Pope John Paul I - Wikipedia
1 week ago - His two immediate successors, John Paul II and Benedict XVI, later recalled the warm qualities of the late pontiff in several addresses. In Italy, he is remembered with the appellatives of Il Papa del Sorriso (transl. The Smiling Pope) and Il Sorriso di Dio (transl. The Smile of God). Time magazine ...
Pope Francis: Time Belongs to God - ZENIT - English
November 26, 2013 - Despite that many times we feel we our masters of time, only Jesus Christ is the master of time. Pope Francis stressed this point during his homily at Casa Santa Marta this morning.
Pope John Paul II - Wikipedia
1 week ago - In his second encyclical Dives ... of God, needed especially in modern times. John Paul II was considered a conservative on doctrine and issues relating to human sexual reproduction and the ordination of women. While he was visiting the United States in 1977, the year before becoming pope, Wojtyła ...
Evangelium Vitae (25 March 1995) | John Paul II
Encyclical Letter Evangelium Vitae (25 March 1995) on the Value and Inviolability ¶ of Human Life
His Faith | John Paul II - The Millennial Pope | FRONTLINE | PBS
This is FRONTLINE's old website. The content here may be outdated or no longer functioning · FRONTLINE reports from Iraq on the miscalculations and mistakes behind the brutal rise of ISIS
Novo Millennio Ineunte (6 January 2001) | John Paul II
Is this not what Luke wishes to tell us when he recounts Jesus' first recorded words, spoken in the Temple in Jerusalem when he was barely twelve years old? Already at that time he shows that he is aware of a unique relationship with God, a relationship which properly belongs to a "son".
Pacem in Terris (April, 11 1963) | John XXIII
Encyclical, Pacem in Terris, John XXIII, social doctrine, worker question, social, politics, peace, human rights, aid for women
Pope John Paul II dies | April 2, 2005 | HISTORY
On May 13, 1981, Pope John Paul II was shot in St. Peter's Square by a Turkish political extremist, Mehmet Ali Agca. After his release from the hospital, the pope famously visited his would-be assassin in prison, where he had begun serving a life sentence, and personally forgave him for his actions.
Published: April 1, 2024
Pope St. John Paul II: The Everything Pope
He served as pope for almost 26 and a half years and was probably the most “seen” person in the world. In Rome, his general audiences had a total attendance of 17.6 million people. One of the largest crowds recorded (5 million) belongs to John Paul II’s Mass to close World Youth Day in ...
21 March 1979 | John Paul II
fast, fasting, Ash Wednesday, Lent, repentance, prayer, almsdeeds, works of mercy, conversion, metanoia, bridegroom, consumer, consumer attitude, material, person, subject
XXIII World Day for Peace 1990,Peace with God the Creator, peace ...
XXIII World Day for Peace 1990,Peace with God the Creator, peace with all of creation
Important dates in the life of Pope John Paul II | USCCB
The longest reigning pope in modern history, John Paul II, took his message on the road, visiting 129 countries --several repeatedly -- on 104 trips and logg...
Pope John Paul II | USCCB
On October 16, 1978, Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, Archbishop of Krakow, was elected the 263rd successor to Saint Peter and chose the name John Paul II in honor of...
Washington Post
John Paul I was pope for just 33 days. The story of his death is ...
December 9, 2021 - His legacy has been shaped by mystery, conspiracy theories and attempts to correct the record.
Pope John Paul II - Wikiquote
July 29, 2024 - Here, it is not so much God who ... rejects God. Paul II, Pope John. Crossing the Threshold of Hope, Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, pg. 72 · [T]he religiosity of Muslims deserves respect. It is impossible not to admire, for example, their fidelity to prayer. The image of believers in Allah who, without caring about time or place, ...
Death and funeral of Pope John Paul II - Wikipedia
1 week ago - Pope Pius X ended this practice during his reign, and the wish of some Poles that John Paul II's heart be buried in Poland was not obliged. A first Mass of Repose, such as is offered for anyone baptised in the Catholic Church, commemorating the sending of the soul to God, was led by Cardinal ...
Evangelium Vitae by Pope St. John Paul II | CAPP-USA
July 19, 2023 - The Encyclical Letter Evangelium Vitae given in Rome on March 25, the Solemnity of the Annunciation, in 1994.
Pope John Paul I conspiracy theories - Wikipedia
3 weeks ago - Some conspiracy theorists connect the pope's death with the image of the "bishop dressed in white" said to have been seen by Lucia Santos and her cousins Jacinta and Francisco Marto during the visitations of Our Lady of Fátima in 1917. In a letter to a colleague, John Paul had said he was deeply moved by having met Lucia and vowed to perform the Consecration of Russia in accordance with her vision. David Yallop's 1984 book In God...