › community › pride flag › pride flags 101: everything you've ever wanted to know about gay, trans, and other pride flags
Pride Flags 101: Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About Gay, Trans, and Other Pride Flags | Them
July 16, 2020 - Where did the rainbow Pride flag come from, and what do all the variations of LGBTQ+ flags mean? Their history is as fascinating as the history of Pride itself.
austintexas.gov › sites › default › files › files › ATD PIO › Smart Mobility › Pride Flag Update 05.26.22.pdf pdf
A Brief History of the Evolution of the Pride Flag Original ...
Starting July 2, the City’s shelter will only take in animals for emergencies · City offices and facilities will be closed Thursday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day
cleveland.com › entertainment › 2022 › 06 › rainbow-flags-creator-reflects-on-how-it-became-a-symbol-of-the-gay-movement.html
How did the rainbow flag become a symbol of the LGBTQ+ movement? - cleveland.com
June 7, 2022 - How did the rainbow flag come to be and what does it symbolize? And how did it become an international symbol of Gay Pride and a fight for equality?
npca.org › articles › 3005-where-the-rainbow-flag-began
Where the Rainbow Flag Began · National Parks Conservation Association
This highly visible symbol of pride arose from an idea of hope and power more than 40 years ago at a site that could be worthy of national recognition.
The Atlantic
theatlantic.com › culture › archive › 2021 › 06 › pride-flag-has-representation-problem › 619273
The Pride Flag Has a Representation Problem - The Atlantic
June 23, 2021 - Since its debut, the symbol has had several redesigns in the name of inclusion. But some fear that the changes are merely for the sake of branding, absent material steps toward real equality.
perceptionprograms.org › home › the meaning and history behind the rainbow flag
The meaning and history behind the rainbow flag - Perception Programs, Inc
July 21, 2021 - Every June, whether it's on television or social media, whether you’re walking down the street or visiting your favorite establishment, rainbow flags can be seen everywhere. Most of us know these flags are representative of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer pride, and that June ...
reddit.com › r/catholicism › why did the lgbt community have to adopt the rainbow?
r/Catholicism on Reddit: Why did the LGBT community have to adopt the rainbow?

Toddlers and older kids LOVE rainbows. I let my kids wear and draw rainbows all they want, because all it is to them is a naturally occurring phenomenon and a bunch of bright colors, which kids are attracted to.

They have no idea of the political affiliation, and not acting weird or avoidant about rainbows actually makes June easier when they notice all the rainbows and I just agree that the colors are pretty, and then we move onto the next thing.

With our oldest approaching 7, I’m sure the conversation will come up soon enough, but I’m not concerned about it because of the foundation we’ve been laying for years now.

If you make something a forbidden fruit without explanation, they are more likely to be curious and attracted to it later. It is not appropriate to explain this topic to young children unless a situation comes up that requires it.

You don’t have to buy her baby clothes with rainbows on them. If she wants to wear clothes with innocent rainbows (without words or images referencing pride) in the years to come, just let her wear them and don’t make a big deal about it.

cs.cmu.edu › afs › cs › user › scotts › ftp › bulgarians › rainbow-flag.html
The first Rainbow Flag
In 1978, Gilbert Baker of San Francisco designed and made a flag with six stripes representing the six colors of the rainbow as a symbol of gay and lesbian community pride. Slowly the flag took hold, offering a colorful and optimistic alternative to the more common pink triangle symbol.
unco.edu › gender-sexuality-resource-center › resources › pride-flags.aspx
Pride Flags
A history and description of pride flags flown at UNC's Gender and Sexuality Resource Center. The flags listed below and the history behind them were compiled through research done by the GSRC Staff. This is not an exhaustive list of all flags. If you see any flag that should be added to our ...