ochaopt.org › opt home › data › data on casualties
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - occupied Palestinian territory | Data on casualties
The classification of a casualty as “civilian” does not carry any implication regarding the legality of his or her killing or injury. The determination about the affiliation of Palestinians killed during hostilities in Gaza was done by the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights, in its ...
washingtoninstitute.org › policy-analysis › untangling-uns-gaza-fatality-data
Untangling the UN’s Gaza Fatality Data | The Washington Institute
A major shift in the death toll for women and children points to deeper problems in the way OCHA is relaying data and handling questionable sources.
bbc.com › news › world-middle-east-69025420
Gaza war: UN defends casualty tally amid Israeli anger
May 17, 2024 - A recent drop in UN estimates of killed Palestinian women and children brought Israeli criticism.
cnn.com › world › middle east
UN says total number of deaths in Gaza remains unchanged after controversy over revised data | CNN
May 14, 2024 - A spokesperson said the health ministry in Gaza is tracking two separate death tolls – an overall death toll and a total number of identified fatalities.
NBC News
nbcnews.com › news › world › gaza-death-toll-ocha-un-confusion-anger-rcna151934
U.N.'s new breakdown of Gaza death toll sparks confusion and anger
Global health officials say the number of women and children killed in Gaza has not been revised down after new details published by the United Nations sparka an outcry.
Published: May 13, 2024
Oxfam International
oxfam.org › en › press-releases › daily-death-rate-gaza-higher-any-other-major-21st-century-conflict-oxfam
Daily death rate in Gaza higher than any other major 21st Century conflict - Oxfam | Oxfam International
February 21, 2024 - For 100 days the people of Gaza have endured a living hell. Nowhere is safe and the entire population is at risk of famine. “It is unimaginable that the international community is watching the deadliest rate of conflict of the 21st century unfold, while continuously blocking calls for a ceasefire.” · 15 January 2024 CLARIFICATION: Using publicly available data...
time.com › ideas › israel-hamas war
The Science Is Clear. Over 30,000 People Have Died in Gaza | TIME
March 15, 2024 - Some have questioned the growing death toll in Gaza, but a leading expert explains why it's correct.
PBS News
pbs.org › newshour › world › what-is-gazas-ministry-of-health-and-how-does-it-calculate-the-wars-death-toll
What is Gaza's Ministry of Health and how does it calculate the war's death toll?
November 7, 2023 - An explosion at al-Ahli Hospital in mid-October has called the health ministry's credibility into question. But over past wars, the ministry has largely maintained a track record of accuracy.
washingtoninstitute.org › policy-analysis › gaza-fatality-data-has-become-completely-unreliable
Gaza Fatality Data Has Become Completely Unreliable | The Washington Institute
Given the discrepancies in official Palestinian counts and their growing reliance on questionable data from media reports, the credibility gaps revealed by a previous Washington Institute study have become yawning chasms.
reuters.com › world › middle-east › un-says-gaza-death-toll-still-over-35000-not-all-bodies-identified-2024-05-13
UN says Gaza death toll still over 35,000 but not all bodies identified | Reuters
May 13, 2024 - The death toll in the Gaza Strip from the Israel-Hamas war is still more than 35,000, but the enclave's Ministry of Health has updated its breakdown of the fatalities, the United Nations said on Monday after Israel questioned a sudden change in numbers.
press.un.org › en › 2023 › gashc4390.doc.htm
As Civilian Casualties Reach Record Levels in Gaza, Third Committee Underscores Need to End War, Lift Blockade of Essential Needs, Hold Parties Accountable | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases
The raging war in Gaza is the latest symptom of the international community’s epic failure to address decades of Israel’s illegality and impunity, the expert tasked with monitoring human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories told the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) ...
bbc.com › news › world-middle-east-69014893
Gaza war: Why is the UN citing lower death toll for women and children?
May 16, 2024 - The UN says it is now relying on figures from the Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza.
fdd.org › home › international organizations › how the un got away with wildly inflating the casualty numbers in gaza—and the media bought it
How the UN Got Away With Wildly Inflating the Casualty Numbers in Gaza—and the Media Bought It
1 month ago - On May 6, a U.N. office reported that more than 9,500 women and 14,500 children had been killed so far in Gaza. The office had been reporting similar figures for nearly two months. Yet on May 8, the...
Fox News
foxnews.com › world › un-revises-gaza-death-toll-50-less-women-children-killed-previously-reported
UN revises Gaza death toll, almost 50% less women and children killed than previously reported | Fox News
The United Nations suddenly adjusted its death toll count in Gaza to show that less women and children were killed, admitting widely quoted Hamas data is unreliable.
Published: May 13, 2024
time.com › world › israel-hamas war
What We Know About the Death Toll in Gaza | TIME
May 17, 2024 - The question of how many Palestinians have died in Gaza since Hamas’s deadly Oct. 7 attack in Israel has taken on renewed urgency
vox.com › politics › world politics
The death toll from Gaza, explained
November 1, 2023 - Real-time fatality counts from conflict zones like Gaza are almost never right. Pay attention to them anyway.
bbc.com › news › world-middle-east-67347201
How the dead are counted in Gaza
November 16, 2023 - The BBC has been looking in detail at how the casualty figures are totalled.